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DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!



im diggin' yours too bonz! and everybodys!

a coleman cooler should work well too, eh?

i have a few of those around :rasta: thanks :]
remember to run this system with a 20/1 water/bleach dilution,
or take the system apart and scrub it down with the bleach/h2o
and then run it with clear water for 12hrs...between every run..
also take out the neoprene collars and soak em in bleach water,
then wash em off under a faucet, wipe the top with iso or bleach/h2o,
and yer good to go for the next batch :] this is a MUST-DO! hehe :wave:


Active member
nice one fuzy!

not me japan... i need to add more sites... but hey, when you're making your own, make as few or as many sites as ya need!
Sweet tutorial. As Fuzy said, everyone should build one of these :yes:

I'll be adding more plant sites as I need them.

I used the same Rubbermaid, I was expecting the need to add weatherstrip, but no leaks :D I also used the same pump. Nice job man :joint:


Basement Garden Gnome
Keep em comming.

I found bubblers to be spotty. Some would root fine and other never got any water, ect. Smaller bubblers work better for me.

Lots of people buy EzClones or some such Commerial item, and thats ok, beware of the 60 EzClone.

Extactly what I was thinking KR. :)

You can't buy Rubbermade Stock they went out of business! Thanks to Wall Mart!
Newell bought Rubbermade in 1999, after plastic resin prices climbed.
Rubbermade had refused to do business with Wal Mart, untill a change in CEOs.

Rubbermade did a Wal Mart contract for so many at so much for so long. Price of resins went up and Rubbermade notified thier retailers, Kmart, Target, Wal Mart ect. that the prices would have to go up 10¢ per unit, only Wal Mart held them to the contract and would not budge! Rubbermade shut it's doors in 1999.
In 1994 Rubbermade was voted Americas Favorite Brand, it's now owned by conglomerate and former competitor Newell.



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
king ralph,

I purchased a Jetgro aero Clone Machine that holds 20 net pots, and it works great at cloning.

I have a couple of things I do not like about it though. the container it is in is seriously not right. the insert that the net pots go in does not fit the contianer well at all, to the point that it sprays water out of the sides. I am sick of wraping it in plastic wrap every time I set it up.
I would just like to move the pump and the net pots (even the tray that the net pots sit in) to another container.

I grow in cabs so I need a container of roughly the same size, because otherwise it will not fit. I have had some serious trouble finding one the right size.

great thread. it gave me some great ideas.


Active member
What's the difference between the large sprayers like this:


And small mister sprayers like these:


Which are better?


Sauce said:
What's the difference between the large sprayers like this:


And small mister sprayers like these:


Which are better?

during my last hydro store visit i was looking at those 2 sprayers in person and the top sprayer's little head piece is supposed to spin kinda like a lawn sprinkler...i suppose it would work fine but with the 300+ degrees of coverage from the other simple sprayer your gonna be covered pretty damn good...plus the simple green one has no moving parts.....imo keep it simple.

the spinner was also like $1.75 vs $0.30...not worth it to me to have another variable that will prolly break at some point.


few questions from me:

1. is necessary to use a humidity dome type cover since the stem is always going to have a supply of water? i have always cloned with gel and rockwool and i really gotta get away from that asap.

2. if the humidity dome is necessary i was thinking of setting up a timer and foliage misting system...is it worth it to do this so i would not need to check in for the whole first 5 days?

3. has anyone done an external pump?...i was thinking of setting it up like my dwc system and putting a couple holes in the res tub then sealing them and running the pump outside the res.

4. why the hell does ez clone use a 1300 gph pump??? is this a typo or what. especially if 350 is more than enough for 60+ sites? or am i missing something?


I dont know of anyone that uses a dome over their areo clonner, my self the internal pump warms the water and keept the temps pretty regular, after these little girls get a good root structure.
I just got my ez clonner , so its kinda new to me but I believe its a 550GPH pump, got it going right now so i cant check it out but if im wrong hopfully some one here will correct me
Sauce, I agree with i3inary, cheaper, less parts to break or screw up. I have something similar in mine, and they work great.


1-The humidity dome isn't necessary. I live in a very arid place, LOW humidity, I just cut em off and stick em in there. 7-10 days later, roots, and the clone looks just like it did when it was cut.

2- Not needed. :)

3- I considered it, but then again, the pump heats the water perfectly, to between 72-77 degrees F. The pump also supports the PVC manifold, so you would have to create some kind of mounting for the manifold. And, the in/out would just be another area to leak, IMO. All the more reason to go internal on the pump.

4- EZ Clone has been known to over do it just a tad, especially on the 60 site. :joint:

Weed Farmer

King, thanks for posting these, great easy to follow instructions. I have been debating the purchase of an EZ cloner, but I think I will try this first. If this works, you will have have saved me $$$.


Active member
hehe i figured all the issues would come up with rooting methods themselves... glad to see everyone getting things right though, shows how steady these are!

Sauce, yes do not get the spinner kind... they only put out a small droplet stream that spins... the other kind is a constant spray... needed to get all the stems... spinners should only be used in tiny systems.

i3inary... BudGood said it all hehe... no humidity domes at all! they will wilt at first, but mine bounce back in just a couple hours and stay perky the rest of the time... i even have a rh of under 20% sometimes :O yes yes winter, time for a humidifier i know...

i personally used ro water and hydroguard... took the cuts, and as i wanted to be careful, let them sit in water then made another underwater cut then dipped the tip in gel then into the cloner... i have heard of folks just snippin an goin right into the cloner... i will try this on a few next time... would be so easy... snip..place..wait :)


Thanks King for sharing the step's for others to follow. I will say this and I'm sure King will agree. You'll save alot of money building one of these units and have the same results as a EzClone and even run cooler temp in the Rez. Here was my unit before the cops took it. Im going to build a new one and will post pictures. They don't take but maybe 30 mins to build. If you got the tools and all the part. If your good with tools. Very nice thread King and thanks for posting all the steps.
Take care all,
