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Diagnose this? I'll make it worth your while.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Lots Of Love!! ThenTotal Quarentine. Dip, Spray, Flush, repeat as needed. New soil (as much as you can without damage), New pots, New location, New grower. At least knock this one in the mellon once. Last grower(s) should be kicked to the curb In My NOT Humble Opine. Stay frosty

Hey!~Which garden rule was vilolated in the production of this thread

Right on man...

The plants were quarantined for 4 days.
They were first sprayed, dipped and re-potted in good, fresh soil.
I carefully rinsed all the sand out of the roots and sprayed em down with Neem oil before re-potting.

Sometimes you will break and/or kill some of the roots when rinsing the old soil out of the root ball, I really don't care because the plants would never have survived in the pots and sand they were in. I figured that it was worth the trade off and extra time to get em healthy.

Once re-potted they all got a full nutrient feeding.


The plants recovered quickly and are thriving now.


Two of the females will be trained as mothers, the other 6 will be planted together outdoors for a seed crop.

Now it has been brought to my attention that there may have been at least one rule of the garden that's been ignored or broken, so I must ask which rule?


way to go Paladan!!!
nice looking turn around stress. those are gonna be some winners.

rules... aw man, where do i find the handbook?


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
way to go Paladan!!!
nice looking turn around stress. those are gonna be some winners.

rules... aw man, where do i find the handbook?

I've been lookin for it too. Still ain't figured out what he/she was referring to though.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Here is another one for you all.

This one might be kinda tricky for a few who have been fortunate enough to have not dealt with it yet.
But like catching a cold, it isn't a matter of "if" you will catch one; it's just a matter of "when"...

These plants are 45 days old from clone and are 34 days into flower.
There are several strains involved but the more seriously effected plants are Headband, Bubble Berry, and Bubba Kush.

Dutch passion, Northern Lights, Pussy Pink, Curly Paul, and 2 of my own crosses don't seem to be effected.
All of em are in 6" nursery pots and have been since beginning flower.
All of em receive nutrients every 24 hours.
They are under 2K MH and 1K HPS.
Temps are steady between 75 and 84*F and humidity fluctuates between 30% and 50% after watering. But humidity was above 60% for the first week and a half of flower.

These plants have received my nutrient recipe since developing roots.




And LGS which is only showing very minor symptoms.

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Here is another one for you all.

This one might be kinda tricky for a few who have been fortunate enough to have not dealt with it yet.
But like catching a cold, it isn't a matter of "if" you will catch one; it's just a matter of "when"...

I've seen it before, PM. I don't know how to treat it though. Does liquid copper help powdery mildew? hold on... is it PM Stress Test?

silver hawaiian

Active member
Agreed. Looks like PM to me. If so, I'm interested to hear how Stress_ treats. A bazillion ways, just curious to hear his. :respect:


Oh yeah on the PM..never had that 'cold' til I read about it here..I'm sure thats how I got it..not being strain whore!! Stress is one of the people who saved my life so I know he can fix it nicely... I did find a product from organic labs that worked as a long term systemic..excell LG,,soon to be named 'plant doctor' also adds trichs and resin it seems..waitin on the ok for a side by side on some of there other products similar to this...
P03 and 1.0% silica

silver hawaiian

Active member

This is GREAT to hear. I've been sketched on things like Eagle20, as the manufacturer doesn't ever make reference to using it on fruit/veggie crops. I just did a quick look at this, and it looks like this oughtta be safe in that regard..? AmIriteamIrite? :D


according to the company it is safe to spray on tomatoes just prior to harvest ;)...i think PH'upped water works well as harvest approaches..This product enhances the 'kreb'(sp?) cycle..Triggering a plants natural defences... it is a phosphite (PO3) not a phosphate (PO4)..I spray 1oz to one gallon..in my rez 1/4teaspoon per gallon. This does Not stop PM in its tracks ( in flower anyway) I am still keepin mycobutinal(sp) around...Hope this helps..if I do not here back from the S by S mod I will strat a thread in nutes and ferts section..They sent me two simmilar products to test out on our plants...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
You know whats best about this thread?

You see that those professionals also have problems :>

Oh don't ever be tricked into thinking that experienced growers don't ever have pests and issues. The acquired experience allows them to recognize the problems at an early stage and correct them before they become problems.

Which is the entire point of this thread: To show examples of afflicted plants and allow everybody the opportunity to see what various problems look like and how experienced growers address the problems.

I've seen it before, PM. I don't know how to treat it though. Does liquid copper help powdery mildew? hold on... is it PM Stress Test?

It IS Powdery Mildew.

I have never used Liquid Copper on cannabis but I've used it on my fruit trees and it worked great. I don't know why I've not used it indoors though, cause I just read the bottle and it appears to be perfectly safe.
So I learned something new here today in my own thread.

Agreed. Looks like PM to me. If so, I'm interested to hear how Stress_ treats. A bazillion ways, just curious to hear his. :respect:

First off let me explain that this isn't really "my grow"... It is a co-op who has no idea what they are doing so I am just their Gardner/adviser on this one. Well that's all I am supposed to be according to our arrangement.
But since they have NO CLUE, I am saddled with limited resources or have to supply them myself.

So when I first noticed the PM, I asked them to get some "GreenCure"... I've had really good luck with GC in the past.
However they never did go get it for me.

So I mixed 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide per quart of water and sprayed the entire room. I always use H2O2 for a foliar spray but with smaller proportions of H2O2. I have sprayed 3 times with this mixture and the PM is nearly eradicated. "Nearly"...

Because they are on day 36 and getting thick with buds, I will have to stop spraying soon, or risk bud rot. So I will spray the entire room down once more this week with GreenCure.

Oh yeah on the PM..never had that 'cold' til I read about it here..I'm sure thats how I got it..not being strain whore!! Stress is one of the people who saved my life so I know he can fix it nicely... I did find a product from organic labs that worked as a long term systemic..excell LG,,soon to be named 'plant doctor' also adds trichs and resin it seems..waitin on the ok for a side by side on some of there other products similar to this...
P03 and 1.0% silica

Ya know? PM is a bitch and it can be a dirty SOB to eliminate, so in some cases it warrants drastic measures, so synthetic controls are sometimes necessary.
However... The people I'm helping are afraid of using GreenCure and would freak the fuck out if I used anything synthetic.

according to the company it is safe to spray on tomatoes just prior to harvest ;)...i think PH'upped water works well as harvest approaches..This product enhances the 'kreb'(sp?) cycle..Triggering a plants natural defences... it is a phosphite (PO3) not a phosphate (PO4)..I spray 1oz to one gallon..in my rez 1/4teaspoon per gallon. This does Not stop PM in its tracks ( in flower anyway) I am still keepin mycobutinal(sp) around...Hope this helps..if I do not here back from the S by S mod I will strat a thread in nutes and ferts section..They sent me two simmilar products to test out on our plants...

I will watch for the side-by-side on this.

This room is packed and is thicker than I generally work in. Which I'm sure contributed to the PM spreading in the first place. Ordinarily H2O2 will stop PM in it's tracks, and totally eliminates it after a couple of applications.
This room got a jump start because the clones were brought into the room and infected before the room was even completed and sterilized. Then I was sick for a couple of weeks and the PM got a running head start.





Hey stress great job as always..just heard good things about copper and it's uses for pm...we do not see more of it because gubment regulation$..fert vs fungicide..I think..I uptake a lot of Medicine..

Is that second photo trichomes or PM?? If it is PM you have cancer not a cold my friend...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I'll have to order some liquid copper and keep it handy for the next time.

The top two pictures are both frosty with trichomes. The pictures were taken a few minutes after they had been sprayed with H2O2.
On the lower leaves you can see the lighter white spots where PM has been completely washed off without damaging the plant.

I have been keeping a close eye for signs of bud rot because of the daily spraying and I know that I've been pushing my luck. But I've been able to keep Rh below 50% after I started spraying heavily.

It's obvious that the plants and buds are developing nicely for 36 day old plants, (36 days from being cut off of the mother plants), what I wanted to show in the pictures is that spraying with H2O2 is an effective method of eliminating PM and that the plants actually improve after spraying a couple times. So logically if I spray them with H2O2 from the very beginning: They will be far less likely to ever contract PM or other pests in the first place AND the plants grow and perform better when sprayed with H2O2 anyway.

Foliar spraying with H2O2 is usually part of my routine by the way. In this particular case I was sick and absent for nearly the first 2 weeks. When I returned on day 16 the PM had already set upon the room. With this accelerated growth many of these plant will only be alive, from roots to chop, 7 weeks, and the rest will live a total of 10 weeks.
So it's easier to stay ahead of the PM since they will be chopped before the PM could really do any damage, and the H2O2 will keep the PM knocked down to a few lower leaves that can be plucked occasionally.


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Stress_Test said:
So I learned something new here today in my own thread.
thanks S_T :) it's natural, approved for organic gardening, and can be used up to the day of harvest. It works great for black spot on roses too.

they look great Stress_Test. your co-op partners must be real proud to have you around.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
quoted by stress test
Which is the entire point of this thread: To show examples of afflicted plants and allow everybody the opportunity to see what various problems look like and how experienced growers address the problems.
which is exactly why i have been watching this thread from the beginning .... thanx dude I really appreciate you taking the time to do this & am sure others are too . :)

on a side note ..... would love to know where you got that leaf diagnoses chart from . i have one from here but that looks very informative .


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Thanks folks.

I've been extremely busy for the last few months. Some of our laws changed and we all had to do some reconfiguring to stay on the good side of the law.

However: I have also been saving up a few grow logs and tons of pictures from some of the gardens that I've been helping with. I have started typing some of the grow logs to computer and will be able to post some nice pictures for everybody in a few more days.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Yeah Stress! Glad to see you're back. More importantly, glad to see you've been wise & safe (no coincidence) in the meantime.



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Wow man , ya had us worried that something happened to ya . glad to hear your ok & have just been busy :good:

Pics are allways good , can't wait to see them :tiphat:

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