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Define old

billy bob



How old is old? Iis'nt the question , it's the results of all the partys and a life of hard work ;not to mention all of the bodily abusses that we all subject ourselves to on a daily bassis.. Old could be 70 or it could be 32 depends on how much punishment you put your body through during your lifespan. I would also say a persons mental attitude has a lot to do with how old one feels if you feel physicaly beat down your mind will also feel beat down
Put them together and you start to feel and sense old coming on. maybe 32 maybe 70 yrs old. OLD IS OLD . :chin:


I am in my 50s & it depends on my health from day-to-day how old I feel.

Sometimes I feel 75 other times I feel 30. The average of those 2 = 52.5 yrs old.
I'm 52, so that seemed to work out OK. :D

the craw

guys,,,I'm fifty in may,my oldest daughter will be 32,I have a 2yr old son,there are 8 others inbetween and my wife is due another at the beginning of may.......and I still feel 18.........................

High n Dry

If you didn't know how old you are how old would you be?

61 here. Sometimes I feel 30 and sometimes I feel real old....Go ahead, feel me. :pointlaug

Oger's Revenge

New member
Age is purely a state of mind... if you let yourself be old then you are old... I turn forty soon but I feel the same as I did in my twenties.

The really freaky part though is the perception of age... perceptually by the time we reach 20 we have lived half of our life! The years use to drag by when I was younger but now they just seem to fly past at break neck speed.


I might be old but thank God I am very immature. I've got that going for me


New member
I'm 58. Some days that seems very old.

However it does have its advantages. Trouble is I can't always remember what they are.



Well,how old is old ?Let me see,O ya,I just turned 46 and I refuse to grow up.
I still smoke weed,have lots of sex,ride mountain bikes hard,Yep I refuse to grow up.
Ocanabis :wave:

the craw

I dont seem to have the time to grow old,,my new baby daughter(Freigha)was born on wednesday morning at 5.21am and that means she has got here on time for my 50th next month....

the craw

thanks guys,,,,I just realised,when filling in the card to register her birth,that when I start to get my old age pension,I'll still be getting family allowance for her at the same time,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe I should just have one every year........

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