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Desert Southwest Growers Union

  • Thread starter Thread starter EatShitake
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Grizz is correctamundo on the swamp cooler! I've got one of the mobile ones built for garages with the tool tray on top. Keeps my room around 40%RH! Didn't always have it, but now that I do, the girls love it.

Welcome aboard floppy!

Grizz-some sweet lookin' shots!
Up in the high desert here, the weather is getting really unpredictable (big surprise, huh?). First attempt at an outdoor semi-guerrilla grow in this environment. The summer heat makes me wish I had invested in a drip system and reservoir. The early onset of freezing morning lows, make me wish I had invested in an Eastern slope instead of a Southern facing one. I started from seed in May, but didn't see pistillate flowers until the first full week of August. I am looking at about 10 days out from harvest, but there are at least two freezing mornings between now and then.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
mohave desert checkn in 3,200ft elev average RH 15-20% i grow indoors and have 7 dif strains running check my memoryloss grow thread link in my sig :).

i run my flower chamber at night because days from june-aug get above 110+ this yr wasnt so bad. currently i have a loaner 1k hps but i have 1 400w hps gonna be 2 and i'll run that. dont like the heat produced by the 1k and i'm not thrown on the 8k btu a/c i have in my garage that belongs to some1 else :)


you guys forgot us over here in southwest CO! Sorry i don't have any pics right now, i lost my camera. Post some hopfully sooner than later. the freeze last week was the last one and we chopped the big lady orvis down. now there is snow up a few thousand feet above us.


hey Paco I grew up around Cortez on a dry land bean farm, great country, do you only grow outside? welcome aboard. hey maj pot head you should try a swamper, there a lot cheaper to run and if you duct it right it can cool that 1000 w right down. I run 2 400 w and a 1000 hps in a 5x5x8 room with the swamper and run my lights from 3 am to 3 pm in flower and 12 am to 6 pm all summer. 115 to 105 all summer outside high of 85 inside.


Welcome, Killer! I'm sure you've learned some valuable lessons from your latest outdoor grow. Sounds like you've got next season's design rolling already!

Major-come on in! My growing specs are very similar to yours. The repreive from the summer is most welcome in these parts!

Paco! Sorry we missed you, but you're on board now. Grab a seat and make yourself comfortable.

Hazy- Welcome. I think I might have missed you, too. :wave:

I'm liking the group we're getting in here. Looking forward to getting my winter grow in gear, and seeing more from all of you!


Active member
hey killer, what strain you running?
have you thought about draping a sheet over the girls? might help get through the next 10 days.
how'd they survive the brutal sun?

i'm in the low desert. about 2000' maybe. we had over 30 days in a row of over 110. alot of those over 115. you know cotton grows good in the desert sun, pot will too if you can get enough water to 'em. 'the desert grows when the water flows.'
you gonna try some kalichakra next spring zymos?
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thanks eatshitake i am excited to see what you guys can do!
grizz, i lived over near hesperus for a long time.gotta love la plata canyon! always got some haze from an old guy who said he'd been growing it for many years. i'll try and find a pic. usally indoor.. but got some land to experiment outside this year. thinkin bout durango this year medical clinc is coming next month!


i dont live out that way, but going out the into the desert country is my favorite thing (except when you have no sunscreen)
my favs are:
going to dry lake beds to see land speed races and planes landing in the middle of the desert
Las Vegas
timing a dust devil just right so it slams into your car
the wildlife (cactus > all other plants[even mj])
no cops on the roads
native americans
mexican food
the 5 star restaurant in nipton, california (town has a population of like 5 people but that old navy cook makes the best dam burger ive ever had.....and i know burgers)
and the fact that im 2500 miles from home but i feel like i belong there
hazy said:
hey killer, what strain you running?
have you thought about draping a sheet over the girls? might help get through the next 10 days.
how'd they survive the brutal sun?
hazy, I am currently just growing some bag seed I got from a buddy back East. From the phenotype it looks about 60-40 sativa. Here is a couple of shots of a little baby nug i took for trichome observations. Please don't mind the awful distortions from my ghetto-rigged macro lens.

The high is a little racy, but the trichomes are still mostly cloudy, not amber. I will not be around for a few days and so I will just have to see how hardy these plants can be.

The sun is intense, but growth was very good when watered. My soil preparation was a little lacking this year. I really wasn't expecting to be able to grow guerrilla-like in this dry of an environment. However, I got a soil sample from the local county extension and I followed their recommendations on fertilizing, with some added N and K (i have almost excessive P) and a lot of soil building peat and composted manure, but I think that I should have excavated a larger area for the root mass.

Temps now are hitting the mid 70s in the afternoon and dropping to the upper 30s just before dawn. The sun is still cranking out some serious radiant heat in the mid-day. Elevation 5100', location East of a mountain pass with prevailing East winds at the edge of small stand of bushes in the middle of the scrub. I will try to get some more photos soon.


Old Soul

Active member
I am running a Citral/Misty cross at the moment. This batch is leaning much more to the Sativa side. Will be buying a house in about six months and don't feel like moving mothers and clones so just running some random seeds I accidentally made. They are fem seeds. Surprisingly have not had any hermies, just an occasional nanner but so late in flower it has had no ill effect. Good to see so many people in the southwest.


Welcome, Thug!! :wave:--I like to take a roll thru Nipton every now and then when I take the offroad freeways to the Joshua Tree area by Palm Springs. I'm DEF. gonna look up that burger next time. I will make arrangements to get one! Hope you make it back soon. I've lived all over the country, including our 50th state(but not the 49th-yet), and honestly, this is the longest I've ever lived anywhere. You just can't beat the magic of a desert sunset, camping out in the middle of nowheres with a few good friends!

Hazy Did you need a class 3 to nab that or would a plain ol' varmint rifle work? I feel you on those temps!

Lookin good everybody! Check y'all later.


Active member
grizz said:
wow hazy nice coon tail. How many rats did he have?
that monster had 12 rattles.
the skin is 5' 3" long. i chopped off about 3" of neck with my shovel(aim was off a bit), so he went about 5"6", maybe 5'7".
and that's a HUGE western diamondback.
my daughter stepped about a foot from that guy, he was at the bottom step of a porch.
this was in the yard a couple months ago, and here they are side by side

right on killer. outdoors around here would have to be something short in a cotton field.

hey eatshitake, my weapon of choice for snake killing is a shovel.
oh yeah, me, my son, and his friend ate the big snake. chopped up and fried. mmm,mmm. :yummy:
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on nice dead snakes lol i rock and fossile hunt and have only jumped 2 this whole time. i have a few strains growing indoors
sugar shack
memoryloss [ urkel fm x strawberry desiel m] a Jaws cross i kept the strawberry desiel pheno and a urkel pheno
blueberry kush
decapation [bubba kush fm x white mustang m] a Jaws cross
whirlybird [ cherry ak47 fm x strawberry desiel m] a Jaws cross

and next yr will be mostly seed run
evenflow [abussive og fm x white mustang m]
memoryloss F2
mississippi mudd
deep chunk
bite me
kavai kush


Hazy that is a keeper db if I ever saw one. I worked on a cotton farm back 35 years ago a killed 13 one summer. 2 side winders and the rest coon tails (diamond backs)ONLY one was as big as the one you choped. Maj I sure would like to do a little horse trading with you if your interested.


Man, those give me the willies more than the black widows. When I first moved into my house, there was a huge pile of mesquite leaves and other junk that had accumulated for a season or two. Started cleaning it up and uncovered the mother-lode of black widow nests. BLECH!!!

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