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Do any of you own a digital ballast? And are they worth the money?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Digis analyse the bulb constantly and adjust the zap they send to suit, this is why they fire up at 100%, but also manage to keep an old bulb producing lumens when in a Mag ballast it would be down a good % after a few crops.

In a Mag ballast you get a % drop in Lumen output after just one crop, based on published figures at the time we worked out that, obviously totally theoretically, if your bud was valued at say £5/g, you harvest 600g from a 600w, SonT600s cost £30... that after just one crop the bulb in a Mag ballast was going to loose you at least £60 worth of bud, more and more after each crop... So in theory it would be better to change bulbs after each crop. With a Digi ballast, you do not Yes the bulbs can last 3 years not one, but you have to be a bit mental to be running one so long anyway.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
buying a $250-300 ballast every year seems uneconomical.

I have not heard of anyone having to do this, I bought my first no name 400w digital ballast used a few years ago. Couldn't tell you what brand it is so it is likely an Asian built one. Truth be told the manufacturing processes they use in China have improved a lot in the past 20 years. So has the quality control.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
Depends. I bought the cheaper digital ballast and instead of humming you have a small fan that puts out about the same amount of noise. The higher quality digital ballasts don't have the fans. I really don't notice more light, however I do see a lot less amps being used for the same amount of lighting.

My Badass 1K has a fan it is high tech has the low frequency square wave, the fan in my unit puts out as much noise as a bathroom exhaust fan. :noway:

Sativa Dragon

Active member
WoW a 1000$ for a digi ballast ... i suppose if you have the cash ..why not.

im still using my mag's ...money is tight right now so i still have to wait to upgrade :(

It was a premium but it wasn't a Thousand dollars LMAO!!, I paid $600 and change US for the ballast a Sunmaster MH Cool Deluxe 1k, and a Eye Hortilux HPS 1k and a Coolsun Cool tube. That was before shipping and brokerage fee, to bad Digi ballasts weren't covered by NAFTA Bummer... Anyhow it performs as advertised and I am in love with it. If you check on Ebay right now there are more than five of these ballasts selling for $250 to $300.

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Sativa Dragon

Active member
US economy is in the can there is alot of used like new things selling way cheaper as the population doen't have as much purchasing power as they used to have.


rocket high

Active member
So is our economy ...infact ours is going backwards .

Asia's the new west it seems ..boy the tables have turned .

joe guy

I asked my guys at the local shop for any used ballast... And low and behold they had a 400 watter (exactly what i wanted to upgrade to... And for 60 bucks and came with a 1 year warranty... Not the ballast company warranty but from the shop owner him self... I belive it is a orical... And if growing is legal in scott than check ur local swapmeet... I gota 6 inch sun system i belive for 20 bucks 435cfm one and fan speed controller lol there are deals everywhere just gota hunt for them... But id say check ur local shop for a used demo

rocket high

Active member
Hi Joe

It's not legal to grow here... because the prime minister thinks the "war on drugs" is working .

But you can pick bit's n bobs up on Gumtree ... its a bit sketchy to say the least .

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I think the bottom line is the difference is marginal enough between mag and digi that you wouldn't see a difference until you had the rest of it all dialed in, If you got big bucks you drive a nice car, on a budget maybe you buy the rich guys last car, there is a place in this world for everything. I sold my car and bought a ballast ;)



The old ballasts never used to hum loudly only a slight noise starting up now they are shit and could be an arrest in the waiting as if you listen they're Fucking loud.I use digtal now 100 pound for 400/600 is 120.silent and no start up noise ,perfect for nosey neighbours ,had mines 3 years only one has failed haciedna and replaced it no probs .I would never use the old ballests again.peace

joe guy

That sux rocket, never heard of gum tree but just like another poster said just replace to igniter and cap and ur golden.. I still have mine just incase this one takes a shit for some reason... But yes I'd say switch if u can a deal on a digi other wise keep rockin the mag..
To be honest the only thing I've noticed is I can take better pix with the digi verse mag lol


Active member
Modern digital Ballasts cause RF interference in the low bands, Ok for you but if you have a granny or a HAM nut ..you won't be popular with them

there pros and cons for both

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Modern digital Ballasts cause RF interference in the low bands, Ok for you but if you have a granny or a HAM nut ..you won't be popular with them

there pros and cons for both

Actually thats not completely accurate...

My Ballast has internal heat and RF shielding, this is important as the high frequency unshielded cheaper or older Digital ballasts would interfere with, or cause to fail, any electronic devices in the grow area like ph pens, ppm meters, ec meters etc. So the insurance the shielding provides is worth the extra cash not to mention not alerting all the grannies and ham radio knobs out there, BTW you will know if there is a HAM radio Knob in your area by the "BIG GAY" antennas that protrude from his or her dwelling. Always a nice touch.
