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Damn. Finally really happened. I'm old.



is anyone old and healthy like in their 40ties or its impossible to avoid being sick at old age?

still dont believe that you "must be/have to be sick!!!!" when old dunno why probably scared of that you have to be you must be sick its like one of those programs that put inside you that you have to believe in like if you are 50 you must accept you are 50 but I refuse and ignore that hard thinking it will go away :D


Well-known member
Anything is possible, but it's rare. Life catches up to everyone eventually, ware and tear on the body takes a toll. Even with my minor issues, my wife still says I have the mentality of a 25 year old. I'm still growing on a decent size scale, still making love a couple of times a week, still exercising 5-6 times a week, eat what I want when I want it, and still happy to be here alive and kicking. It's not all bad, just not as good as it used to be.

moose eater


is anyone old and healthy like in their 40ties or its impossible to avoid being sick at old age?

still dont believe that you "must be/have to be sick!!!!" when old dunno why probably scared of that you have to be you must be sick its like one of those programs that put inside you that you have to believe in like if you are 50 you must accept you are 50 but I refuse and ignore that hard thinking it will go away :D

40??!! Old??!!! Sheeiit.....

I was moving along pretty good up into my mid-50s, then the back decided to up the ante. Got that fixed.

Metabolism will slow down, weight can kill you over time, as will a bad diet.

I know folks in their mid-60s and early 70s who you wouldn't believe what they still do. And some/most of them were fairly regular weed imbibers, along with regular beer. It's the movement and activity, along with proper diet (and genetics) that will make or break the deal.

But there's things you lose slowly, and there are times that it strikes you that there's been a sudden drop in ability. The sudden drops are the most depressing.

Still, with a lot of dedication and effort, you can pull that iron out of the fire, depending on what's keeping you down.

Eat a healthy diet, and if you're going to try and retrieve what you've lost, start slowly, with repetition in exercise, and work your way back up. It WON'T happen in a day, or a week, or even a month, but unless you have a terminal illness, or something along those lines, you -can- regain some of what ever you've forfeited in many cases.

Good luck. "Use it or lose it."

White Beard

Active member
Shit, boy, things don’t even begin to hurt until you’re in your 40s.

It’s about general fitness as well as health, movement in particular, which is why swimming is often advised. I’m bearing down on 70, but I can still run with the young bulls, I just can’t do it as long or as often. I’m easily in as good shape as plenty 20 my junior, I’m strong, just not *as*...mental faculties as sharp as ever, maybe moreso. I rarely get sick.

Getting old isn’t the same as getting sick: we use these things up, riding around in’m.


Well-known member

is anyone old and healthy like in their 40ties or its impossible to avoid being sick at old age?

still dont believe that you "must be/have to be sick!!!!" when old dunno why probably scared of that you have to be you must be sick its like one of those programs that put inside you that you have to believe in like if you are 50 you must accept you are 50 but I refuse and ignore that hard thinking it will go away :D

no, you don't HAVE to be sick or in pain. you COULD be dead...:comfort: my aches remind me that i'm still on the right side of the sod.:tiphat:


Far out, Hippy! And doesn't the dope help with those? Hee hee, the Missus gave some medicine to our mechanic the other day. I wrote a note with the doses, telling him his flu symptoms would go away if he ate one piece of biscuit at a time. Signed my self Doctor Jim. Asked his Wife if she'd like to see my stethoscope.

no, you don't HAVE to be sick or in pain. you COULD be dead...:comfort: my aches remind me that i'm still on the right side of the sod.:tiphat:


dunno if its true but heard that 80 percent of all ilnesses are from food

also heard that you have lots of brain like nerves/cells in your digestive tract /another brain/...

started to grow my own vegetables that might maybe help..

thanks for the insights think I rather dont need to know more about getting old now

hee he

moose eater

We thought we ate healthy, now that I'd made that move out of necessity a number of years ago.

Went to a friend's place in the Yukon Territory a monthor 2 ago, and the wife of the couple (whom I'ev known bothof them for over 40 yeasr) had a chart on the refrigerator, listing accumulators of pesticides, herbicides, etc.

Blew my mind that SPINACH was #2 on the list. Spendy or not, we've been eating organic spinach since. Apples are way up there too on that list; especially the skins.. (*The old adage about an apple a day keeping the Doctor away? Well, maybe, and maybe not, but apparently it -damned- sure won't keep the mortician or estate attorneys away).

I'm guessing you can find a similar listing on-line re. what fruits and veggies are the worst offenders in 'holding on to' pesticides and herbicides.

I'll be asking to copy hers when my son and I head back over there in a couple weeks for my third round of dental cleaning, and our annual fishing trip.

Food matters. So does air, exercise, and more. And the content of any substances you may be engaging in, too.


Well-known member
It’s funny that as we get older, we all talk about our ailments. I personally have been tested, probed, colon, and heart, and the only things I have is high blood pressure, and neuropathy, and overweight. I am on a self enforced organic plant diet, to lose weight and for general health, riding a stationary bike, doing what I can to be healthy, and feeling much better for it. I have lost 35 lbs and counting. The docs say that losing weight will help with the BP but the neuropathy is probably here to stay. I’m halfway through my 60’s and feeling good...

moose eater

EE you can locate a decent FDA (??) review of a specific study on-line showing that alpha lipoic acid reduces the impact of peripheral neuropathy, and prevents the onset for those who don't yet experience it.

The regimen for subjects in the study in reference was 600 mg/day, administered IV. I quit playing with needles when I was 16 y.o., a long time ago, and don't even want to watch them take my blood samples anymore, but I take 600 mg/day in capsule form, orally, most of which have been immediate release, though recently, in a screw-up, I ended up with one batch of time release.

In terms of reduction of A1C's, 'bitter melon' (Asian fruit) has been known to have dramatic helpful effects. Though a friend's father in the Lower-48 said the fellow who schooled him, from the Far Eat, taught him to puree it, and drink it straight, no cooking or adulterants. Said it tastes like shit, but worked wonders. "Down the hatch. Cheers!"

Avoidance of heavy carbs, especially refined, has led us at our home to be what I call jokingly, 'food racists'; nothing white, if at all possible. No white (or refined) sugar, no white noodles, no white flour, and as whole grain as we can get. The carb counts may be higher per serving, but they process more slowly overall.

With loss of serious weight about 10 years ago, and an adjusted diet at that time, in the matter of 2.5 months (edited for correction; my memory continues to fade...), I went from an initial glucose at dx of 250, with related fungal infections, to a glucose of 90 to 105... with no drugs to make it happen, after the 1srt week or 2.

Type II diabetes can be reversed, but as we age, and go through that process of reversal more than a couple times, the body begins rebelling, and for some, it can be more difficult to 'kick-start' the metabolism/system, and reverse the trend and related harms.


Active member

is anyone old and healthy like in their 40ties or its impossible to avoid being sick at old age?

Ya, kinda - especially since I had that new hip installed last year... lol

I had the type of job where you were kept physically fit for most of my life, mostly watched what I ate and took lots of all the vitamins. People I meet are shocked when they hear how old I am, especially doctors.
I'm worried how long I might have to live.


Yes, the Doctor we see is surprised (when he looks at our files) we are not 'on' any pills. We're 71 and 70.

We live in the bush on stand alone solar and draw lots of water and chop lots of wood. This is what keeps us alive, I am sure.

I would never worry about living too long. Each day for us brings something new either in sight or sound from the Nature that surrounds us. We live in either a macrocosm or a microcosm of

Nature depending how we choose to 'see'. This morning there was a Brown Pigeon hooting its mating call.

Even when we are so aged we can't leave the verandah (porch) there is a wonder of life to see before us ... and euthanasia will allow us to watch our Death with a great deal of interest ...

Cheers All ...

Ya, kinda - especially since I had that new hip installed last year... lol

I had the type of job where you were kept physically fit for most of my life, mostly watched what I ate and took lots of all the vitamins. People I meet are shocked when they hear how old I am, especially doctors.
I'm worried how long I might have to live.


I guess I'm getting old. Been dizzy/nauseous. Got up off toilet and fell forward, hit my damn head on towel bar.

Stupid aging.

moose eater

I get numbness in legs if I sit on the toilet too long.

Can be just plain old weary circulation, resulting from pinching in the joints, affecting veins/arteries, OR, in my case, pre-spine surgery, it was a matter of my spinal cord already being constricted, affecting my legs.

When I would stand, my legs would get a wave of numbness.

For now, despite uncorrected 'other' areas of the spinal cord, the three areas that showed zero space between the spinal cord's outer protective wall (I think it's the 'dura') and the passage in the spine, have been freed by removing the back portions of those 3 vertebrae.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I gotta go see the Doc - I have what I think are 2 sebaceous cysts on the underside of both arms - kinda between the bicep and tricep - just under the skin.

plus I'm getting these odd spots on my shins that don't seem to go away - I detest having to go see a Doc - and usually leave it till I absolutely have to.

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