Same way you'd roll a tent tightly; make sure each area keeps up with the other, and crimp with your fingers as you tuck. Just not so hard that the paper's destroyed. And yes, if done properly, they'd burn without too much run. If done improperly, they were a true fire you really mean 2 ounces in one gigantic paper? How did you manage to roll it up in a decent way, I mean did you use one of those sushi-making-mats to roll them up? I mean bloody hell!! How mayn of you enjoyed such a big one?
Bear in mind that an oz of either Colombian brick/bale weed, or an oz of Mexican brick weed back then was seeded, sometimes heavily. Which is also where 'hinged' album covers came into play; tilting the album with half flat on a surface, and half raised, and repeatedly lifting the weed, typicaly with the rollling paper cover or driver's license, up onto the raised half of the hinged album cover, and letting the seeds roll down into the hinge area of the Lp cover.