Gaius mate it could be a gass any excuse for a getogether with the crew is worth the effort imho. ask Trichomefarmer we had a awesome smoking table
going at the milkveg the year before last.
In all Honesty ive never bought a pass ive always had one donated haha if enough of us get together we can have our own event and still smoke all the entrants etc. Apart from the opening n closing ceremonies which you can pay into its meeting peeps daily at the expo i would miss. last years expo was the worst yet imho and wasnt acomodating for the visitors as the mikveg cantine wasnt open till the last day ;( with no place at the expo to sit let alone hang out n smoke it was quite disjointed. i give respect to one of the few dedicated judge only hangouts which was upstairs at the sensi cofeeshop. as i seem never to manage to judje the weed $200 seems a lot to me I think the cup expo was
better in the pax party house with the hightimes and cofee shop minibus shuttle services
going at the milkveg the year before last.
In all Honesty ive never bought a pass ive always had one donated haha if enough of us get together we can have our own event and still smoke all the entrants etc. Apart from the opening n closing ceremonies which you can pay into its meeting peeps daily at the expo i would miss. last years expo was the worst yet imho and wasnt acomodating for the visitors as the mikveg cantine wasnt open till the last day ;( with no place at the expo to sit let alone hang out n smoke it was quite disjointed. i give respect to one of the few dedicated judge only hangouts which was upstairs at the sensi cofeeshop. as i seem never to manage to judje the weed $200 seems a lot to me I think the cup expo was
better in the pax party house with the hightimes and cofee shop minibus shuttle services