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DEA investigates Montana state legislator for her mmj views

Reading the Declaration of Independence 235 years after it was written, it’s kidney-punchingly obvious that the United States government has become precisely the sort of bloodsucking tyrant against which the Founding Fathers revolted.

There was more to this post but was lost in an edit. But my signature explains it well enough.
Never, ever trust the government.
Every citizen should have a six month stock of food & water, plenty of ammo & weapons. If for no other reason than to defend yourself from the treasonious government we currently have.


Active member
The politicians need to wake up and see what they have done by allowing the DEA so much power........kinda like the inmates running the asylum. While I feel very bad for this particular politician, I feel far sorrier for the growers that are targeted, because politicians give the DEA a massive budget, and we growers don't have the ACLU stepping in to defend us for free. I say the politicians need to keep their dog, the DEA, on a tighter leash, with a muzzle, because it is a viscious dog, and it will turn on it's master, too!!!!!!


Active member
I read this again, and all I can think of is that the elected officials are giving the alphabet boys free reign, and this is surprising to these elected officials, when they are the targets of an investigation. What did they think would happen?


Until people realize that the DEA are the criminals, nothing will change. Having a plant was never a crime. Forcing your will upon others is a crime. Using community resources to enforce laws that they never had the right to create, kidnapping children, imprisoning innocent people, and in many cases using deadly force to seize property. And if you weren't helping to fund your enemy, your in twice as much trouble (see tax laws)

Don't worry though, just smoke another ciggy, drink a few dudeweisers, you prolly need Xanax and a few of those new name brand anti depressants too, because the Paris Hilton news update is coming on, you need to stay informed. Another 50 hour work week is coming, better take a few shots of Jack with your ambien, and say a prayer to Obama.

The world is fucked...
The DEA is under the Executive Branch i.e. the President. The same President who told voters that he would respect state law regarding MMJ. Who's Atty General reaffirmed that directive a few years ago. Fairly blatant lies even for politicians I'd say. The War On Drugs is today almost exclusively focused on that very segment, Medical Marijuana with the stated goal of wiping it out. Insuring MJ is forever illegal is the Golden Goose of these Fucks and they will not go gently into that good night.


New member
Until people realize that the DEA are the criminals, nothing will change. Having a plant was never a crime. Forcing your will upon others is a crime. Using community resources to enforce laws that they never had the right to create, kidnapping children, imprisoning innocent people, and in many cases using deadly force to seize property. And if you weren't helping to fund your enemy, your in twice as much trouble (see tax laws)

Don't worry though, just smoke another ciggy, drink a few dudeweisers, you prolly need Xanax and a few of those new name brand anti depressants too, because the Paris Hilton news update is coming on, you need to stay informed. Another 50 hour work week is coming, better take a few shots of Jack with your ambien, and say a prayer to Obama.

The world is fucked...
Hell Yes! I agree!! We all need to get out and vote!! Get rid of that fuck Obummer' and his ass lackey Attorney General.. That would be a hell of a good place to start..
Don't worry though, just smoke another ciggy, drink a few dudeweisers, you prolly need Xanax and a few of those new name brand anti depressants too, because the Paris Hilton news update is coming on, you need to stay informed. Another 50 hour work week is coming, better take a few shots of Jack with your ambien, and say a prayer to Obama.

The world is fucked...

^^^^Bout' covers it don't ya think?


Active member
Hell Yes! I agree!! We all need to get out and vote!! Get rid of that fuck Obummer' and his ass lackey Attorney General.. That would be a hell of a good place to start..

Yeah, i know what you mean.
But... I don't know that Mit Romney will be any kinder. Who the hell names their kid Mit anyway? I've been voting Republican forever, but because they won't give Ron Paul the time of day, I'll probably never pull the lever on GOP votes again. I'll vote for RP in the Rep. primary, but will vote for the big O come November, just to teach the GOP a lesson about not standing behind RP.
Well I think its great! They are grasping for anything now, I mean the best argument they have against the will of Montana voters?... claiming a criminal conspiracy by an elected official...laughable!!! Whats next, a cartel created manchurian candidate whose infiltration and influence will turn the good people of montana into marauding potheads subservient to their will....if it were not so sad it would be hilarious...
Hell Yes! I agree!! We all need to get out and vote!! Get rid of that fuck Obummer' and his ass lackey Attorney General.. That would be a hell of a good place to start..
yup all obamas fault!?hmmmm wonder if it could be a lil more complicated than that? hell maybe obama and the state rep. are in cahoots together? working both ends of the game?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
yup all obamas fault!?hmmmm wonder if it could be a lil more complicated than that? hell maybe obama and the state rep. are in cahoots together? working both ends of the game?

well as one former president said, "the buck stops here..".....


Active member
This is all part of the DEA's NEW WAR ON POLITICIANS who support cannabis decriminalization. Politicians are being threatened all over the country with arrest for allowing marijuana cultivation or sale in their localities.

It is SERIOUSLY interfering with our democratic process and an end to this must come soon.

The DEA has also threatened dispensaries and their landlords over legal sales of cannabis to medical patients.

This is why hundreds of dispensaries have been shutdown in California.

Is this FREEDOM?
Is this a FREE MARKET?
Is this respecting States Rights?
Is this respecting the rights of the individual to seek medical care?

No this is a FASCIST government protecting the interests of a few huge corporations over the human rights of American citizens!

This cannot continue! Support legalization! It's the only way out of this morass...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor



donny darko

This is all part of the DEA's NEW WAR ON POLITICIANS who support cannabis decriminalization. Politicians are being threatened all over the country with arrest for allowing marijuana cultivation or sale in their localities.

It is SERIOUSLY interfering with our democratic process and an end to this must come soon.

The DEA has also threatened dispensaries and their landlords over legal sales of cannabis to medical patients.

This is why hundreds of dispensaries have been shutdown in California.

Is this FREEDOM?
Is this a FREE MARKET?
Is this respecting States Rights?
Is this respecting the rights of the individual to seek medical care?

No this is a FASCIST government protecting the interests of a few huge corporations over the human rights of American citizens!

This cannot continue! Support legalization! It's the only way out of this morass...

Well said Skip
Yeah shit in Montana got pretty scary pretty quick with all the raids that went down in this small canna med community. With only 30 some thousand patients and a fairly small caregiver base the multiple waves of raids had a crazy effect which has led to the patient base shrinking in half and sending provides running for cover all across the state. The our state totally turned its back on its residents and now many provides have been forced to plead guilty in federal court for doing what was legal in their state not to mention all the forfeiture suits filing around and the gov stealing money like the one minded pig they are. All this lady wanted to do was help people and set up reasonable safeguards to the industry kind of like Colorado’s system but a little more relaxed, now looking back I would have loved for that big brother plan to have went forward, than what happened (so many arrested forced into handing over millions in assets and into being forced to pled to federal felony records and some to jail time, while I guess the lucky ones are scraping by to recoup the large investments in a industry on life support or forced to the black market to make their money back.) Obama was good at one thing, it’s called selling a dream to some people desperately wanting to believe and use their medicine in peace but the bait and switch them through entrapment. I am disgusted by what our government thinks it can do to us.
Rant over but this was personal and I am and have been so sick of what the politicians think they can do to us, well that why we keep fighting and must never give up.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Yeah, i know what you mean.
But... I don't know that Mit Romney will be any kinder. Who the hell names their kid Mit anyway? I've been voting Republican forever, but because they won't give Ron Paul the time of day, I'll probably never pull the lever on GOP votes again. I'll vote for RP in the Rep. primary, but will vote for the big O come November, just to teach the GOP a lesson about not standing behind RP.

The fucked up part is everyone but ron paul will continue the war on patients and it will get worse. I hope you don't think voting obama will teach anyone a lesson. Except maybe you can say fuck you to the american people and still get reelected.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
This is all part of the DEA's NEW WAR ON POLITICIANS who support cannabis decriminalization. Politicians are being threatened all over the country with arrest for allowing marijuana cultivation or sale in their localities.

It is SERIOUSLY interfering with our democratic process and an end to this must come soon.

The DEA has also threatened dispensaries and their landlords over legal sales of cannabis to medical patients.

This is why hundreds of dispensaries have been shutdown in California.

Is this FREEDOM?
Is this a FREE MARKET?
Is this respecting States Rights?
Is this respecting the rights of the individual to seek medical care?

No this is a FASCIST government protecting the interests of a few huge corporations over the human rights of American citizens!

This cannot continue! Support legalization! It's the only way out of this morass...

Amen skip.

The war is coming to our front doors.

They continue to add to their arsenal (unprecedented privacy invasion, endless money, drones), and all we do is say "oh they won't come after me".

Support federal bill hr 2306.

Otherwise they will come for you, and nobody will be left to stand up for you.


Active member
The fucked up part is everyone but ron paul will continue the war on patients and it will get worse. I hope you don't think voting obama will teach anyone a lesson. Except maybe you can say fuck you to the american people and still get reelected.

Yeah, it's fucked up, and no I don't really believe what I said about voting for Obama. My point was as long as the establishment candidates are what the parties put forward, the choice will be Government Party A or Government Party B. I used to say the dems put forward the global social agenda and the reps pushed the police state, two sides of the same coin really when you think about it.

Of course Obumma is advancing the police state too, but at mmj folks instead of Right wing radical types like me, like you'd expect. Weird, huh?

I kind of think Skip may have it right, that the DEA and LEO in general is doing all it can to keep politicians and wannabee politicians in line to retain their profitable pot busting ring. Like the investigation of this state rep.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Yeah, it's fucked up, and no I don't really believe what I said about voting for Obama. My point was as long as the establishment candidates are what the parties put forward, the choice will be Government Party A or Government Party B. I used to say the dems put forward the global social agenda and the reps pushed the police state, two sides of the same coin really when you think about it.

Of course Obumma is advancing the police state too, but at mmj folks instead of Right wing radical types like me, like you'd expect. Weird, huh?

I kind of think Skip may have it right, that the DEA and LEO in general is doing all it can to keep politicians and wannabee politicians in line to retain their profitable pot busting ring. Like the investigation of this state rep.

I know, it seems like more and more the two parties are just merging into a giant starving pig feeding off of us. They are getting more arrogant and blatant about completely ignoring everyone too.

It disgusts me.