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Daisy Will Be Missed


Well-known member
I could never say anything to make this time on your family any easier. All we can do is give them unconditional love and they will give you 110% back. It sounds like she was very loved by your family, that is all any animal could hope for, a family to love. Thanks for giving her a good life...


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
So sorry to hear about the loss of your baby, bro. Stay strong and remember the good times.

Jon 54

El Kabong No luck yet, I found a few litters for sale but they were out of my price range 850.00-1000.00 . That's crazy for a puppy. The search will go on, I'm sure to find one soon. Jon 54 :wave::wave:
there are so many homeless dogs in shelters, i know the shelter by Ramon and Varner has tons of dogs needing a good home. good luck with the search. the best dogs come from shelters in my opinion.

joe guy

The pit in the pic was a rescue well sorta she was left at a vet with pretty bad wonds and what not from what I rember. And she was the love of my life that fuckin dog went every where with me had her own couch and would growl at buddys that tryed to get her to move but she was with us for nearly 12 years best dog ever fuck what they say about pits and being agressive ima go thru my pix and find my pit in the cats bed completly not one spot touching carpet cause the cat was in her spot lol they are the two in my avatar.... best wishes to u n ur fam it sux takin that drive....

RIP D boy and sam sam we miss u see u soon

joe guy

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Here's afew pix my angels gone but never forgoten never replaceable I agree with a pound puppy they are the best don't try to replace what u had get a new breed to many memories with the one u had we have a datsun chiuwawa ( sorry don't kno how to spell it)

Its hard but u did the rite thing it would be selfish to make them suffer so u can spend more time best of luck and deepest appoligezz....

That guy named joe.....


I hear ya

I feel more connected to my dog than my friends. He knows when I am close to home, my room mates see him get all excited and they know I'm almost home. We are like soul mates, it is an amazing feeling to love something so much and actually feel that love returned 10 fold.

The hardest thing I had to do before getting him was get used to the fact that he will pass before me. I dread that day, and in doing so, make every moment I can the best we ever had.

My biggest wonder is if we really find them, or they find us?

and also, my Dad got me a dog as a little child, for many reasons. One was to teach responsibility, I had to feed and walk him. The other was to learn how to really love something. The final reason which I learned much later was how to deal with the ultimate sadness. They are as much of a teacher as any human can be to a person. They are so awesome. I'm gonna go hug my dog right now.

Wish I could give you a hug, or if I were a dog I'd lay my head on your lap and make you scratch my belly



I feel for ya man

such an awesome thing to have in your life, but also a hard thing to lose.

this video may cheer you up, I'm no military man, but this is touching, watching reunions


my dog acts like this every time I come home, no matter how long I was gone. It's amazing to feel so wanted

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