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New member
tomalv_90 said:
Yup, just new to this site and this post caught my eye.

Last weekend picked up an 1-8 th and my dealer had knocked the price up to 25 instead of 20. This 'dam' weed that i got had no smell and looked crystally, but I went back home and rolled up I cut my thumb. Diddint understand why, and it did'nt occour to me. So i got my bong out and had a bowl. Tasted horrible. So I phoned up my mate who was going to the same guy, and told him to spread the word. Now in our little community we have to lick our finger and touch the 'crystals' and rub it against our teeth and if there is a gritty sound then its that glass stuff. Why the hell?

The good news is that this 'dealer' had to give alot of money back, including mine.
But his number got deleted soon after :) .

This has to stop. What happened to the good old skunk?


Is there any other way to check for this than licking your fingers and sticking that glass in your mouth? Maybe some UV-flashlight, C.S.I. stylee perhaps?

Sad to hear this is common, never seen anything like this here in Sweden though..


I Heard in Holland they add Metal shavings to the kilos for weight..!

I dont know whats worse too much PK in the buds or glass!!? Somone needs a kick in the NADS! YEAH YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!



If I even saw that shit being sold - I would tear that assholes head off with my bare hands. One less worthless ass ruining mj for everyone.


God, greed is a terrible thing. Thanx for a perfect example! Actually now thatI think about it more, I wonder if it was some weird mix of greed/stupidity?
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this is sooo horrible. I don't see how people are good with straight up injuring others just for a tiny bit of extra cash. This is on the same level to me as a meth dealer.........maybe worse. What ever happened to greedy fucks just being happy spraying sugarwater on the buds, at least all that happened then was ya overpaid, bud tasted shitty and ya learned who not to buy from. Now your in the hospital with permanent problems because some asshole decided he needed to make more money and fuck up others at the same time. I never thought i'd say something like this, but if i found where these asses were growing, id turn them into the cops in a hurry


I've not heard about this until this thread much less come across it but i'll keep my eye open from now on.

Truely shocking and completely pointless, I guess the only real reason to do this is, as mentioned above, to make the bud look good after its been skuffed of all its trichomes. As if adulterating most of the hash sold in the UK isn't enough, these bastards have turned to messing around with the weed.

I swear its already too hard to find a good source of bud and now there might be all manner of shit sprayed onto it. I'd like to think this is an issue with import bud but I've got a suspicion thats wishful thinking - domestic growing has really took off in the past 5-6 years and unfortunately that means theres likely a lot more dodgy people in the business. Eventually this will filter down to the media and there will be scare stories further pushing the chances of cannabis ever getting legalised down the shitter.

Makes me sick :/


shamelessly plucked from dogsonacid.com forums:

Grass cut to crushed glass Mixed with microballs, potentially dangerous cannabis would circulate since the summer. By DAILY Arnaud AUBRON Release: Saturday September 23, 2006 - 06:00 After the hasch with waxing or the tire, cut grass. Even cutting. The rumour has circulated for this summer: dealers would sell mixed cannabis with glass crushed to increase the weight by them (and thus the price) but also to give him a more resinous aspect (the THC, the active substance, concentrate in the resin of the flowers). Seized of the business by an association which also alerted the press, the interdepartmental Mission of fight against drugs and drug-addiction (Mildt) is not able to confirm but carries out analyses. It however admitted Thursday that at least a case of grass cut to the microballs of glass ("not likely to involve serious medical effects in the short run") was declared by the police force of Lille in July, as well as a case of cannabis cut with sand. "Toxic". "the rumour, part of Nantes, quickly invaded Brittany, ensure Arnaud Débouté, president of Circ (Collective of cannabic information and research, principal association antiprohibitionnist). "Our investigation detected not only crushed glass, but also of fibre or microballs of glass or of sand. These products can be stuck to grass with lacquer, extremely toxic." According to Circ, several people would have been hospitalized in Nantes and Rennes. What contradicts the hospitals concerned. Remain that the accounts on this "brilliant" grass, "which cracks under the tooth" and is "odourless" recut themselves in the northern half of France, but also in the Netherlands, in Belgium and Switzerland. "the glass fibre is too fine to be perceived with the touch. But under a strong light, the grass scintillates in a not very natural way ", entrusts Christelle, 28 years, Lorraine, contacted on the Web, which says to have put two days to recover from an attack of asthma caused by the consumption of this grass. "I started by feeling large cramps with the belly, brings back this other Net surfer, Alsatian. Then the pains did nothing but increase, followed by vomiting. To the urgencies, the doctor explained me that a piece of glass could have left in my lung, then after coagulation, of the lung in the blood system, then would have blocked me the kidney." In the Eighties, businesses of cocaine cut to crushed glass were frequently reported. One of the advanced assumptions in this case would be that Dutch wholesalers would recover the resin present on the flowers of cannabis in order to make a hasch very good _ quality sails about it in the Netherlands _ then would stick glass or sand on remaining grass to resell it. "Filter acetate". Circ advises with the amateurs to take their precautions: "This grass irritates the fingers, cracks under the tooth and was reconnait under the magnifying glass. If the consumer has a doubt, it is recommended to him not to buy, obviously, and in contrary case to put at its joint or its pipe a filter acetate, purchasable in the tobacconists." And to conclude: "If the cannabis were legalized and the co-operatives of authorized productions with nonlucrative goal, we would not have business with this type of new mixtures."
strainwhore said:
If I even saw that shit being sold - I would tear that assholes head off with my bare hands. One less worthless ass ruining mj for everyone.
Too bad the people that do this are some bad mofo's that generally put a piece in your mouth before you even reached their neck. Most of the time it's not small-time growers who do these things to their weed in the attic, but large organised criminal gangs that don't mind making someone 'disappear' if he knows too much. Not the people you'd want to mess with fom my point of view.

Fortunately the local authorities still mainly focus on bringing down small growers, pretending they are a hazard to society, leaving the true criminals undisturbed... What a brave police force we have here in Holland, marvellous. :badday:


Active member

There has been a LOT of this glass weed around here and its still about. Started appearing this summer, but came acroos it a few times last year too. Under the microscope you can see the shit load of microballs or whatever it is, definitely not trichomes on their stalk...
Its good to see Soft Secrets spread the word alswell as Red Eye mag, heres the article from there:

Gangters and Bogus Weed

Have you smoked any imported skunk recently?

We, at Red Eye, have noticed, in recent years, the decline in the quality of imported skunkweed here, in the UK, so we decided to do a little more investigating.

As our main reporters are known in Holland and the information that we were out to discover is of a very sensitive nature, we had to use one of our lesser-known guys who we will call Bernard. Bernard lives in Holland and wants to remain anonymous. Read on and see why.
Many of us know those compressed bricks of imported skunk, known in the dealing trade as "Dutch Brick". It's a fairly common smoke, seen in most towns and cities in the UK.

To the untrained eye, this grayish green weed looks fairly reasonable, although it has a look and feel entirely of its own. To the trained eye however, none of it looks right. It shows very little, to nothing, in the way of brown hairs, or pistils. It both looks and feels spongy to the touch and there is a definite lack of leaf matter, which even the best trimmed buds will show some sign of. Even more worrying is the fact that you never really see any large buds, only very small ones and bits! Rub it between your fingers and you find a powdery film on your fingers, but that powdery substance is not sticky, as it should be. So what the hell is this variety of weed that no one can recognise, other than, of course, by the name "Dutch Brick"? One thing's for sure: it's just not right.

On further inspection with a trusty 20x magnifying glass, this pot shows a lot of shards, or dust, as if there is something mixed into the buds!
Our man Bernard visited a few acquaintances, some of them hooked into the underworld in Holland, in the hope of getting someone to divulge what it is that so many people in the UK are smoking.

Our man's first port of call in Amsterdam was the low-end coffeeshops. Looking at the countless menus, he decided to go for the cheaper skunks. He chose the cheap, common name varieties. Sure enough, some of the buds both tasted and looked like what we get back home.
Our man Bernard's friend, who, for the sake of this article, we shall call "Bob", is the manager of a coffeeshop in Amsterdam, who also has connections to the underworld. When Bernard visited, he waited until they were sitting quietly in a corner, sharing a smoke, before bringing up the subject of "Dutch Brick". Bob started to laugh. "I know of this stuff, its shit man," he said and he started to give Bernard a little rundown on what this stuff is all about. According to Bob, skimming, or sifting, (separating the THC from the buds), has been going on for years now. Sure enough, everyone has known about that for quite some time.

At first it was done by sifting, only very slightly, then the farmers got greedy. They realised that they could earn good money from exporting their weed, but they could make a lot of extra money by skimming off the trichomes, using a Pollinator machine to make Nederhash, also known as Skuff or Kif powder.

Although huge grows are being operated by organised criminal gangs all over Europe, much of the bulk commercial weed that is being produced today, is coming from countries as far afield as the Eastern Block, where unscrupulous organised criminal gangs are operating huge computer run greenhouses and warehouse spaces. These gangs are not doing it for love. They are purely after the vast profits involved in massive commercial marijuana production and skimming has become an integral part of that type of operation.

But once they've skimmed off much of the THC, some replace the weight loss with other things.

In the past, these large-scale operators have used materials such as finely ground up leaf dust, saw dust, and even milk powder. In many cases, moisture (water) is added to increase the weight. (Possibly causing that spongy feel).

According to Bob, there are powders that are being produced, which can be added by sprinkling them onto the remaining buds once the skimming process has taken place. These powders stick onto the remaining stalks and glands, thus giving the appearance of a frosted bud. But these little sparkles that you are seeing are not trichomes at all. They are some form of manufactured, synthetic powder, which these drug gangs are using. Although we cannot absolutely confirm this, there is a suggestion that minute fibreglass shards come into play here. The latest product is a closely guarded secret. It can be applied to the remaining buds in a liquid spray form and will stick to the bus as if it is part of that bud, again giving it a slighly frosted appearance.

So next time you buy some imported skunk and you cant see actual large buds, only small bits, give it a squeeze. If it feels spongy, that's your first clue. If it leaves a powdery substance on your fingers that is no way sticky that's your second. Now try a magnifying glass. If it doesn't look right then...
Well how many clues do you want?...

Perhaps it's time to start buying from a local grower instead.
Just buy British.



New member
i no, i friend told me that his friend picked up and when he got home and opened the bag (a rather large 1) and put his hands through it they started burning, but it wasn;t slight burning, he ended up having to go to hospital and they asked him " why have you been handelling asbestos?" of course was completely taken back by this, all he thought he had done was put his hand in a bag of buds, but he had to lie and say he had!!! BEWARE!!!! :fsu:


ASBESTOS :badday: god thats sick if it actually was asbestos, i hope this encourages people to grow there own weed the way it should be, instead of people getting rich from it.


ICMag Donor

-Leads to public health hazzards^^^
-Allows minors to be drug dealers
-Finances gang activity
-creates gang violence
-raises prices
-leads to large quantities of drug supply of low quality

Whats wrong with the gov't we just did this shit with alcohol earlier last century!
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Jam Master Jaco



harold said:
ASBESTOS :badday: god thats sick if it actually was asbestos, i hope this encourages people to grow there own weed the way it should be, instead of people getting rich from it.






ICMag Donor
How could the government let this shit happen! So many people smoke in the UK that a few are bound to inhale the asbestos!

This should wake the gov't up about the dangerous consequences of this illogical prohibition, but they way they look at it is probably "Them damn dopeheads are getting what they deserve. When you choose to do illegal drugs you must not care about your body anyway. Maybe this will make people stop doping up the place!"

Overgrow 'em!
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Active member
How could the government let this shit happen!

The government is run by the corporate class, and a large contingent of them had mmj criminilised. The paper, chem (ex: DuPont), pharma, alcohol, tobacco industries are some of the corporate sector directly involved. The others that benefit indirectly are the arms mfrs (benefit thru drug wars- more arms sales for fighting this drug war = more production = more revenues = more profits), private prison constructors, and those who invest in them (KFC invests in private prison building, for example).

As long as you have a corporate run government, I fear it will be difficult for mmj to come outta the closet. They don't deliberately want to kill or harm ppl who smoke by themselfs but it's too bad that most governments in our "modern democratic" world seems to be bound by the financial clout of the corporate sector.

all messed up

Overgrow refugee
Usually at this point peoples eyes open and talk of fraternal organizations in places of power and then people call you a conspiracy theorist.

We as the opressed ones know better.

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