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Tutorial DIY STS Mixing/Using Guide for Feminized Pollen/Seeds R.C.Clarke Method as Base


Active member
I'm curious. Have you grown out the s1 seeds that you made? Are the s1 plants similar to the mother plant? I know it's not exact copy and also depends on how inbred the mother is, but I wonder how close the s1 plants are to the mother.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I have, and I've read reports of many others who have also. My experience is the same as I've read with others, and I believe you are correct. The results are nearly the same as any other breeding project, with the stability of the genetics being the main variable.

It is very similar to picking the perfect male, with the same traits as the female you're crossing it with. The variation is much, much lower than most regular crossings of male/female in the same line.

Do my small sample size results match those of you who've done this extensively?


Well-known member
Hey DC, the clones that you flower for reversal...do you put them into flower as soon as they're rooted or do you give some sort of veg time? Roughly how big do they get, or I guess better question...roughly, on average, how much pollen are you getting from one reversed clone?

I was planning on reversing a branch on a plant but I like your idea better. Unfortunately I've not left myself much time...I cut a clone off the plant a few days ago and the tent will be switched to flowering in 14 days. So I'm hoping I can be far enough ahead with the clone to have pollen to use from it this round.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Breeders will have more concrete info I'm sure, but a 12" rooted clone made an amazing amount of pollen for me. It depends on the genetics for sure, and how well it reverses and the amount of pollen you get.

Any amount you can see is thousands of pollen grains, so up to a few hundred seeds when carefully applied. :)


Well-known member
I have, and I've read reports of many others who have also. My experience is the same as I've read with others, and I believe you are correct. The results are nearly the same as any other breeding project, with the stability of the genetics being the main variable.

It is very similar to picking the perfect male, with the same traits as the female you're crossing it with. The variation is much, much lower than most regular crossings of male/female in the same line.

Do my small sample size results match those of you who've done this extensively?

I have been flowering out a good amount of my Agent Orange fem crosses, i.e. outcrossed F1 hybrids, inbred F2s, as well as S1s of the mom. I can't make a definitive statement which ones were better or more true to the mother. I liked the inbred F2s a bit more than the S1s cause they had some different phenos, though still in the orange,exotic zone but some with a nice twist. The S1s were dancing around the mother smell a bit closer. And the hybrids were almost all pretty orangey too. But we're talking here not more than a few dozen seeds grown.


Well-known member
Breeders will have more concrete info I'm sure, but a 12" rooted clone made an amazing amount of pollen for me. It depends on the genetics for sure, and how well it reverses and the amount of pollen you get.

Any amount you can see is thousands of pollen grains, so up to a few hundred seeds when carefully applied. :)

I was asking you specifically because I'm attempting to do like you, taking a clone for the sole purpose of collecting reversed pollen. So I was hoping to get a little more in depth of your process/procedure.
But you've given me the information I was looking for, thank you!


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So far this has not worked for me. I am going to try again with CS but may toss this cut and take a new one. I have sprayed approximately 6 times at this point.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
So far this has not worked for me. I am going to try again with CS but may toss this cut and take a new one. I have sprayed approximately 6 times at this point.
Some cuts are extremely difficult to reverse, and they're the ones you want to work with. Sounds like you might have a winner. :)

This is also a strong example of why I like running several clones at once, each with a slightly different schedule or concentration. Without detailed notes (which I'm historically not good at), it's difficult to remember what happened with the last clone. Running them side by side gives me great visual contrast. :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
And whether or not it's 100% dud pollen. Sucks when that happens.
Ouch! 100% dud would be a setback for sure. Was it genetic, over use of sts/cs, conditions of the grow, some or all of the above? Do you have photos? Not to pour salt in a wound, but I'm interested in any details on dud results as well. :)


Well-known member
So far this has not worked for me. I am going to try again with CS but may toss this cut and take a new one. I have sprayed approximately 6 times at this point.

I'm a few weeks out from trying myself, but I plan on attempting with 1:4 ratio and just twice in 2 weeks time. Only difference is I believe the genetics im trying will be easy to turn (can be stressed to produce some bananas). Maybe not ideal genetics, but this is just for shits and giggles.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I believe the genetics im trying will be easy to turn (can be stressed to produce some bananas). Maybe not ideal genetics, but this is just for shits and giggles.
This hits home to the stress testing part of femming.

Please remember, if you have something which already shows herm traits to only keep the pollen for your own hermie-reduction projects. Case in point, I've reversed Tsue which shows herms at low pH. My intention is to breed this tendency out before sharing seeds, and I would hope others do the same. while your project is for S&G, and I value experience, I also know it can be difficult to *not* use pollen you have on hand. :)

The lack of stress testing is causing a giant pool of crap fem genetics these days. Those who use these genetics to breed to other lines are spreading the hermi's out further.

This leaves a lot of room for proper feminized genetics to be recognized. Let's all work on eliminating herms, and release only stable genetics back to the gene pool. Your extra efforts will be rewarded many times over, I assure you. :tiphat:


Well-known member
I agree whole heartedly. The seeds I grow from that pollen will be for myself to fiddle with. Some friends may get some, but that's only to share free seeds. They wont be trying breeding any time soon.
I will also be collecting regular pollen from some of Peaks IBL lines, and the seeds created from that I will hand out much more freely after I've tested them.


Well-known member
Premium user
This hits home to the stress testing part of femming.

Please remember, if you have something which already shows herm traits to only keep the pollen for your own hermie-reduction projects. Case in point, I've reversed Tsue which shows herms at low pH. My intention is to breed this tendency out before sharing seeds, and I would hope others do the same. while your project is for S&G, and I value experience, I also know it can be difficult to *not* use pollen you have on hand. :)

The lack of stress testing is causing a giant pool of crap fem genetics these days. Those who use these genetics to breed to other lines are spreading the hermi's out further.

This leaves a lot of room for proper feminized genetics to be recognized. Let's all work on eliminating herms, and release only stable genetics back to the gene pool. Your extra efforts will be rewarded many times over, I assure you. :tiphat:


I tried the 1:9 ratio I believe that was the one you recommended? Would you think that a different ratio might be better to try?

I will try to read around and see if that might make a difference.


Autistic Diplomat in Training

I tried the 1:9 ratio I believe that was the one you recommended? Would you think that a different ratio might be better to try?

I will try to read around and see if that might make a difference.
What did the cut look like after weeks of flowering. Regular female flowers? Stressed looking female flowers? Only pistils?

If it flowered normally, I would want to try two different protocols. One being an even more frequent spraying schedule, and one with a stronger solution and the original schedule.

You might even try STS every 7 days, and CS every 1-2 days?

As long as the plant looks and grows fine, I don't see why upping the strength/frequency would be a bad thing. One way to find out, eh? :)


Well-known member
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What did the cut look like after weeks of flowering. Regular female flowers? Stressed looking female flowers? Only pistils?

If it flowered normally, I would want to try two different protocols. One being an even more frequent spraying schedule, and one with a stronger solution and the original schedule.

You might even try STS every 7 days, and CS every 1-2 days?

As long as the plant looks and grows fine, I don't see why upping the strength/frequency would be a bad thing. One way to find out, eh? :)

It didn't look affected at all until recently some of the pistils that were sprayed had the hairs turn brown.

When you say stronger solution which way would the solution lean? Add more of which stock solution?


Well-known member
It didn't look affected at all until recently some of the pistils that were sprayed had the hairs turn brown.

When you say stronger solution which way would the solution lean? Add more of which stock solution?

Just use more water for dilution in the last step. So, instead of 1:9 make a 1:12 mixture for instance.


Well-known member
It didn't look affected at all until recently some of the pistils that were sprayed had the hairs turn brown.

When you say stronger solution which way would the solution lean? Add more of which stock solution?

keep the ag-no3/na-thio stock solution ratio the same as your current ratio (if you change the ratio, you want at least 1 ag sol to 4 or more ts sol [SA says that Ag-Thio is maxed at 1:4]). In your case because she hasn't turned with multiple applications, go with a stronger solution or less dilution the next round. Maybe 1:6 dilution with ro/distilled water instead of 1:9?

I've burned the crapola out of some leaves with the sts, and it still produced viable...wasn't pretty, but it worked. Point being, you have a lot of room to play with in terms of increasing your solution strength and still get a reversal and viable pollen.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Excellently put, brickweeder, and thank you. :) Changing the strength should be done through changing the amount of water being used.

Is it still cold where it's flowering? And... is there room to throw a couple more cuts next to this one? :) Very interested in femmed pollen from a difficult to turn C99. :)


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Premium user
Well apparently I forgot that I had switched the light on just as it was time for dark cycle and being too damned stoned to remember to flip the timer back to time! Found the light on late yesterday....I think its been over a week and a half since then.

I am going to see if they continue to bloom but they might all be too screwed up now. At least I have cuts.