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Danged Kids Today !!!


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
BudMeister said:
These kids with all their fancy-schmancy high bred seeds and weed!
Back in MY day we choked on shit weed that was 90% seeds and stems and we LIKED it !!!!!! Once back in the '60's I was smokin' on a piece of hash for a week before I figured out it was just a cat turd!
Danged spoiled brats!!

Dude that was funny,
because I think we shared that same cat turd. :joint:


Boris said:
I still smoke the old shit 'cause I'm one cheap bastard.

I said the same thing. When I 1st tried some of these new genetics, I was amazed at the potency of weed nowadays. I was also a die-hard & refused to pay these outrageous prices. Then a grower pal of mine sent me a few different flavors & I was sold. Now my 'middleman' is the FedEx dude & he brings me different kinds every month. :wave: :joint:

I can't even fathom going back to commersh now. :confused: :yoinks:

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Yeah, I hear that quite a bit but I just can't see dishing out that much jack for bud. $40 is all I need.


I agree with ya Boris, I just buy some of all. cheap & high end. Cheap for those middle of the daze buzz. High end for sittin here reading & typin.

Wonder if gritty kitty would help the buzz? :biglaugh:

:wave: :joint:

Lord Doobie

if my cat sniffed and ignored my pot, I knew it was good
if the cat started tearing it up, I knew it was shwag
smart cat

ps - there's a "back in my day" thread goin here


BudMeister said:
These kids with all their fancy-schmancy high bred seeds and weed!
Back in MY day we choked on shit weed that was 90% seeds and stems and we LIKED it !!!!!! Once back in the '60's I was smokin' on a piece of hash for a week before I figured out it was just a cat turd!
Danged spoiled brats!!


I was expecting a young vs older slanging match and it turns out to be that. lol cool :lurk:

:moon: :wave:

Nice 1 man :chin:



Active member
Hello all,

I hear you Bud. I remember back before we had fancy schmancy BIC lighters.

Back when we used matches- huddled in corners to hide from the wind and rain- shakingly trying to tear the match from the book and then trying to strike it so it would light- fighting the wind to get a hit before it blew out.

Yeah, it was tough, but we liked and we did not complain.

Damn kids today.....

Oh and don't get me started with the remote control- back in my day, we did'nt have remote control- unless of course you talking about little brother Timmy. No we had to turn the dial ourselves....and we liked it. And it was ok, because we did'nt have 357 channels to choose from-no, we have 3. Thats right three. And sometimes you had to hold the antenna just right to get the picture in. Which was in black and white. And we liked it.




/\/\/\/\ Now that really brings back the memories. Yep, 3 channels...ABC, NBC & CBS. No independent stations....& if there was a Presidential speech, time to go out.
I think that's why so many kids don't experience the adventures we used to. They don't have to make their own fun, it's electronically handed to them.


Active member
Hello all,

Zoltron, I could not agree with you more. It is also a contributing cause to child obesity. The little punks can't get off the back of their fronts to go outside and run around.



/\/\/\/\ Excellent point, minds I. A lot of these kids don't even go outside anymore. I think they've gotten to the point where they can't even amuse themselves without the aid of electronics.
Now, if the youngsters want to see what the Grand Canyon looks like, they just pull it up on the compo. We'd, like, actually GO to the place. :confused:


Anita Hitt
And sometimes you had to hold the antenna just right to get the picture in. Which was in black and white. And we liked it.

you forgot to mention adding that piece of foil to the anteana to make it work .Anymore, kids aren't safe outside . its a shame really.


Kids, now have microwave thinking and they want it now.

I imagine, some cannot fathom, putting something in the oven at 350 and having to wait for it to cook.
Blowing all your money on Friday night and having to go poor till the bank opened on Monday.
Then if the kids cant have it now, its remote then. From remote tv/entertainment controls, remote starters, to even remote cyber sex. haha
Arguments are not settled with a brutal bloody fight and a cooling off period, now its pull out the glock and let em have it, after which they think they should have thought about it a little more but they want it now.

Call me OldSkool, but you cant have good without bad. Dont get me wrong, I like all the want it now stuff, but I also know, what it is like to go without too, so it is appreciated more.
So as the OP stated in the first post, kids are spoiled for the most part and will miss valuable lessens as we were thought/lived.


Oops I forgot, my first finger hash came from the middle crease on the inside of a double LP album, after continuous sifting for seeds.
Plus, how the foke did they get those rocks inside the buds. I use to think, some Mexican dude threw handfuls dirt at the flowering buds to make them pack on more weight. hahah


I remember the rocks and dirt clumps. Anyone remember the Lizard Jerky found in Brick Weed? I once found a bird skeleton in a 5 Lb. Mini Bale.


Xtbudda said:
Kids, now have microwave thinking and they want it now.

I imagine, some cannot fathom, putting something in the oven at 350 and having to wait for it to cook.

I remember when I was a single man, back in the 70s, & basically living on either steaks on the grill & Minute Rice on the stove or a Stouffer's lasagna.
The lasagna was a 55 minute ordeal in a pre-heated oven to about 400 degrees. Then you'd have to let it sit & cool. What now takes about 15 minutes to go from freezer to belly, was an hour & a 1/2 in the pre-microwave days. :joint:

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
When I was a kid adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles (alota kilometres) to school every morning uphill both ways through year 'round blizzards carrying their younger siblings on their backs to their one-room schoolhouse where they maintained a straight-A average despite their full-time after-school job at the local textile mill where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to help keep their family from starving to death!

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet - if we wanted to know something, we had to go to the g*d damned library and look it up ourselves!

But.... I'll spare you young whipper-snappers all that. :D

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Active member
Hello all,

Yeah, it was a bitch walking to school but I had two younger siblings and we used a sled.

It would have been cool except there were never any downhills you know. But we liked it.

And it was not 35 cents an hour- it was 35 cents a week. And we liked it.


In truth, my dad and his family went through the Depression and it was very hard lean times then came the early war years.

No I never had it rough but my folks and grandfolks did.

Well other then the uphill walk to school and home again in the snow.... that was rough.
