Some TAS were crappy and i choosed the best one called as a black pheno. Thats why the name - Night(as almost black leaves and buds colour) Hail(hail as resin coverage on a black backround) ultra (show its a new generation after simple nigh hail, means improved).
So yeah harold, you are right i think the same. NHU is much more improved from TAS.
Hehe i am very very happy if u like it, because thats most important for me. And well. After this season you all will have fresh nhu, auto lhotse and more more seeds.
Super Bohempian, i am so happy
Actually i cant remember what esbe got but if its called TAS (black) its possible you grow not NHU but NH(nigh hail) - direct ancestor of NHU
I did note one tall pheno of DAS which was less potent/tasty than the others,
I always aim for short pheno's anyway, but the best tasting DAS had RED colours on leaf stems and reddish/green bud.
Here is the best pheno of das, bit out of focus but you can see the red on the stem.
Size - auto Lhotse produce bushy plants around 1,5m tall, depending on conditions
High - if enabled to fully mature it can produce very strong balanced, lil more on indica part high
harvest time - well this again depends on many factors but its ready in poland around middle to end of sept
Phenos- well still in progress but there are purple/black and green phenos. there is difference in bushiness but what is common for all phenos is bushiness and finishing time till end of sept around 50 north
Fresh and more stabilised seeds should to be done this autumn if all will goes as it should.
I can tell you that if you will plant seedlings out in late juni, u can have harvest last week of sept. but... depends on each seson, who will tell you this exactly is a lyer. Its a live substance influencing by outer factors.
NHU is only lil lil bit stronger than Auto Lhotse, but Auto Lhotse can be more bushy and compact plant with almost same bud structure as NHU. You can see some pics on previous page so u can make an imagine how they will looks under almost ideal conditions.
Auto Lhotse and sure also NHU are over average resistant to cold and wet, harsh conditions. Even under very rainy, shitty and cold summer/autumn they are able to produce very strong and quality buds but you know also nhu can get mold when weather is totally shitty but i can tell you that in time when your nhu starting getting mold, almost all other is dead aten by mold. So you can imagine how forced they are.
Keep it commin' muchachos guerilleros. Interesting stuff. Powodzenia grunwald! I have to make a trip and see what happened to my river spot, where I went seeds straight into ground. Still want to do one more round. Gotta decide what... as you know I have some GuerillaGold and Purpurea Ticinensis mixes as well. I shouldn't be growing this year though. No time. So not sure I can breed this time around. Anyway Good thread.
Barbanegra , yes i think you should go and have a look becouse your seeds are really really good. gloria x jacalyn cross is fast and gonna be 1,5m tall at that time, the big tree heheh....
Good to hear that bro. Gotta go and have a look. Gloria x Jacalyn I expect to be the fattest cross of mine from last year. The Jacalyns were VERY vigorous and strong plants. The Gloria that I've used was a late finishing one, with airy buds the size of my thigh. Almost Resinous and most importantly with the congolese electric high. The Jacalyn had very nice compact buds... so I hope for some good specimen in the cross.
i will take some pics tomorrow bro and i have one male very very fast, and preety nice to make some seedsa. it s gloria x f13/a11 cross, i want to move it in safe place tomorrow
keep fingers crossed hehe
News from my gardens...
Yesterday I went to the wild to see my babes. I took with little bucket of High Nitro bat guano and topdressed all plants (except the smallest).
I also found first male this season. It is again Congolese Double Gold. I'm very happy of this great cross. Plants are very healthy and grow fast.
Congolese Double Gold :
and first male this season, Congolese Double Gold.