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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


stay weird
drawing from african zulu tribe they say 3 ft tall look like malnourished children call them mantidane means to abuse fiddle and torture. same old abduction type stories laying on metal tables blood and semen/eggs taken other test done


stay weird
this is really good mark mcandlish with zero point energy/ufo supposedly suicide before testifying the guy that made this doc died from super rare aggressive cancer alot of heavy metals found in autopsy. free energy= 0 profits


stay weird
hey growone came across this one other day clicked on it cause it was around our area. lately anytime i come across a story will look up date for other sightings and im up to about 20 or so where multiple sightings on same day in different parts of america sometimes other parts of the world. this story happend same day 8 hrs before lonnie zomoras incident same egg shape ship also. another interesting thing bout the story is coming to earth every two yrs mars and earth get closest to each. heres mars and earth orbit pic and pic what gary saw and copy paste of the story


One incident involving small humanoids took place in Newark Valley, New York, on April 24, 1964. At ten o'clock that morning, farmer Gary Wilcox was working in a field near his house. The field was on a hill, and at the top, half-hidden behind some trees, was an old refrigerator. Gary saw something shining as he looked toward the ridge of the hill. He assumed that it was the refrigerator reflecting the sun — until he realized that the shining object was closer to him than the refrigerator. Curious, he drove his tractor up the hill, all the while watching the shining light.

As he approached it, he saw that the object was bigger than a car and somewhat oval. At first he thought it might be part of an airplane, but an inspection revealed that it wasn't. It had no seams or rivets and was made from a strange material that seemed to be a combination of metal and canvas.

Two men, wearing seamless white overalls and having no facial features, emerged from under the egg-shaped object. Each held a square tray filled with alfalfa, roots, soil, and leaves. Gary was certain that someone was playing a practical joke on him, but he soon changed his mind.

“Don't be alarmed,” one of the men said. “We have spoken to people before.”

What Gary noticed immediately was that the voice seemed to come from around the man rather than from within him.

“We are from what you know as the planet Mars," the man continued. Then he told Gary that they came to Earth every two years.

“People should not be sent into space,” the man warned. He said that two astronauts, John Glenn and Virgil Grissom, and two Russian cosmonauts would die within a year, because they had traveled in space.

“Do not mention our visit,” the other man said. With that, they returned to their ship.

Gary heard the craft make a noise like a car engine idling. As the noise diminished, the ship took off silently to the north.

Most people might not have reacted so calmly, but Gary merely drove home, called his mother, and told her about the encounter. Then he milked the cows and finished his chores. By the end of the next week, word had spread, and a police investigation was carried out on May 1, 1964. Gary was even tested by a psychiatrist to determine whether he had been suffering from any hallucinations that day. The doctor concluded that Gary was a truthful person.

Perhaps most surprising was the creature's prophecy. Although it was not fulfilled precisely, Virgil Grissom, along with two other astronauts, died in a fire on an Apollo rocket on January 27, 1967. What's more, on April 23, 1967, a Russian cosmonaut was killed when his re-entry parachutes failed to open. Was the prophecy related to these two events? No one can ever know for sure.


Well-known member
Yeah, I tried taking a video for big 315, I could only get a couple seconds to load on ICMAG. And yes, I see it all the time.

It just looks like a really bright light in person, but when you zoom in on it you can see the weirdness. It has no sound, I have seen up to three at a time. I don't know....


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Yeah, I tried taking a video for big 315, I could only get a couple seconds to load on ICMAG. And yes, I see it all the time.

It just looks like a really bright light in person, but when you zoom in on it you can see the weirdness. It has no sound, I have seen up to three at a time. I don't know....
thats wild, but a video would be super helpful so we are just seeing the same thng as you are seeing


stay weird
here you go growone another jellyfish looking type kinda looks like what pilots around lax between 2020-2022 spotted and said resembles what kind looks like a man with a jetpack 5-10 thousand feet up. this from 3 days ago in iraq

jetpack man/jellyfish la area

news did a disinfo hit piece after it kept getting sighted saying this is what people saw a balloon. same thing getting sighted over few yrs aint no ballon what a bunch of losers was a nice try tho more swamp gas bullshit


Well-known member
interesting pic, not a usual balloon, it would have to be custom made
jetpack not impossible but again they're a tricky operation with little endurance in the air
yeah, that's a mysterious whatever the hell it is