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Dangerous new strain headed to UK!!!


Active member
The girl in the bbc article looked quite pleased to be holding that bag!


Oh, and I guest THIS is what a proper patch of cannabis looks like :D



Was gonna say i dont think its just the plant.

If you did watch that piss poor stacy dooley programme youll see the african guys adding a powder from the hospital that is the equivalent of heroin (diamorphine)
And also other hiv medications to there joints

Heres an article i found

(please dont add more rumors to weed being deadly fire)

AIDS patients in South Africa are being robbed of their lifesaving drugs so that they can be mixed with marijuana and smoked, authorities and health experts say.

The concoction is called 'whoonga' and it adds a bizarre twist to the war on AIDS in the world's worst-affected country just as it embarks on a massive distribution of medications.

Whoonga's spread is so far limited to eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa's most AIDS-stricken province, but AIDS and addiction specialists worry that it could reach other parts of the country.

There's no evidence that any ingredient of the AIDS drug cocktail is addictive or does anything to enhance the marijuana high.

Whoonga smokers may be fooling themselves into believing the AIDS drugs are giving them a high, when it's really some other ingredient, says Dr. Njabulo Mabaso, an AIDS expert.

AIDS is already a source of damaging myths in South Africa, such as that the disease can be prevented by sleeping with a virgin or showering after sex with an HIV-positive partner.

Some drug dealers are suspected of stretching the whoonga mixture with soap powder and even rat poison to increase their profits.

'We are seeing the use of whoonga in communities and its very widespread. It's a substance that is openly spoken about in communities,' says Lihle Dlamini of the Treatment Action Campaign, which has lobbied hard to improve the government's response to AIDS.

Drug dealers 'are taking this treatment that is supposed to assist people living with HIV and abusing it,' she says.

In the eastern port city of Durban, Thamsanqa Langa said he didn't know what whoonga was when dealers first started offering the cream-coloured powder at 20 rand (about $3) a smoke.

It smelled to him of vinegar, said Langa, a soft-spoken 30-year-old of few words. At first it just quietened him more. 'You feel like you can say nothing. You can just sit in a quiet place, not talking.'

But after a few days, Langa said, he started having powerful headaches, stomach pains and night sweats. When he went back to dealers, 'They said, 'You need to smoke more, keep on smoking,' Langa recalled in an interview. 'That's how I got hooked.'

He mooched AIDS drugs from HIV-infected friends, robbed houses, became a dealer and missed so many workdays that he lost his factory job. He says he smoked whoonga for four years until he gave it up in March.

Vincent Ndunge, a police spokesman in KwaZulu-Natal, said whoonga was first noticed two or three years ago when officers found gangs were robbing people of medication as they left hospitals.


New member
If that brick is making it to the UK I would certainly consider it dangerous. If it is anything like the Mexican brick from yester-year who know what is in it.


Is the brick known as "arjans haze" by any chance lmfao

Throw that shit away


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
this has pretty much zero to do with the cannabis mentioned and everything to do with the shite they're adding in for the big hit... I also saw the dooley thing...essentially a bunch of smackheads...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Is the brick known as "arjans haze" by any chance lmfao

Throw that shit away

If you watched the strain hunters film of Swaziland there is a lot of interesting information there as well was a few hints dropped later on by Franco.

Swaziland is a ganja paradise, it is the No1 crop there and basically tolerated, there are a lot of people there working with this, not all locals, and much gets exported....

This piece is largely shit, but there is some truth, yes, idiots are mixing smack in with shit weed, but I very much doubt that any gets exported.

There was also quite a lot of Swazi floating around West London a while ago that so far has failed to destroy society as we know it.


Stacey doily looked even happier tobe standing next to a metric ton of meth in her last doc in Mexico lol she a freak mate lemme tell u!

She dumb as fook n need lessons on street rules n the way of the walk but she's done a few dangerous documentries so far. Half propaganda half truth. In certain light she bang tidy ya'know!


New member
I remember watching a video about nyope and the people seemed to believe it was the rat poison which had the most psychoactive effect. It was wild watching people crush these chemicals and knowingly smoke them. Very, very sad. I was referring to just the general poor quality that usually results from bricks. I doubt that any nyope is being exported to the UK but I sure hope I am not proved wrong. The drugs people are coming up with today are horrifying. Mephedrone, strychnine, cannabinoid agonists - when will it end!?
Edit: I also remember seeing a thing about how the hiv medicines can bheave like psychedelics in people with normal functioning immune systems. Wild stuff.


Love abit of krokadil isit yum yum yum nothing beats that dank fuel taste at the back of ta throat after injecting petrol. Poor fucks heroins to expensive where they r for them poor ppl so they resort to doin shit like that.

They should legalise every drug n educate regulate, and de spence daily. The crime would drop dramatically ppl would get clean way less harmful drugs. Half the ppl would prob quit through education and to think of all the murders that wouldn't happen. Saying that tho YouTube would b boring as shit


Active member
fuck the bbc and their anti-cannabis propaganda.

african sativas are nice. better than the narcotic stone you get from indica/indica hybrids


TC Nursery est 2020
Love the Swazi Smoke... Was able to import them directly from there.... amazing smoke...

smoked nearly a half OZ with buddys at my bros wedding...