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DIY Smart Pots Tutorial


Active member
Same here c-ray. Im transplanting a bunch into 5 gallon pots that will be transplanted later on into raised beds when sex shows.


New member
This is great, thanks for putting the info together. Which type of geotextile fabric did you use? I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while but had no idea what fabrics would work best.


New member
Awesome, thanks for the quick response. Any heads up on a source? I hate to ask so many questions, but I like the idea of having a 200lb, 300yd roll of fabric delivered even more. This is a great idea, but I don't think I could use that much fabric in 3 life times lol.


Active member
Im not exactly sure of the specs on my roll of textile landscape fabric. But what C-ray said sounds about right :)

Non woven being key


Active member
If sewing one should use the best synthetic thread possible. Natural threads will break down quickly.

I use gutermann upholstery thread.

I would also recommend the 8oz over the 6oz, though the 6 will work just fine.

Cheap new sewing machines can be had for $100-$200 bucks, and will work good.

I bet I can sew faster than one could glue, and anyone can learn within an hour how to sew as well, its very simple.

Rolls of 15' x 300' of Geotex can be had for around $500 - $600 bucks.

A 6'x2.5' piece of fabric will equate to a 30gal container as one takes into account the inside folded corners reducing the side height.

4500sqft per roll, would yield 300 - 30gal containers, for a savings of over $4000 vs smart pots.


3.5sqft of fabric per 5 gallon container will yield 1280 -1285 containers per roll, which is a savings of over $9000 vs buying smart pots.

To calculate lay flat width, multiply diameter X 3.1416 X .5 = layflat width

To calculate diameter, multiply layflat width X .6368 = diameter

Cylinder Volume Calculator


East Coast, All Day!
any specific place we should source the fabric from? What size roll can I get for like $100? I don't need 300 30 gals... maybe one day...


if it wasn't so late in the season when i saw this i probably would've ran all our plants in these! SO EASY.

I also say this should be stickie'd.


Active member
The few trees we have in smart pots are about 11 feet tall and strait bush right now. We moved one out of its original sitting spot and the roots growing out of the bottom into the ground were nutso

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