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Deputies' ruse fails to hold up in court


Agent Smith,

I can appreciate your feelings about not wanting to entangle yourself in more legal BS but you really should take some time after this settles out to think about it.

Lawsuits like this do act as a deterrent for ever more "creative" policing.

I am sure that you could get a good attorney on a contingency fee that won't cost you anything. Given the judges finding of fact and ruling I seriously doubt this would go to trial or even depositions.

A court case is often also a good protection against police harassment trying to get even while you are waiting to move. Even a relatively modest settlement can help with your relocation expenses.

Just be aware that if you do consider filing suit that most claims against government entities must be filed in a very short period of time. It varies from location to location and can be very short as in 30/60/90 days.

Give it some thought and possibly weigh the potential inconvenience with the possible increased protection, the future police deterrence the next time they get creative and help with your re-settlement expenses.

Best Wishes.

Thanks for the info Herbasaurus, but if I were to consider it, how would I even go about it? What would I tell a lawyer as far as "charges" against the police?


Active member
Wait, by my understanding the LEO didn't immediately bust him with the plants as they didn't immediately find them, and it was later when they had a warrant when they took him in? How fucking stupid is the guy who got arrested? If I had a house full of cops and an obviously non-working scrubbers if the odor is permeating the house...they'd all be gone within an hour of the cops leaving...why tempt fate? maybe I just read it wrong but seems like this could have been avoided to begin with...


Wait, by my understanding the LEO didn't immediately bust him with the plants as they didn't immediately find them, and it was later when they had a warrant when they took him in? How fucking stupid is the guy who got arrested? If I had a house full of cops and an obviously non-working scrubbers if the odor is permeating the house...they'd all be gone within an hour of the cops leaving...why tempt fate? maybe I just read it wrong but seems like this could have been avoided to begin with...

You do have it wrong. The cops never did see anything in the house except grow equipment which was half hooked up. They had already pulled power before coming to my house in the first place which gave them the reason to come check me out. AFTER, I had told them to leave and get a warrant they found a plant in my side yard before they actually went and got the warrant, and that is what I was arrested for. Once they saw that, they never left the house unattended until they got a warrant a few hours later and they would not let anyone including my ex-girlfriend and daughter into the house unaccompanied. My daughter even asked to take a stuffed animal out of the house because she was upset and one of the officers actually felt, poked, and prodded the teddybear like she was trying to smuggle something out of the house!!! She's 10 fucking years old for christ's sake!!!


Active member
You do have it wrong. The cops never did see anything in the house except grow equipment which was half hooked up. They had already pulled power before coming to my house in the first place which gave them the reason to come check me out. AFTER, I had told them to leave and get a warrant they found a plant in my side yard before they actually went and got the warrant, and that is what I was arrested for. Once they saw that, they never left the house unattended until they got a warrant a few hours later and they would not let anyone including my ex-girlfriend and daughter into the house unaccompanied. My daughter even asked to take a stuffed animal out of the house because she was upset and one of the officers actually felt, poked, and prodded the teddybear like she was trying to smuggle something out of the house!!! She's 10 fucking years old for christ's sake!!!

I see...may I ask what it was that had them looking at you in the first place? Or if not, what I'm specifically questioning is whether your involvement in this forum had anything to do with your being busted.

You have stones for sure...I'm not sure I would be posting openly about this case regardless of whether it is behind you or not...


Supposedly, it was an anonimous tip through crimestoppers. It wasn't at all forum related.

I don't mind posting it anymore actually, I am moving to California in a matter of weeks, getting my doctors rec. and going to Oaksterdam University. I don't think they will be following me around THAT much.


Freedom Fighter
I think you should talk to a Lawyer for sure!!
Keep in mind, once you initiate a suit against the Police Dept...they have to tread very carefully, not to get a Harassment suit in addition!!
With the way they did it...using your child as a weapon, you will have mega-sympathy from all ends--
Unless a million bucks is no big thing for ya--:smokeit:
It won't hurt to talk to a couple Lawyers anyways--:dunno:

High Noon

Here in My county they had a Medical Cannabis Person with a valid rec. go buy some cannabis from a place selling only to approved and varified members and then they got the warrant and raided the man's house in the middle of the night.. Outside in the cold in his underwear as photographers snapped pictures they put him in the car and destroyed the mans credibility in the community.

Once the truth was discovered that the "BUY" was legal they said they disagree with the court.

Now that the truth is out the charges have been dismissed but they wonder why they need to pay damages.

I read $2 Million and he wants to open back up..

Is there a news article on that? I would like to read it.