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Curious on how many switched back


Active member
Omg not only 1/2 to 3/4 of that plant buds like i posted in my hand lol really dude and they get bigger bottom up ??? ok i see that now i must need fucking glasses hahaha:laughing: i see some decent buds up top but half the plant down is it really what ??? you got some dry bud shot pics ??? hahaha i got to see this here some lower bud shots from horizontal and of course dried buds :tiphat: and waht top buds look like you see a difference under 1k[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=39004&pictureid=921957&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I love how you skipped my questions, opt for shit talking instead of discussion, and only comment on the picture.

Density is the single most important factor of quality to me. Size is of negligible inportance. Those bottom half nugs are as dense as the tops.

The next two trays i grew the plants taller and took off a foot of branches above the pot. I think this will change the dynamics of the plant and give me larger bud sites toward tge bottom but only time will tell.


over 100 plants which is 5years mandatory minimum prison sentence in the US. Even though there are no limits on medical growing in my state, I would like to stay out of federal prison.

Not suggesting you change your mind, but feds aren't gonna go after any grow that breaks 100. I got raided with 60+ almost finished, 40+ waiting to go 12/12, and another who knows who many in plugs. About 170 was the count used for charges. Was on parole for an old meth charge that I'd done several years in prison for at the time too. Ended up with a few months on house arrest.


cant re Member
the problem is vert is only gonna be good if you use multiple lights.
plants put in a donut around one light is the same as horizontal.. the light is only hitting one side of the plant. and like dr fever mentioned the light is less intense.


New member
I'm sold on it
I do cocoa auto feed drain to waste cocoa
Don't miss hoods and all the extra gear
Ya need the right variety and jedi kush is mine


the problem is vert is only gonna be good if you use multiple lights.
plants put in a donut around one light is the same as horizontal.. the light is only hitting one side of the plant. and like dr fever mentioned the light is less intense.

This is just moronic; if the intensity isn't quite what you want, move the fucking plants closer! DUH!

Same as horizontal? That thouie lights a four by four = 16 ft² space flatlander style- but it will light three feet tall by sixteen in circumference (to get a 30" radius) = 48 ft² in a donut. The only way to get the same yield from three times the surface area is if you can't trellis.

It is true that stacking bulbs gives all the same benefits of overlap that flatlander grows enjoy (actually better, because of space advantages), but ya sure don't need it to suck the doors off 'em anyway.


Those bottom half nugs are as dense as the tops.


"Once you go Vert, you never Revert" i don't care what kind of lighting you use in a horizontal garden, you're gonna get Larf! i have done every style of growing since 92' and Vert is the Winner for me. My lowest buds were more developed and denser in a vert setup than most horizontal growers top colas.

If i was cropping 76 plants, i sure wouldn't be braggin that count on a public forum, or any social media for that matter. How many people on IG have been busted that you've heard of? imagine how many more there are that have not been publicized.


Active member

"Once you go Vert, you never Revert" i don't care what kind of lighting you use in a horizontal garden, you're gonna get Larf! i have done every style of growing since 92' and Vert is the Winner for me. My lowest buds were more developed and denser in a vert setup than most horizontal growers top colas.

If i was cropping 76 plants, i sure wouldn't be braggin that count on a public forum, or any social media for that matter. How many people on IG have been busted that you've heard of? imagine how many more there are that have not been publicized.
your not going to get busted by posting plant count on sites like this especially when servers are in another country all together you get caught from opening your yap to your friends real time 76 plants is peanuts here over 700 plants lol like i give a dam if some cop is looking at this


  • 400hps closet grow #2
    400hps closet grow #2
    136.5 KB · Views: 31


Active member
This is just moronic; if the intensity isn't quite what you want, move the fucking plants closer! DUH!

Same as horizontal? That thouie lights a four by four = 16 ft² space flatlander style- but it will light three feet tall by sixteen in circumference (to get a 30" radius) = 48 ft² in a donut. The only way to get the same yield from three times the surface area is if you can't trellis.

It is true that stacking bulbs gives all the same benefits of overlap that flatlander grows enjoy (actually better, because of space advantages), but ya sure don't need it to suck the doors off 'em anyway.
Of course in theory you got space advantage going vert but could you show me a thread where a ert grower is pulling over
2 .2 pounds with 4 plants other then the late HEATH ROBINSONS vert grow with a strain like critical mass lol dam you can pull a pound with that strain 150 watt hps lol


Active member
i don't care what kind of lighting you use in a horizontal garden, you're gonna get Larf!

It's a myth that there's no larf on a vert grow, or that it's more efficient in that respect than a horizontal.

It varies grower to grower and space to space. But people looking to grow vertical because they think it's the key to bigger yields and less fluffy shit, should think again, because it's definitely not.


Of course in theory you got space advantage going vert but could you show me a thread where a ert grower is pulling over
2 .2 pounds with 4 plants other then the late HEATH ROBINSONS vert grow with a strain like critical mass lol dam you can pull a pound with that strain 150 watt hps lol

Hmm... i dont seem to find that many horizontal grows with those numbers mate... and why why why only do 4 plants if you do a vert grow?
The whole idea of growing vert is to get them plant numbers up.

Right now i have 7 plants around one 400w bulb and all is doing real well..



It's a myth that there's no larf on a vert grow, or that it's more efficient in that respect than a horizontal.

It varies grower to grower and space to space. But people looking to grow vertical because they think it's the key to bigger yields and less fluffy shit, should think again, because it's definitely not.

Please dont tell us why we went vertical...:)

I did not do it for bigger yields and less fluffy shit, that I se as one great bonus... i vent vert so i can grow MORE plants (more strains) with the lights and space I already have.

I can go with 16 plants in my tent with two 400w bulbs and get good lighting on all...

16 plants, two 400w bulbs... i cant come up with one good way to do that if growing horizontal...


Active member
It's a myth that there's no larf on a vert grow, or that it's more efficient in that respect than a horizontal.

It varies grower to grower and space to space. But people looking to grow vertical because they think it's the key to bigger yields and less fluffy shit, should think again, because it's definitely not.

I disagree whole heatedly. In a horizontal grow you must continually scrog to keep the canopy even and fill in an entire screen with nug after nug, and not have nugs that are below the screen and end up shitty and larfy/fluffy, or have nugs that end up way above the screen and shade those at screen level.

With vert, you just have to cut the shit off the back and lollipop your branches to achieve the same results. Little to no actual scrogging required, you just have to keep them from leaning into the light by tying them back. Your lower nugs turn out just as dense and done as the upper ones, something that can be extremely difficult to do with a horizontal scrog.

Overall I actually think Vert might be more work with all the extra foliage that needs to come off from individual branches, where in horizontal you basically just take off everything below the screen. Definitely worth the time. I'm not even sure how you could defoliate a horizontal grow like I do my vert. Getting to the middle of a 4x4 screen to do individual branches sounds impossible.


I switched toflood tables , easier for me to setup and maintain, i have a few spots and move around a lot.

I still miss my vert rooms


Active member
Please dont tell us why we went vertical...:)

I did not do it for bigger yields and less fluffy shit, that I se as one great bonus... i vent vert so i can grow MORE plants (more strains) with the lights and space I already have.

I can go with 16 plants in my tent with two 400w bulbs and get good lighting on all...

16 plants, two 400w bulbs... i cant come up with one good way to do that if growing horizontal...

Hey brother, not telling you why you do what you do, I was responding to someone else and the notion that vert = bigger yields and less shite at the end, which I know for a fact is a myth based on a number of runs both ways.

Curious though why you can't fit 16 plants under 2x400's?
It's easily done.
I disagree whole heatedly. In a horizontal grow you must continually scrog to keep the canopy even and fill in an entire screen with nug after nug

Well, scrogging isn't the be all and end all of horizontal growing. In fact I think that when you can get the same results with a few pinches that you can from fucking with a pain in the ass screen, you will never use a screen again.

The advantage of horizontal vs vertical, for me, is the fact that with just a few pinches and some light defoliation you can have a harvest of a high percentage of top quality buds, even with a bushy side branching strain. With vertical, those branchy bitches need a lot of tlc and management, otherwise you're ending up with barrels of shit vs grade A buds.

My current grow is vertical btw and it's a nice way to grow, but I think there is a big misconception that vertical growing yields more and better quality in the same space than flat canopies.

The truth is, the numbers and the results don't back that up and I think people need to know there are big advantages of horizontal grows which, especially for the newbie, can make flat grows the better option.

and not have nugs that are below the screen and end up shitty and larfy/fluffy, or have nugs that end up way above the screen and shade those at screen level.

This is an example of how I think both styles of growing are misrepresented to make vert seem like a bit of a fail-safe method.

The only way your nugs below the screen will be fluffy is if you haven't managed the canopy well, or have overcrowded your plants.

Don't manage your plants well, or overcrowd them, or allow them to shade each other or themselves, in a vertical grow, and you're having exactly the same problems. In fact, I would say you're having worse ones in a vert if you aren't thorough with your regime.

The only way for that to happen is
With vert, you just have to cut the shit off the back and lollipop your branches to achieve the same results. Little to no actual scrogging required, you just have to keep them from leaning into the light by tying them back. Your lower nugs turn out just as dense and done as the upper ones, something that can be extremely difficult to do with a horizontal scrog.

Again, I'd say all the same things apply in reverse. The same principles apply to all aspects of growing in general. Don't put the time in and you won't do the numbers, unless you bump up the plant count. But as soon as you're growing a decent size bush, you need to put at least a bit of time into pinching and defoliating etc, otherwise you're hitting the same issues.

Overall I actually think Vert might be more work with all the extra foliage that needs to come off from individual branches, where in horizontal you basically just take off everything below the screen. Definitely worth the time. I'm not even sure how you could defoliate a horizontal grow like I do my vert. Getting to the middle of a 4x4 screen to do individual branches sounds impossible.

Pros and cons brother. Pros and cons. Both ways present problems and both ways can give you good yields.


The only way I would do a vert/tree grow is if I had to stick with numbers, otherwise a sog is too easy and crushes too hard to even consider a 6-8 week veg. When you compare veg times and floor spaced used vert doesn't stand a chance when comparing tree grow to sog, this may not apply for a 250w vscrog in your closet tho...
I've seen so many vert grows not even break 1 gpw, in that case I'd have to ask why even bother? If I had all the free floor space and electricity and time in the world I still wouldn't go vert cause managing small sog plants is waaaayyy easier just lollipop and done not a single gram of 'larf' just pure chunky goodness.


Active member
This is what I was saying before about not needing a net for a canopy. 9 strains make this one, under a 600


That was over 20oz and the space is just 80 x 100 cm


Not much shit underneath.

This is from a vertical grow


She did 6 oz on one wall. So if I times that by 4 I would get 24 oz from my 600... But I would also need the full 1.2x1.2m of space to give me the distance from the bulb to do it.

It also took a lot more of my time to manage it, which for me is a main factor in vert vs hori.

Things change from strain to strain, and I've had good results from both methods. But both of them can sting you badly if you don't get them right.