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Curing Your BubbleHash


Active member
"Pressing the excess moisture out"

"Pressing the excess moisture out"

H Resin said:
I totally agree with Trichome Framer. After it has been made I press the excess moisture out in a spare piece of 25 micron silkscreen. I then place the hash on a plate and then break it up with a fork. I do this several times for 2-3 days until it is completely dry and evenly broken up. The smell & flavor are indeed much nicer with the trichomes unpressed.

From my experiences when using the "25u Pressing Screen" and as you say "pressing the excess moisture out" of the wet resin I have came to the conclusion the you are actually pressing water in to the resin. Damaging the resin for ever. When I say damaging the resin, I mean after using the "pressing screen" your resin will never properly dry.

Once again from my experiences, I have found that if you take the time to absorb the water from the wet resin you will end up with a resin powder that will be properly dry within 24 to 48 hours depending on the time of year or geographical location. For storage, transporting or pressing your resin you should let it properly dry for 5 to 7 days.

By taking the time to absorb the water out of your wet resin, you will end up with a much more enjoyable resin powder that can always be pressed into a piece of hashish.

When making homemade ice-water extractions the most important part is the drying process. Once you have pulled the bag and have let all the water drain, rinse it again with fresh water (RO Preferred) Now, once it has drain to just a couple of drops of water place the bag on top of a kitchen shami, or a stack of paper towels. Pick the bag up and move it to a dry spot to help it dry out the resin. Once you notice that all the loose water has been absorb away from the resin and you have a clump of wet sandy looking resin, you can harvest the resin from the bag.
I prefer a 25u Silkscreen with an aluminum frame that I glue "feet", to the top side so that you can flip it around and use the inside to dry your wet resin. I add "feet" so that it is elevated and allows for proper air flow and quicker drying time. This will cost you about $25 for the screen and $2 for the "feet". One you have your drying screen established you can properly harvest the resin from the bottom of the bag and place it on the drying screen. I prefer a plastic credit style card to harvest the sandy clump of resin that was rinsed to the center of the bag. I than place the clump of sandy wet resin on the drying screen in its proper numbered place. You will notice a small amount or resin that will be trapped in the holes of the screen. There are two things you can do to retrieve this resin. One, is rinse the bag again with clean water and rinse the resin to the center of the bag for harvesting. Your second option is to rinse the resin from the bag with clean water into the next bag.
Once you have all your clumps of wet sandy resin place in there numbered places on the drying screen, you can take the plastic style credit card and break up the clumps of wet resin. You will notice that you can only break up the resin a little at a time as it drys. To make sure that you have absorbed all the loose water, take a few paper towels and fold them. Next take the folded paper towels and gently press from the bottom of the drying screen the piles of wet resin. You will notice that the this will absorb any more loose water from your piles of wet resin without "bruising the fruit". After every half hour to hour gently break up the resin into powder using your credit style card. Over the next 3 to 4 hours you should be able to break up your resin into a nice even powder form. Let your resin dry for a total of 24 to 48 hours depending on time of year and geographical location. For pressing, transporting or storage let it dry for 5 to 7 days.
Using this method you will end up with properly dried water-hash that can be pressed into a piece of hashish, in any size, size, shape or form. Whenever the water-hash maker wants to. Or you will have the option to smoke water-hash in powder form. It is the smokers choice, if they prefer to smoke resin powder or a pressed piece of hashish. For storage it is also better to leave it in powder form.



Slap-A-Ho tribe
ilife said:
When making homemade ice-water extractions the most important part is the drying process. Once you have pulled the bag and have let all the water drain, rinse it again with fresh water (RO Preferred) Now, once it has drain to just a couple of drops of water place the bag on top of a kitchen shami, or a stack of paper towels.

That is an excellant point about RO water! My tap is so high in ppm and loaded with calcium, which is left behind after evaporation.