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DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective


Nice thread Pipedream-I hope you are doing well!

Question- I found this on the internet, it's a shower hose filter and i was wondering that with the right adapters and hooked to end of garden hose; could it solve my ppm problem? PH? Here's the link http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/shower-filters/shower-filters-universal-hose.htm

I am in an attic and water is such a pain; I've got a 27gal rez up there waiting to be used.
Do not have the dough for RO

Thanks alot!!!


IF this is truely a de-ionizer, then switching out the other minerals with sodium is a bad idea from the information I've gathered. Excess sodium is an easy toxicity to gain for plants.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Newb - I checked out the ad for that filter, but it really doesn't give you a whole lot of info. However, going just by its small size, I throw caution to the wind and say it ain't going to do a hell of a lot or last very long. Just a guess though.

If you're growing in an attic, think of a way to tap into the roof gutters and collect the rainwater. Its better than anything you can buy or create! Check out the link in my signature to my 150w Bubbler System, I go thru how I use rain in the thread.



By the way, anyone know where to find a short but long waterproof bottomed tray? At a reasonable price?
say 2'x8'?


Has Anybody Figured A Way To Get More Output Per Filter? I Need Maybe About 40 Gallons A Month. Which Costs Me At The Machine $10. But Having It Home Is What I Like.

Thank You


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
At 40 G-P-Month, I'd look at a small inexpensive RO system.
They can be had for well under $100 if you look around.
At the rate you're using water, it would likely pay for itself in under a year or two.
And look at the convienence you'd have.


At 40 G-P-Month, I'd look at a small inexpensive RO system.
They can be had for well under $100 if you look around.
At the rate you're using water, it would likely pay for itself in under a year or two.
And look at the convienence you'd have.

I Think Your Right.

Thank You


New member
picked up one on ebay for $5. Out of the box it actually increases my PPM from 17 to 40. but I was hoping it would remove the clorine.... It doesn't. The filtered water out of the box does exit too slow... so I think I'll take it apart and see if running it for a while increases it's effectiveness.


Active member
It says on the instructions for these filters, that they should be changed every 3 car washes, so I can't imagine it would filter more then 30 gallons of water before it would be worthless. Quite expensive, IMO, when compared at price per gallon with a r/o system.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Yes, I stated right off in the beginning of this thread that this was NOT a replacement for an RO system and that the cost per gallon was higher. However even with your estimate of 30 gallons per $4 filter the cost per gallon is only 13 Cents. That sure as hell beats the dollar per gallon for distilled water that most stores charge and you get the added benefit of not having to lug all those heavy jugs home.

Keep in mind, this is for the micro grower with just a couple of plants where serious plumbing is not warranted.



not great for those on-fencing between micro and large grows.

$4 gets you 15 gallons average. so about the same price/gallon as a trip to the store. granted, you're not lugging jugs. gotta jury rig a setup, then fumble around with a bunch of cheap $4 replacement filters. maybe some folks with 5gal/week needs necessitate such a design.

i appreciate your intuition, and design. really. if only the principal product were of better qualtiy fitler, a simple setup with 50 gallons out the faucet for around 20 cents/gal no changing filters. then your talking!
anybody figure this one out, sell it!


Just so everyone knows, this item is off the market.. you shouldnt be able to find it in any stores.. if you really want it you will have to go on the internet and probably ebay it.


New member

Since the unit (and refills) are discontinued, you'll have to take a filter apart and figure a way to refill yourself. I know you can do it....


Just Call me Urkle!!

Since the unit (and refills) are discontinued, you'll have to take a filter apart and figure a way to refill yourself. I know you can do it....

FUCK!!!!!! I was all jazzed and ready to go to the store and buy one!!! That SUCKS!!!!

Green lung

Active member
Florida, I actually went and searched for one a couple of weeks ago, walmart, auto parts stores ect and couldn't find one. Todaoy I went to CVS to get some garbage bags and saw the the mr. clean right next to it for only 4.99..... I thought it had to be destiny.....perhaps a grow angel placed it there for me, one of are dead fellow growers maybe placed it there.

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