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DEA Chief Michele Leonhart To Resign


Bob Green

It could be the Puss Pure Kush cut x MNS Shit. The cut would have to be a hermi too!


Registered Non-Conformist
But, why would BO nominate someone who He knew was anti-Cannabis...? Doesn't bode well.

moose eater

But, why would BO nominate someone who He knew was anti-Cannabis...? Doesn't bode well.

I look at it thus; every time BO and Eric Holder said in the past that it was time to leave the Cali med clinics alone, the raids actually SEEMED to -increase- rather than decrease!!

My observation of politics in general, admittedly weathered and cynical, is that it is -supposed- to be theatre for the gullible, because if you, myself, or any other thinking being walked into any movie theatre on the planet, and the acting and lines were delivered even half as poorly as the pre-canned bullshit in the speeches they shovel at us over the television, we'd get up in a pissed off mood, and demand a refund for the entire price of our admission ticket.

But when it comes to the almighty Papa, we're inducted and programmed from the time were little to harbor some inflated sense of patriotism that somehow often leads straight back, not only to the country, and strange versions of nationalism disguised as patriotism, but the government pretentiously attached to that country as well.

So most of the country spends some amount of time at their local proverbial corner café complaining about the gummint, but when the gummint lies to them for the 600,000th time -that- year alone, they all sit up and pay attention, as though someone said something worth listening to... But they didn't..

What they really said was, "Vote for me, and I'll set you free," with their fingers crossed behind their backs from the day they were born.

I figure it's like doing business with a chronic liar. When the feller finally actually puts it in writing, and you see him doing something tangible that actually turns his words into action, then that's believable, and you've got something to run with. Until then, we're all just spending time listening to the local chronic liar spin tales.. often interrupting the programming that those who watch television would've preferred to hear.... and often containing at least as much worldly accuracy..

That's my opinion, anyway. But then, I keep hoping for tectonic plate action that, over-night, births a new inhabitable Island in the southern Pacific, that I can name after my favorite dog, with tillable soil, good sea food, and a local ban on anything resembling recent political regimes, with the possible exception of some of Iceland's attitudes toward the banksters, and we can start anew. :biggrin:


Well-known member
She really is a total fool! She said her lowest day in 33 years at the DEA was when CO state house used a US flag made from hemp last year...say whaaaat?! That was her lowest day? Seriously?

wasn't the Declaration of Independence (or the copies) printed on hemp paper? she doesn't show it much respect either...good riddance, fool...:tiphat:
But, why would BO nominate someone who He knew was anti-Cannabis...? Doesn't bode well.
Well to be fair, Obama isn't pro-Cannabis either, nor is Holder. I'm not sure Lynch is more anti-Cannabis than Obama or Holder when it comes to the legal state run markets (medical or rec.).

I suspect Lynch will continue with what Holder has been doing, using a 'hands off' approach to rec. as long as the Cole memo (8 points that must be met) are followed.

I don't see anything from her testimony that suggests she'll try to crack down on medical and rec states running legal above-the-board markets.

But as they say, only time will tell. And with OR and AK getting ready to start their markets in early 2016 (Jan. 4th for OR) I suspect well find out sooner rather than later.
wasn't the Declaration of Independence (or the copies) printed on hemp paper? she doesn't show it much respect either...good riddance, fool...:tiphat:
I also thought that yesterday, and was doing to post the same, but it turns out after doing some digging, the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution were printed on parchment (animal skin). http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/treasure/declaration_facts.html

For the Declaration of Independence, supposedly the 1st and 2nd draft were printed on hemp paper, and likey the same for the other documents. And it may be that copies were printed on hemp paper like you suggest. But the claim so often repeated that the offical versions were written on hemp papers is just a myth.
That's my opinion, anyway. But then, I keep hoping for tectonic plate action that, over-night, births a new inhabitable Island in the southern Pacific, that I can name after my favorite dog, with tillable soil, good sea food, and a local ban on anything resembling recent political regimes, with the possible exception of some of Iceland's attitudes toward the banksters, and we can start anew. :biggrin:
While not "over-night" you may well get your new inhabitable island in about 10,000-100,000 years, and sadly, it will be part of the US and not in the South Pacific. This new island is called "Lōʻihi Seamount." So if you can wait a few tens of thousands of years you'll get your new island! :)




Active member
Right wing, left wing, and all that goes with are all part of the same corrupt bird. The only difference is their ways of lying. Each wing has its own technic, but all leading to the same destination.


Registered Non-Conformist
I just keep on keepin' on, concentrating on what I'm doing. While the tools sort it all out. All they care about it perpetuating their rule.

moose eater

There is some accuracy to the hemp parchment story; if you check, I believe you'll find that the earlier rough draft of the U.S. Constitution was made from hemp paper/parchment.

Yes, both left and right (no longer as separated as their heavily-funded advertising claims) lie through their teeth, say one thing, do another, and generally serve their masters with fatter wallets from Wall St. and elsewhere, rather than serving most of us, who foolishly elected them based on ad glitz and false dichotomies..

They both have their groupies, and, in examination of specific niche issues, i.e., environment, equal treatment under the law, etc., different cliques have different records of abuse and 'greater success.' (*Of course, when dealing with quicksand, not sinking and inhaling mud can be rated a success, leaving the country hovering some place in the realm of 'negative relativism,' which rarely sports any serious achievement of dreams for the Little People, or 'Commoners).

Beta, I never had a dog by that name, but I'll consider it in the future. And by that time, we're apt to be a part of China or (???). But since most of our stuff is made there now anyway, maybe we'll save shipping charges overall.:)

I probably won't be around when that Island occurs, either, so, once again I'll have to console myself with 'delayed gratification x 1,000,000,' and envision some (hopefully evolved) more youthful version of me, standing there in that time-frame, saying, "So -this- is what he was looking forward to.. COOL!" Garden trowel in one hand, and point-tip spade in the other, probably -still- rubbing the small of his back, and complaining about it. :biggrin:
There is some accuracy to the hemp parchment story; if you check, I believe you'll find that the earlier rough draft of the U.S. Constitution was made from hemp paper/parchment.
Yea, the drafts were written on hemp paper as far as I can tell. And maybe copies that were sent out, as well.

Beta, I never had a dog by that name, but I'll consider it in the future.
Not sure if that's a compliment, but we'll take it as such :)

I probably won't be around when that Island occurs, either, so, once again I'll have to console myself with 'delayed gratification x 1,000,000,' and envision some (hopefully evolved) more youthful version of me, standing there in that time-frame, saying, "So -this- is what he was looking forward to.. COOL!" Garden trowel in one hand, and point-tip spade in the other, probably -still- rubbing the small of his back, and complaining about it. :biggrin:
I see you're a glass-half-full guy, I like that!


Well-known member
At some point she will see a loved one get much benefit from it, just like we all do. I will suggest that may be her worst day.

moose eater

The dog name comment was a playful reply to the Island's name you'd written. I've got two of the 'best friends' right now that I wouldn't trade no matter how many foibles they possess, but perhaps one in the future, if I live that long, will bear that name of that Island... I'll have to shorten it to something though, in order to call them without sounding like I'm stepping on my tongue while I'm speaking.:)

As far as the 'glass-half-full' issue goes, I've most always been a seasoned cynic, regard myself as a trained realist, abhor the insanely positive that approaches anesthetized delusion, but remain a closeted optimist.

If a person is an overt pessimist, then they're rarely disappointed, and openly seriously surprised when stuff goes well. But keeping in mind to keep private the 'eyes of a child' hopefulness that keeps dreams alive, but sometimes leads others to regard that one as foolish or naïve.

It's a tough balancing act, but someone's got to do it.. :biggrin:


Active member
"...This employee misconduct has upset me for many reasons, but especially because it calls into question the incredible reputation DEA has built over more than 40 years."

Yeah, the DEA has built up an incredible reputation all right! Definitely not credible.

Damn, what a useless bitch.
The dog name comment was a playful reply to the Island's name you'd written. I've got two of the 'best friends' right now that I wouldn't trade no matter how many foibles they possess, but perhaps one in the future, if I live that long, will bear that name of that Island... I'll have to shorten it to something though, in order to call them without sounding like I'm stepping on my tongue while I'm speaking.:)
LOL, that makes a lot more sense than when I thought you were suggesting to name a dog "Beta Test Team." I totally misread your post. I was like, hum, that's an odd name for dog :biggrin:

But I do like the Hawaiian island name for sure! Good idea.


Registered Non-Conformist
Her departure has little or nothing to do with the whoring Agents in Colombia.

She's saving Her ass, or her legacy, so she believes, by disassociating herself with the administration that is going to - or may change Cannabis's Schedule.

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