Yep that is absolutely correct, happened to me last year, lost a large part of a huge cola on a beautiful plant. When you cut the leaf off in dense bud areas and leave the stem, water/sap leaks out of the stem end and the stem eventually dies trapped in the bud clusters. Mold and rot soon set in, in the area. So be careful with this technique guys. I've been doing this for awhile, not as hardcore as is recommended here, but yeah it works pretty well. I'm going to make a skeleton out of one of my OGK clones in the morning and go all out to see if I can get even more of a result from this. Good times!
So mould is less likely if the old stem is twisted/pulled off ? Mould is a big concern for me as RH is high at night lately.
I've been cutting stems in half with scissors, but try to twist the remains out within a few days of cutting. Previously I just twisted or pulled the stems off because I didn't like leaving them there. But of course I've done a bit of damage a few times this way.
So some risk of damage or infection (by twist/pull), versus some risk of mould (by cutting stems in half.)
Great questions.
Great answers coming I hope. ;-) One more question, what about the plants ability to transpire, as a lot is done through the fan leaves? Oh and another, would I expect a difference in how much nutrient they take up? Maybe a problem for plants that are mixed, ie. defoliated and others left with many fan leaves on, fed from the same loop and timer etc.
I guess its all in this very lengthy thread which I`m getting through slowly. I reckon my plants are a bit swamped out by leaves and now is probably the time to go with it. I`ve just defoliated 5 of the 10 Arma`s, poor fookers look very scrawny in comparison to the leafy ones despite already removing a significant number of shading leaves.
Armageddon at around 14 days 12/12 from above
You can see the Armageddon nearer the camera then the taller (despite being tied back similarly to the Arma`s) Grapefruit, then beyond the Grapefruit lies another row of Arma`s
I`ll take a couple of pics at lights off of the plants I`ve defoliated, they look a bit like a chicken without its feathers.
Anyone tried stripping the fan leaves from one half of a plant and not the other, may be interesting and may show a very obvious comparison, or of course it could mess up, guess it happens sometimes in the wild with nibbling deer etc.
Cheers Toke ;-)
can i ask why you leave the leaf stem, sorry if it was coveredf earlier in the thread i missed it. i would assume its to feed the new shoot