Whodatis: those are the motors and arms close up for cheap auto dep. Can automate your tarping for less then 1k. Here's a further out picture. It's all strapped down for the winter so I can't show you how it works in action, but check out utube for karmens greenhouses and emerald kingdom. They use same system.
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Thanks for the reply. I'm aware of humidity's inverse relationship with heat (which you explained nicely!) and I apply that indoors but I just can't quite visualize how it works in practice in a GH.
I have read other descriptions of the process you describe with the air being vented and heated at the same time but it seems like the dry air would just get vented out. Is there a limit on how fast it should vent or do the thermoset and humidistat settings complement each other? And what about when it's already warm in there (depped or otherwise) and it rains?
Maybe just let me know your fan size and thermostat and humidistat settings and I can visualize how they work together.
Ps I'm in Sonoma ca
Thanks again!