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Did you go to Woodstock?


Active member
Cool story bro :woohoo:I sure wish patience came with age, that is one reason why I need MMJ, to deal with stuff like this...now where did I leave them hip-waders? :laughing:


Well-known member
ya shows are always fun bummer schwag stock got closed many fun nights there as well lots of first for me good times.


Yes I did at the age of 18 and my Canadian hottie at the time drove from Toronto to Woodstock in a Rambler station wagon. We went a week early and spent the time in the actual town of Woodstock and it was a trip to say the least.

The mother of all concerts was a magical once in a lifetime gig that will never be copied or surpassed.The vibes,music.peace,love and all the buzz you wanted was very special. It changed my life for sure and I feel very fortunate to have been there.


Still Learning
1st day. orange sunshine, 4way, split with a brother that didnt have $2 to his name... day 1.. I gave him half, didnt see him again for 5-6 days back home. If i had eaten the whole thing, I might still be there.. thanks Larry. Dont remember much, had a good time.. 2 more hits of acid, along the way, couldnt find any weed, well, not much anyway. Maybe it was the acid, dont rmember eating much. Jimmy Hendrix, country joe and the fish, and many more i rember when I see a ist of who was there.. it rained alot. dont remember sleeping but i might have.. yes, I was there.. definatly.. I was just back from VN. There were a shit load of people.


I wish I had been a little older. But in 69 I was only in 6th or 7th grade. So no I didn't make it to Woodstock. :nono: :shucks:


Active member
Have watched the film loads of times .,would be interesting if they did a redocumentary interviewing some of those dudes they interviewed at Woodstock, just to see what they are up to now....I mean the young folk they spoke to at the gig etc...
I know the guitarist from 'Country Joe and The Fish' , Barry Melton went on to become a music lawyer...:tiphat:


no but was old enough but on other side of world, was listening to that music though when others thought it was bloody rubbish, i'm still playing it on cds pirated of course lol . my old vinyl's worn out before my body. same music just gives me old bod a lift every time i hear em crank en out. had a copy of film, the fukken mud looked cool lol.


Active member
Not only was I not born until just after '70... my mormon college parents weren't even the slightest bit interested in the event. *sigh*

Life would have been a LOT different. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Could have (was close enough back then), should have, didn't but vividly remember coverage of it and have the album (and cd) but not the movie. Drove thru there few years later to see it, and then Big Pink (from The Band fame) was fairly close so went there too. Smoked a jay at both places.
i was 15 yrs old was spending 2 months with my cousin in nyc he decided we goin to a party concert upstate ny so we went with his friends brother in a vw van yes a hippy van what a learning experience i had some panama red (real original strain red) that i brought with me from colo we got super stoned muddy and yes learn alot about female anatomy sex and female orgs the hippy chicks free love was great the music was outstanding wish more of those who didnt make it could of
Could have (was close enough back then), should have, didn't but vividly remember coverage of it and have the album (and cd) but not the movie. Drove thru there few years later to see it, and then Big Pink (from The Band fame) was fairly close so went there too. Smoked a jay at both places.

Music From Big Pink, one of the all time great albums.
I can still see the pink house on the album cover:biggrin:

Hank Hemp

Active member
I knew Uncle Sugar

I knew Uncle Sugar

I was stationed in Germany nov 68 jan 70 , fixing helicopters and airplanes for Uncle Sugar. Smoked a lot of hash tho, drank ungodly amounts of beer.

He was uncle Sam's hard ass big brother. My drill Sargent introduced me at Ft. Knox in '69. :ying:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
no, I didnt go.........but i saw that movie Taking Woodstock. That's the same right?



Active member
i was 15 yrs old was spending 2 months with my cousin in nyc he decided we goin to a party concert upstate ny so we went with his friends brother in a vw van yes a hippy van what a learning experience i had some panama red (real original strain red) that i brought with me from colo we got super stoned muddy and yes learn alot about female anatomy sex and female orgs the hippy chicks free love was great the music was outstanding wish more of those who didnt make it could of

awesome. Im so jealous of freaks who made it there. Reminds me of my older brother (big freak Paddy RIP) who was 15 and bought a ticket for the Isle of Wight festival 1970 and my parents told him he was too young. His mate went and apparently shared a joint with Jim Morrison....


New member
That was an awesome summer of music. I was 19 y.o. at the time and I went to Laurel Pop Fest(Maryland)1st. Great name bands like Johnny Winter, Jeff Beck and Led Zeppelin among others. Next up was Atlantic City and I felt the vibe had changed so much (more rude crazy New Yorkers :). Good bands there too: Creedence, Butterfield, Janis, come to mind.
But we slept in our cars, and after 2 days I had had enough.
Decided not to go to Woodstock; though I have many friends who did.
The only thing I think I missed in retro is Hendrix's set. So Sublime on film.


I was still a few decades away from being conceived, but my dad did go to Woodstock in 69'. He was 19 living in Baltimore and his older sister was a flower child who had recently returned from San Fran and the whole summer of love era... She wasthe big hippie and my dad was lucky enough to get to tag along with her to upstate ny which was only a day away..

He says the acts that stood out to him we're Ritchie havens, Santana, and csn. He actually left before jimi went on the last day cause his ride had to leave early that morning... He also says all the great stories of love and sharing and kindness were all true.. Truly a remarkable thing IMO...
I hope someday in my life I can be a part of something so special..

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