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Dennis Peron Arraigned For Child Porn & Drugs


Active member
Dennis Peron, Pot Guru, Arraigned on Child Porn, Drug Charges
By Joe Eskenazi, SF Weekly - Friday, November 5 2010

Dennis Peron, the author of the medical marijuana-creating Proposition 215 and a revered figure in the cannabis community, was arraigned today in San Francisco on drug and child porn charges.

The charges stem from a police raid on Peron's "Castro Castle" in August. The "matter depicting a minor engaging or simulating sexual conduct" was allegedly gleaned from a computer on site, according to folks at the Castle when SF Weeklycalled.

Peron is also accused of possession of methamphetamine for sale; possession of ecstasy; possession of marijuana (surprise); and opening or maintaining a place for the purpose of selling or using any controlled substance. Bail has been set at $200,000; folks at the Castle expect Peron to return home in the next day or so.

Private attorney David Wilton has been appointed to the case; he said he did not have permission to speak to the media. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Lisa Culbertson -- a member of the "Child Assault Unit," incidentally.

Peron, who suffered a stroke in April, was flummoxed by the police raid. "Why me and why now?" he asked SF Weekly at the time.

Peron claimed police took 12 people into custody -- guests at the Castle and some employees, including Peron, who spent the night in jail, he said. Officers also seized an undisclosed amount of cash, a dozen laptop computers -- Peron's laptop and the computers of his guests -- prescription drugs belonging to some of his guests, and a pound of marijuana Peron claims he grew and was in the process of smoking.

Peron told SF Weekly two other people mentioned in the search warrant "tweekers" -- but "neither of them live here or have any connection with" the Castro Castle.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Funny how people jumped all over peron's analysis of 19 and acted like he was some saint. Peron is a fucking tweeker who lets young homeless homosexual men live with him in exchange for meth fueled gay sex. I cant believe anyone takes this guy seriously. He is a total piece of shit.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ i dont believe any thing the pigs say. they said the same kinda things about mark emery. when the pigs wanna tarnish your reputation they throw a kiddie porn charge in. if he was black it woulda been a rape charge.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
That's not what I heard. LOL

A little respect for a man who helped bring 215 to life. If he goes to prison he can get it up the backside all he pleases. The pot probably won't be as good, though.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
A little respect for a man who helped bring 215 to life.

I got ZERO respect for anyone who campaigned against marijuana legalization. In my book they are all selfish, manipulative, fear-mongering scumbags who are just as greedy and dirty as the "big corporations and big growers" they chastise.


Active member
I got ZERO respect for anyone who campaigned against marijuana legalization. In my book they are all selfish, manipulative, fear-mongering scumbags who are just as greedy and dirty as the "big corporations and big growers" they chastise.

BHT you know it isn't as cut and dry as that. Would you accept a cure for cancer if it meant everyones first born had to die? Bad choices are no choices at all and many saw 19 as a bad choice.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BHT you know it isn't as cut and dry as that. Would you accept a cure for cancer if it meant everyones first born had to die? Bad choices are no choices at all and many saw 19 as a bad choice.

Except 19 was a nothing-to-lose win/win situation. Your analogy is far from comparitive. I'm still awaiting to hear a single valid argument that isn't purely based on speculation as to why 19 would have been a bad choice. Care to enlighten me?
Sounds like someone needs to smoke a j. You can almost feel the animosity in here. Prop19 is sour grapes at this point. You can choose to sit and bitch about what might've been or move on and try again when the opportunity presents itself....shouldn't be too long. If nothing else , it got people talking.


Active member
Except 19 was a nothing-to-lose win/win situation. Your analogy is far from comparitive. I'm still awaiting to hear a single valid argument that isn't purely based on speculation as to why 19 would have been a bad choice. Care to enlighten me?

I think parents not being able to smoke in the same structure as minors was a big sticking point for me personally. Furthermore, any restriction on the space you can grow in when something is legal is a joke. It means it isn't legal at all.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I think parents not being able to smoke in the same structure as minors was a big sticking point for me personally. Furthermore, any restriction on the space you can grow in when something is legal is a joke. It means it isn't legal at all.

It didn't say structure, it said space. As in, don't sit in the same room as your children and blow smoke directly in their face. Are you one of those people that think that a whole apartment complex would be banned from consumption because someone's kid lives with them in some unit, somewhere in the complex? This is honestly a moot point, because any parent whos not a complete fucking idiot wont smoke around their kids regardless.

As far as space to grow, anyone with half a brain could have easily produced enough supply in a 5x5 for self consumption, and if not, then they would just do what they already do and get a med card and grow more.

Like I said, 19 was a nothing-to-lose, win/win scenario. We can debate it all day, but I doubt that you can bring a single valid argument to why 19 was worst then current situation, that isn't based on either misinformation or speculation. But your welcome to try.... and i'd honestly be suprised if the next legalization will allow ANY personal growing and I can almost gurantee that it will be more strict than 19.

Because 19's failure had nothing to do with smokers voting against it and everything to do with the huge turnout of republican and tea party members. So don't think for a minute the next legalization will cater to every wish and desire of smokers. They will cater it to the large percentage of people who dont smoke at all. Because smokers make up a very small percent of the population and an even smaller percent of people who will take the time or even remember to vote come election day....


That is Dennis in a nutshell

Funny how people jumped all over peron's analysis of 19 and acted like he was some saint. Peron is a fucking tweeker who lets young homeless homosexual men live with him in exchange for meth fueled gay sex. I cant believe anyone takes this guy seriously. He is a total piece of shit.


I think parents not being able to smoke in the same structure as minors was a big sticking point for me personally. Furthermore, any restriction on the space you can grow in when something is legal is a joke. It means it isn't legal at all.

Thank You, That was the first anti 19 statement that made sense to me. For those reasons I would have voted no too.

Shessh, its a tough self critique, but I might have been another sorry, less than well informed voter this year. :dunno:


Bong Smoking News Hound
Meth is a EVIL drug. It should be scheduled 1 drug. Not 2 where it can be prescribed by a doctor!!!!!!


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
That was the first anti 19 statement that made sense to me. For those reasons I would have voted no too. Shessh, its a tough self critique, but I might have been another sorry,less than well informed voter this year. :dunno:

Specially since your would have been willing to vote no based on misinformation from some random person you met on the internet....

Its no wonder 19 failed. So many people willing accept anything they hear or read without taking 10 minutes out of their day to research and read the proposed language in a vital proposition that could have vastly benefited smokers and non-smokers alike....


Active member
It didn't say structure, it said space. As in, don't sit in the same room as your children and blow smoke directly in their face. Are you one of those people that think that a whole apartment complex would be banned from consumption because someone's kid lives with them in some unit, somewhere in the complex? This is honestly a moot point, because any parent whos not a complete fucking idiot wont smoke around their kids regardless.

As far as space to grow, anyone with half a brain could have easily produced enough supply in a 5x5 for self consumption, and if not, then they would just do what they already do and get a med card and grow more.

Like I said, 19 was a nothing-to-lose, win/win scenario. We can debate it all day, but I doubt that you can bring a single valid argument to why 19 was worst then current situation, that isn't based on either misinformation or speculation. But your welcome to try.... and i'd honestly be suprised if the next legalization will allow ANY personal growing and I can almost gurantee that it will be more strict than 19.

Because 19's failure had nothing to do with smokers voting against it and everything to do with the huge turnout of republican and tea party members. So don't think for a minute the next legalization will cater to every wish and desire of smokers. They will cater it to the large percentage of people who dont smoke at all. Because smokers make up a very small percent of the population and an even smaller percent of people who will take the time or even remember to vote come election day....

The very fact that we can interpret the wording of the law in two different ways implies that it isn't clearly worded or explained in the legislation itself. Furthermore, I will again say that you should be able to grow however much you want and any restriction on the space ON YOUR OWN LAND in which you can grow is something I am not in support of. Furthermore, if I want to sit in my living room with my 16 year old son or daughter and puff a doobie it is none of the governments concern. There are no similar restrictions put on other medicinal or recreational drugs and none should be put on marijuana use.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The very fact that we can interpret the wording of the law in two different ways implies that it isn't clearly worded or explained in the legislation itself. Furthermore, I will again say that you should be able to grow however much you want and any restriction on the space ON YOUR OWN LAND in which you can grow is something I am not in support of. Furthermore, if I want to sit in my living room with my 16 year old son or daughter and puff a doobie it is none of the governments concern. There are no similar restrictions put on other medicinal or recreational drugs and none should be put on marijuana use.

Im going by what the creators of the proposition said, your going by some fear-mongering dipshit who is purposely trying to misinterpret. Should space define the whole house? What about the whole block? How about the entire solar system? Get real. They asked me for advice on the next proposition and I told them dumb down the language. Because people are obviously too uneducated to understand the intention or have latched onto these key words in order to further misguide and confuse voters based on their own self intrests. But seriously, why do you NEED to sit around and smoke weed in front of your kids? Thats just fucking ridiuclous and if you were a parent you'd already know this....

As far self-production; should we allow people to turn their houses into textile factories? What about distilleries? Should people be allowed to turn their resedential home into a full blown whisky production company? You have no ground to stand on. I can produce 1-1.75 lbs every 3 months in a 5x5. So can just about any other person who isn't a moron. If thats not enough for self consumption then you need to take a break and lower your tolerance.

The problem is all your points are moot. All these MMJ patients who came out against the restricitions of 19 make no sense to me due to the fact that 19 wouldn't have oppresed any of medical users rights.
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I love my life
Meth is a EVIL drug. It should be scheduled 1 drug. Not 2 where it can be prescribed by a doctor!!!!!!


This is the type of shit I don't need or want. Do I care if someone is on meth, heroine, or MJ? No the fuck I don't.

Do I care if they rob or burglarize my neighbors or me? Yes the fuck I do.

Do I care what type of adult sex Denise Peron choses? No the fuck I don't.

Do I care that the government is raping EVERYONES NATURAL RIGHTS? Yes the fuck I do.



Active member
Im going by what the creators of the proposition said, your going by some fear-mongering dipshit who is purposely trying to misinterpret. Should space define the whole house? What about the whole block? How about the entire solar system? Get real. They asked me for advice on the next proposition and I told them dumb down the language. Because people are obviously too uneducated to understand the intention or have latched onto these key words in order to further misguide and confuse voters based on their own self intrests. But seriously, why do you NEED to sit around and smoke weed in front of your kids. Thats just fucking ridiuclous and if you were a parent you'd already know this....

As far self-production; should we allow people to turn their houses into textile factories? What about distilleries? Should people be allowed to turn their resedential home into a full blown whisky production company? You have no grounds to stand on. I can produce 1-1.75 lbs every 3 months in a 5x5. So can just about any other person who isn't a moron. If thats not enough for self consumption then you need to take a break and lower your tolerance.

The problem is all your points are moot. All these MMJ patients who came out against the restricitions of 19 make no sense to me due to the fact that 19 wouldn't have oppresed any of medical users rights.

No I am going by the holes that I would poke in it if it were me trying to arrest people under it. Intention is one thing, what happens in a courtroom is a totally different thing. The letter of the law is what matters not what someone who wrote the prop says. You think a judge is going to call the props writers for every case brought before him involving the prop? NO its what is passed into law on that paper and if you think the legal system works in any other way than that you are sadly mistaken. Judges jobs are to interpret the laws written not to wring their hands and ask the writers what they intended. If they intended a meaning thats what they wrote and if they didn't then it is error on their part.

You don't need to sit and smoke in front of your kids. I am not making a categorical claim that you have to. I am simply saying that you can sit in front of your kid and pop vicodin or lorcet or smoke a cigar or a cigarette all day and the law doesn't have anything to say about it. It shouldn't have anything to say about people smoking pot or vaping in front of their kids either. I am arguing for less government intrusion into our lives and more of the freedoms that we have so willfully given up.

As to your argument that it is all moot. You can keep making that bullshit claim all you want but the fact is that marijuana should be legal. Completely unadulterated and free legal. If it is legal for it to be used recreationally then why the limit on garden size? As to your other questions, textile mill- sure, distillery- sure given that doing so doesn't negatively impact your neighbors in that you are making too much noise or are creating a health risk or any other normal concerns for health and happiness.

And furthermore to your backhanded insinuation that we are too uneducated to read it for ourselves and decide, screw you and your arrogant self righteous ass. We can read just fine and the fact is that not everyone liked what they read or how they could see DAs manipulating a poorly written proposition to restrict our rights and imprison more people under the guise of a "legal" system.


Green is Gold
BHT, these guys are having their Alpo dog chow for dinner everyday, and then are given the chance to have some hamburger meat for a change, but they don't want it cause it isn't fillet mignon! People need to get some perspective forreal