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Deep Stoner Thoughts


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
One thing that has always fascinated me about enjoying the fruits of our hobby (smoking the fine marijuana we grow), is the deep meditative type thinking we tend to fall into afterwards. Where we find ourselves figuring out things intuitively that once stumped us, or we have thoughts and ideas that seem like great epiphanies or revelations from seemingly out of nowhere. As if somehow the state of being high unlocks something in our psyche that allows us access to knowledge outside of ourselves.

Of course more often then not, when revisiting these thoughts in a more sober light, we find that our thoughts and ideas tend to have serious flaws in them or we now forget pieces of the puzzle and it no longer makes sense. Every now and then though I think we do stumble on true gems of thought that are worth preserving.

To that end I thought it might be interesting to create this thread as a place where any of us can come when we're stoned and these thoughts are active in our minds and record them. Hopefully in the end we'll have built up a collection of thoughts and ideas that may be of value to others. At the very least it should also make for interesting discussion around the smoking table. :smoke out:

I'll start with this. Over the years we've seen various studies that strongly suggest marijuana might be capable of doing some pretty significant things medically. One study suggests it might help prevent memory loss and dementia in people prone to alzhiemers or to slow down the advance of dementia in people who are already suffering from it. Other studies and treatments strongly suggest that marijuana can slow, reverse and in effect cure some types of cancer or even prevent cancer from developing. Unfortunately due to the politics that work against marijuana none of these things ever really get tested the way they should and so these medical benefits go largely ignored even though marijuana gets used medically in many other ways with good results.

Well it occurs to me that at this point in time we'll soon be seeing a flood of people who grew up in the hippie generation, when everyone was smoking marijuana, into retirement and the age when these things that marijuana may help with usually present themselves. Wouldn't it be something if for the next decade or so we saw a sharp decline in alzheimers and cancer because of all those people who've enjoyed marijuana most of their lives resisting those afflictions in their retirement years?

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Can there be any doubt that if the world's politicians, ESPECIALLY the United State politicians, were sharing a puff or two of ganja instead of martinis (substitute any alcohol here) during their days...that the world would be a better and safer place?


One thing that has always fascinated me about enjoying the fruits of our hobby (smoking the fine marijuana we grow), is the deep meditative type thinking we tend to fall into afterwards. Where we find ourselves figuring out things intuitively that once stumped us, or we have thoughts and ideas that seem like great epiphanies or revelations from seemingly out of nowhere. As if somehow the state of being high unlocks something in our psyche that allows us access to knowledge outside of ourselves.

Of course more often then not, when revisiting these thoughts in a more sober light we find that our thoughts and ideas tend to have serious flaws in them or we now forget pieces of the puzzle and it no longer make sense. Every now and then though I think we do stumble on true gems of thought that are worth preserving.

I find this process quoted here quite fascinating and have pondered it as well. I think when we are high, the creativity which flows is of a more universal source, a truth if you will. There is less of the individual'sego in that moment, and more of the pure truth/silioquy/revalation shit. Less of us and our bs rather than it being some superpower type state of mind.


What were we talking about?
Rambling stoner revelations?

Awesome. Count me in.

I've noticed that now that I'm closer to the end of my life expectancy than the beginning, I tend to look at things much differently than when I was coming up and raising a family. I get high every day and I do a lot of thinking. Amongst all those thoughts, I come up with a "revelation" now and again. Next time I do, I'll try to remember to pop in and post again.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
the other day my buddy smoked a bit too much of my stuff and after several minutes of silence and puzzled look on his face he finally speaks and says something along the lines of "do you think if unicorns ever existed that people ate them?" not all of us are deep intelligent thinkers while stoned lol


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I find this process quoted here quite fascinating and have pondered it as well. I think when we are high, the creativity which flows is of a more universal source, a truth if you will. There is less of the individual'sego in that moment, and more of the pure truth/silioquy/revalation shit. Less of us and our bs rather than it being some superpower type state of mind.

Well I didn't mean to imply a superpower state of mind so much as perhaps thoughts are just out there in a dimension somewhere. That once they are formed they continue to exist and can be tapped into under the right conditions. That then could explain those times where we get thoughts that seem completely out of line with our usual thought process and/or experiences.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Rambling stoner revelations?

Awesome. Count me in. View Image

I've noticed that now that I'm closer to the end of my life expectancy than the beginning, I tend to look at things much differently than when I was coming up and raising a family. I get high every day and I do a lot of thinking. Amongst all those thoughts, I come up with a "revelation" now and again. Next time I do, I'll try to remember to pop in and post again. View Image

Perfect, that's exactly what I'm hoping you and others will do, thanks in advance for your contributions. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the other day my buddy smoked a bit too much of my stuff and after several minutes of silence and puzzled look on his face he finally speaks and says something along the lines of "do you think if unicorns ever existed that people ate them?" not all of us are deep intelligent thinkers while stoned lol

Nor do all of us have deep intellectual thoughts each and every time we smoke. Who knows, maybe it's strain dependent? Maybe only certain strains unlock the deep thoughts while other strains unlock silly thoughts? My favorite along the lines of your friend's unicorn question is, "If you choked a smurf what color would his face turn from lack of oxygen?" :)


Invertebrata Inebriata
I think pot turns off your inner critic, and allows you to entertain thought you might otherwise dismiss. Same thing happens right before you go to sleep. That's why people like Paul McCartney keep a note book beside the bed.


Power Armor rules
Ancient Chinese texts called Cannabis the, "liberator of sin" and I think they were onto something very big.



Active member
HempKat. Excellent idea.
I usually get very creative ideas for future career etc. Problem is when the 'sensible' ego takes over the next day...they are sidelined..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HempKat. Excellent idea.
I usually get very creative ideas for future career etc. Problem is when the 'sensible' ego takes over the next day...they are sidelined..

Well sometimes they should be, not all deep stoner thoughts are epiphanies it's just the high makes it seem like they all are. Some times though....:good:

Sat X RB

Well it occurs to me that at this point in time we'll soon be seeing a flood of people who grew up in the hippie generation, when everyone was smoking marijuana ...

seems to me our present politicians are in this group. yet there is NO CHANGE!

thus, I 'm wondering if the present restrictions on cannabis are because politicians who once smoked are REALLY FRIGHTENED anyone might find out and it will blow their 'respectable' cover?

and in regard to epiphanies and such ... seems to me cannabis allows a certain silencing of thought ... and that intuition sometimes fills the silence.

I mean, have you noticed that there has to be silence before there is understanding?

or put another way: mental silence is necessary for understanding to blossom ... and cannabis contributes to silencing one's usual train of thoughts ...

anyway, that's how my process seems to work.

cheers ...
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Lover of Life
The Other Side

You ever wonder what's on the other side of the veil? Paradise, Hell? Do you have to pay for your sins like some think? Maybe reincarnation into another life is possible. The next challenge or whats around the corner, the next life or the next world has always fascinated me.

What if life is like a spiral of sorts. Growing larger and larger while slowing down, the getting tighter and tighter with all sorts of craziness going on?


Lammen Gorthaur
I've come to the conclusion that God/The Deity/The One is all around us and keeps showing up and we don't notice because God/The Deity/The One is everywhere and in everything. God/The Deity/The One keeps trying to communicate with us and we keep trying to ignore God/The Deity/The One as we go about our busy lives. The message is simple: we live forever and we will never end; this is but one life in the cast of thousands we have already lived (hence the experience of deja vu being triggered by past life experiences being called forth) and the thousands and thousands and millions and millions we have yet to live - for this is an equation with an answer that each of us must solve. We decide when we have "had enough" or "want to rest" or "wish to continue".

World without end. Namaste. Numorea. Amen.


What were we talking about?
mpd, I'm in agreement with much of what you said, please don't take this as an attack on you. I just got thinking this way after reading your post. :tiphat:

My thoughts on god and afterlife.

Is there a god? I don't think there is a god in the sense that we have conceived. For my purposes you may as well call the universe god. Everything is part of everything and the true scope of the complexity of the interactions in the universe is presently beyond our reach. That there is an order to everything, I have no doubt. However, that some great intelligence is behind it all, that is aware of me and cares, I completely doubt without some concrete proof (outside of the religious writings of whatever faith you name).

Is there life after death? I cannot say if the entity that is me continues on in some new form or not. Scientists say that matter does not disappear, just transforms. So in that sense "I" will continue on in some other form. Whether I'll be aware of it, who knows? That's the main reason I'm enjoying the ride right now and not looking forward to anything "after".

When I stepped back and pondered that the universe has been going on for mind numbingly longer than homo sapiens, and will be around long after homo sapiens are history, I questioned that we are the center of anything.

Also, if you experience Deja vu you may be a time traveler stuck in a loop.

Of course, I could be wrong . . . :biggrin:

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