Nice to see you here!The notorious rep is merely something of the past, including the suggestion they favor left or whatever. Over the past 6+ months about 20 out of the 25 regular posters in the politics forum were banned, threatened/trolled/powertripped away by the new toxic and clownish incompetent administration. Contrary to popular belief, the politics forum already became the most reasonable area, the members anyway. Try posting historical verifiable facts about cannabis and things really get wild. They pretty much killed the politics forum before it went down. One can argue whether there should be a Politics forum (declaring the topic taboo is beyond my comprehension of how far humanity takes its desire to self-destruct, same for stoners not being leftwinged) but you don't treat senior members like that in any setting regardless.
Freedom of speech isn't relevant imo but since some people brought it up, the charm of the politics forum and rollitup in general was the leeway people got, it was brutal before youtube comments and twitter turned into a cesspool. Might not work well for a serious grow site but it was rollitup, trollitup, not grow (it) up.