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Dilemma #327

Mojave Dave

Hello again!

Okay guys...I'm really starting to sweat it here. Some of the seedlings are getting so tall I'm afraid they'll topple over and die, but the roots haven't shown through the side of the Jiffy Pellets yet, so I'm not sure whether to get them into the bigger Rockwool cubes now, wait until the roots show, or go blind. What do I do??

Also, the cover on that heated propagator...I took it off for a day and a half, but everything in there dried up faster. So put it back on. It should be on, right?? Oh...and I water them every day with a pipette that holds 5ml of water. That's what I give them each, anyway. Should I put a drop of SuperThrive in the water bowl before I water them? Would that help them start to get better roots and a strong stalk, or are they acting normally and this is all just fine and dandy.

I'm a bit stoned so my panic probably seems more urgent to me that I'm sure it really is, but ya know...

Thanks folks. I'll wait to see what I should do!

Mojave Dave :confused:


Hi Dave, let me see if I can help you out here.

First off, I'm a bit perplexed, you have the seedlings in Jiffy pots, so I imagine you're growing in soil. Why do you want to put them in rockwool? :eek:

You don't need to wait for the roots to poke out of the Jiffy pots to plant them. Let's do this together step by step.

Take your small pots, and make sure they're small, you don't want to plant your seedlings in pots that are too large. What we're going to do is bury a part of the stalk in order for the seedlings to be supported, sounds like they stretched too much.

Fill your pots about halfway with soil. Take one of the Jiffys with the seedling and place it in the middle of the pot. This is to measure how much soil should be in the bottom of the pot. You want the leaves of your seedling to be a couple of inches above the level of the pot rim. If the seedling is too low, remove the Jiffy and add more soil. Once you have the right amount of soil, place your Jiffy inside center, and fill the pot normally with soil, covering the excess stem. Be very gentle as your seedlings are fragile, make sure your soil doesn't have lumps and is nicely aerated with perlite or whatever you use. Repeat this with each of your seedlings. Now you have seedlings perfectly even in height and perfectly supported.

Give them a watering with pH corrected water, no superthrive, just water, until it runs out of the bottom of the pots. Be careful not to overwater your seedlings! After the first watering, don't water again until you feel the pots light when you lift them. This is especially important now to avoid that the stem which you buried becomes waterlogged and rots. This is also the best way to understand when your plants need water all the way through the grow. Water only when the pots feel light when lifted. Don't go by the looks of the soil, it'll look parched on top pretty quick, but underneath it'll hold moisture for a while. Overwatering is the number 1 mistake most new growers make with their plants.

The stem which you buried will become part of the root system, and the plants will be stronger. To avoid that seedlings stretch too much you should make sure they're receving enough light. Seedlings stretch for lack of light!

Leave the rockwool alone if you're using Jiffy pots, you don't need it.:wink:

Hope this has been of help! :wave:


Blue has said exactly what you need to do.. Yes the dope does magnify the.
situation some.. I smoked some skunk last night with my co worker. Shit had me so damn paranoid. I was looking out the window every car that i heard..And for what? As i have no plants here at home or anything illegal other than rolling papers and my lil shwag stash.. lol.. So yes weed sometimes makes things much worse than they really are.. lol.. Good luck.. Ohh what kind of light are you using? If you are using florous I would move the light down to about 1-2 inches away.. from the plants.. If you are not using florous move the light close enough so that when you put your hand undeneath the light in between light & plant if it kinda heats up your hand pretty quick its to close move it up some. till its right... good luck.. peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
updated 1 flowering plant LQQK!!

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:

Mojave Dave



xxbluevelvetxx said:
Hi Dave, let me see if I can help you out here.

First off, I'm a bit perplexed, you have the seedlings in Jiffy pots, so I imagine you're growing in soil. Why do you want to put them in rockwool? :eek:

You don't need to wait for the roots to poke out of the Jiffy pots to plant them. Let's do this together step by step.

Take your small pots, and make sure they're small, you don't want to plant your seedlings in pots that are too large. What we're going to do is bury a part of the stalk in order for the seedlings to be supported, sounds like they stretched too much.

Fill your pots about halfway with soil. Take one of the Jiffys with the seedling and place it in the middle of the pot. This is to measure how much soil should be in the bottom of the pot. You want the leaves of your seedling to be a couple of inches above the level of the pot rim. If the seedling is too low, remove the Jiffy and add more soil. Once you have the right amount of soil, place your Jiffy inside center, and fill the pot normally with soil, covering the excess stem. Be very gentle as your seedlings are fragile, make sure your soil doesn't have lumps and is nicely aerated with perlite or whatever you use. Repeat this with each of your seedlings. Now you have seedlings perfectly even in height and perfectly supported.

Give them a watering with pH corrected water, no superthrive, just water, until it runs out of the bottom of the pots. Be careful not to overwater your seedlings! After the first watering, don't water again until you feel the pots light when you lift them. This is especially important now to avoid that the stem which you buried becomes waterlogged and rots. This is also the best way to understand when your plants need water all the way through the grow. Water only when the pots feel light when lifted. Don't go by the looks of the soil, it'll look parched on top pretty quick, but underneath it'll hold moisture for a while. Overwatering is the number 1 mistake most new growers make with their plants.

The stem which you buried will become part of the root system, and the plants will be stronger. To avoid that seedlings stretch too much you should make sure they're receving enough light. Seedlings stretch for lack of light!

Leave the rockwool alone if you're using Jiffy pots, you don't need it.:wink:

Hope this has been of help! :wave:

Hello all,

I have just come home from the hospital today (had a liver biopsy), and so I've not been here to respond to your kind advice. I'm sorry if it seemed as though I was just too busy or lazy to write a reply. My absence couldn't be helped.

On the Rockwool thing, I don't know why I thought I had to put them in Rockwool. But thinking about it now I can't see any reason why I should have. I just thought they had to be kept in something until they had a good root system.

But reading what you've just said I am astonished at how simple and logical that is! That is the perfect solution to the to-tall problem. As usual, nothing but top-shelf advice around here. I'll do it exactly as you've said and let you know how it goes. Thank you very much xxbluevelvetxx! And thanks to everyone else for their advice as well. You guys are great!

Mojave Dave


You're very welcome Dave! Take care of yourself, and don't worry, we are stoners and practicing patience is good for us :D

Anytime you need a hand we're here to help :wink:

When you start seedlings in Jiffys you can plant them in soil at any time you wish, with roots poking out or beforehand, and they're great for starting seedlings because of the possibility of of being able to bury excess stem if they've stretched too much. :smile:



Hey Dave
Looks like you got a lot of good advice from everyone.

I would just like to add that jiffy pot are very hard(even after a soak) and sometimes this restricts root growth.

Just my opinion but I like rockwool cubes. I think they are softer after a soak so the roots grow without much restriction.

Also with RW you can go Hydro, soil mix, soilless or soil.

Stay safe Bro and get well.

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