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DEA Still Blocking Cannabis Research in US


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i think nixon said it best.... and odnt quote me on this but it was something like...

marijuana needs to be illegal cause of the kids sit around smoke it and start talking about stuff...

something like that


Why is it that I am busy dying, cause I cant get enough of the one thing that makes my life bearable? Why must I allow big pharma to slowly wring the life outta me, cause I gotta fear the police kicking my door in? Why is it that the one thing that I have found in 9 years of searching that works every time I try it, must be kept from me? All I wann do is work my job, pay my taxes, and live my life...but I gotta constantly worry about some policeman coming and taking away all that I have worked for....for a plant....that was given to us by god, for the treatment of our ails. The continued denial of cannibis research, and unlimited cannabis access to the sick and ill, is a crime against humanity, and one day those that are responsible for this shall attone.


Well-known member
they are NOT going to admit they are wrong. EVER! even as they admit it to themselves & one another. it would be the crack in the wall that would unleash the Flood. they will have to be grabbed by the collar like the dogs they are, & dragged screaming into the 21st century. THEN told to "go get a job, MF!" AOH


May your race always be in your favor
I too, was discussing this with my wife and we both have come to the conclusion that- Marijuana will be legal in the next decade if not sooner and it will be legalized to become the great panacea of the people, keep em all stoned no one pays any attention to what the government is doing to line their, an the pockets of the corptocracy pockets.


Organic Dank Land
I sure hope its legal outright, but Idk, as we get closer I'm seeing it turning in a large fight(as if its not allready) Like someone else said, we all need to stick together, and get as many pro pot/med pot ppl as we can into office, email the state senate and anyone else, its one thing to say we need to march on, its another to do something about it, lets stick together and win this one, we made it along ways to get to this point, thought my state would not be legal for yrs to come, miss overgrow... overgrow the government, who by the way is supused to govern us and stick up for what the ppl beleive in.


i think nixon said it best.... and odnt quote me on this but it was something like...

marijuana needs to be illegal cause of the kids sit around smoke it and start talking about stuff...

something like that

Richard Nixon LMMFAO!

Yeah, yeah, we busting pot heads, not political protesters. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket, yeah.

And here we are:dunno:



They don't want marijuana to go mainstream because it'll crush the pharma industry people will rather take something natural like MJ because there wont be any harsh side effects:smokeit:


As long as cannabis remains a "Schedule I" drug on the books, there won't be any freedom to research it as a medicine. Maybe we need to focus more attention on getting it rescheduled. If it goes to a schedule II or III status, then it can more freely be studied. Cocaine is a schedule II drug because medicine had already established its medicinal uses prior to scheduling. Cannabis was not established in the medical community at the same time, so it ended up on the "no medical use" schedule.

Read more about it here:




They don't want marijuana to go mainstream because it'll crush the pharma industry people will rather take something natural like MJ because there wont be any harsh side effects:smokeit:

I doubt that is true. I know my friend Wendy won't be dropping her interferon meds for MS anytime soon--despite her early medical MJ status. She loves what MMJ does for her, but she's not so sure of it that she's going to stop taking the stuff keeping her MS in remission. Big pharma may be guilty of some unethical business practices, but they also make a lot of products which really help people. We can't take that away from them due to paranoia.

Flying Goat

I have used medical marijuana to treat chronic pain since 1983. From my initial trauma in a car/horse accident to my development of fibromyalgia (FM) 20 years later (after being misdiagnosed for several years with developing ALS, MS, & lupus), I have run the gamut the medical community has to offer. Because of my background in medical transcription (transcribing the operative/followup notes of surgeons), I have declined back surgery, declined implantation of a morphine pump (requiring weekly visits to an MD for refilling), undergone rhyzotomies of my c-spine, had electrostimulation, various narcotics, various anti-inflammatories (including Vioxx), one damn thing after another!!

Have I ever experienced pain control? Not until a friend introduced me to marijuana.

Why would our society prefer me to go away quietly to a dark room on Oxycontin instead of having a joint & going outside & enjoying life? Why does our law think it's better for me to be out of it physically & mentally, as well as emotionally unavailable to my child & become addicted to a high-tech chemical substance of their preference? Or because some lobbyist is greasing some politician to vote against legalization? Because it's illegal for me to smoke a plant I grew in secrecy at home for my own use behind the closed doors of my house?

Is it any wonder chronically ill people are willing to gamble on being arrested in order to provide themselves with relief from pain? Why force me to choose to be in bed with life passing me by or be arrested & imprisoned, probably to die there? My state has a 3-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of growing a single seedling...

Help end the injustice! Contact your local congressmen & senators now!

Peace. Out.


I think you have something here.

I think you have something here.

As long as cannabis remains a "Schedule I" drug on the books, there won't be any freedom to research it as a medicine. Maybe we need to focus more attention on getting it rescheduled. If it goes to a schedule II or III status, then it can more freely be studied. Cocaine is a schedule II drug because medicine had already established its medicinal uses prior to scheduling. Cannabis was not established in the medical community at the same time, so it ended up on the "no medical use" schedule.

Read more about it here:



I feel that it would be a good avenue to pursue even for the minimalistic benefit of evidence of accountability on our part.

I bet the press would document the effort.

Can't possibly be any more of a waste of time and energy than trying to move some of these legislators.

Like playing the "where's the proof?" card while holding the proof I just delivered to them.

I make them work at it a little harder now - I hand them all 76 printed pages of the Granny Crow links. They at least have to glance at it while they figure out how to hang on to that nice fat stack.

Hey - how bout this? We get the medical community behind the effort.

Powerful group

Some members of this group are on fence BUT are willing to look at facts with open minds. That's huge.

Some members of this group are on our side but scared. We all know what that's all about, right?

Some of the members of this group are among us and hiding. Know what I mean?

Some members of this group be owned by someone but not the majority or anywhere near it.

So we pull the medical community into the "rescheduling for testing purposes" campaign by playing our "accountability" card that we hold on them.

When they deal with the legislators from our side of the table they will soon realize what we all know - they have been lying to us!

Then the majority of the enlightened medical community comes around full circle and we got medical in all 50. Done

dream or good meds?



I have used medical marijuana to treat chronic pain since 1983. From my initial trauma in a car/horse accident to my development of fibromyalgia (FM) 20 years later (after being misdiagnosed for several years with developing ALS, MS, & lupus), I have run the gamut the medical community has to offer. Because of my background in medical transcription (transcribing the operative/followup notes of surgeons), I have declined back surgery, declined implantation of a morphine pump (requiring weekly visits to an MD for refilling), undergone rhyzotomies of my c-spine, had electrostimulation, various narcotics, various anti-inflammatories (including Vioxx), one damn thing after another!!

Have I ever experienced pain control? Not until a friend introduced me to marijuana.

Why would our society prefer me to go away quietly to a dark room on Oxycontin instead of having a joint & going outside & enjoying life? Why does our law think it's better for me to be out of it physically & mentally, as well as emotionally unavailable to my child & become addicted to a high-tech chemical substance of their preference? Or because some lobbyist is greasing some politician to vote against legalization? Because it's illegal for me to smoke a plant I grew in secrecy at home for my own use behind the closed doors of my house?

Is it any wonder chronically ill people are willing to gamble on being arrested in order to provide themselves with relief from pain? Why force me to choose to be in bed with life passing me by or be arrested & imprisoned, probably to die there? My state has a 3-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of growing a single seedling...

Help end the injustice! Contact your local congressmen & senators now!

Peace. Out.

Flying Goat - Heck I am going to do one better then that - I am going to stick your story in my file and deliver it to my legislators next visit.

Thank you for the passionate personal story. Running out of ammo



the very reason drugs were outlawed was bs propaganda created by the govy and spoon fed via news outlets. the headlines are hilarious. once the govt got their la cosa nostra going they tried all kinda shit just testing the waters. fear and rascism still remain in older generations. big pharma aint going anywhere regardless, and instead of assuming everybody gonna smoke it if its legal is dumb, but instead of blaming laws parents and or teachers could educate.

Flying Goat

Buddy -

Feel free to use my story anywhere you think it may be helpful. At this point in time, I'm almost ready to challenge them to lock me up. I can see the headlines now, "Sunday school teacher & granny jailed for medical marijuana." With my medical conditions & the organizations backing me, they would step in some deep shit by arresting me.

Not that I'm cocky or anything, but I'm willing to make a spectacle of myself for this cause if need be.

Contact me by PM if you should want the complete history & the rest of the story. (I've been more greatly damaged by MDs & pharmaceuticals than most guinea pigs, which is exactly what they made me feel like.)

I'm more than willing to provide name, address & phone to you upon request, as would be our Bay Area Chapter spokesperson for Alabamians for Compassionate Care, Sam Barksdale, who is working with the representative presenting our bill.

Sam's story is quite interesting as well. We have 2 patient members in the North of Bama who just "came out" to WAFF 48 News, telling their stories.

I respect ANYONE who does not feel comfortable "coming out," but it is something we must do in order to win this fight.

I've been thinking of producing a video, "Who uses medical marijuana in our Alabama?" which would showcase teachers, doctors, attorneys, politicians, & all manner of professional people, as well as homemakers & ill persons. Wish me luck.


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