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Critical Mass Vert: 6 site RDWC in 4x4 tent


I love the smell of SM90 :)

I can't wait to see what you are able to do in a 4x4 area, it is looking great so far.

Thanks man. I'm curious how it will perform too. Unfortunately growing from seed is going to cost me in terms of even canopy. I have one definite runt already.

Trying to keep my expectations very reasonable. I don't think I ever managed even close to .5 gram a watt growing horizontally. To be fair I have always grown multiple strains without much concern for maximum yield. If I pull over .5 gram a watt I will be satisfied. So 10ish oz. I'm hoping for over a lb, but we'll see what happens...

Keep it Green


Active member
Nice setup! cant wait to see how this turns out.

i have a full page rip on heaths pvc pipe style octagon 70+ plant dwc vertical system.. hopefully when i got the room and time going to set one up.

Subscribed and waiting for more! :)


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Excellent setup there MyGreenToe ill be looking forward to seeing how this turns out ive always been curious to see how critical mass performs in a vertical setup, Still debating if i should try it out with my critical mass beans...

Good luck with your grow..!!!


space gardener
Hey I just realized you flipped 12/12, this is great news, you are about a month ahead of me and running Critical Mass as well. It's like I have a crystal ball to see how much these things will stretch.. Thanks, grow looks awesome, Can't wait (literally) to see what happens.


Hey I just realized you flipped 12/12, this is great news, you are about a month ahead of me and running Critical Mass as well. It's like I have a crystal ball to see how much these things will stretch.. Thanks, grow looks awesome, Can't wait (literally) to see what happens.

Hey bro I waited until they were just under 1/3rd of the available height in my tent. So I'm safe for up to a 3x stretch plus a little bit of wiggle room. Here's hoping they don't go more than that. I recorded the heights of each at flip so I cna tell exactly how much they have stretched when they finish that phase...

thanks for lookin!
Keep it Green


Im in the middle of constructing a vertical grow after researching Heath vertical setups.
Im aiming for 1GPW with 4 plants using a 400W HPS. Im telling myself it can be done if I V-SCROG in my tiny 75 x 75cm cab lol Im so ambitious arnt I?

I cant see any waste pipes connected to the buckets how are does the solution travel back to the reservoir? Or doe it just seem that way because of the angle the pic was taken?

Lots of luck MGT


Im in the middle of constructing a vertical grow after researching Heath vertical setups.
Im aiming for 1GPW with 4 plants using a 400W HPS. Im telling myself it can be done if I V-SCROG in my tiny 75 x 75cm cab lol Im so ambitious arnt I?

I cant see any waste pipes connected to the buckets how are does the solution travel back to the reservoir? Or doe it just seem that way because of the angle the pic was taken?

Lots of luck MGT

Hi ILoveit thanks for stoppin in.

Your plan sounds ambitious but possible. Good luck!

Each bucket in my system has a 1.5" drainpipe that returns to the main res. You just cant see em cause the run is on the outside, and the tent liner has flopped over much of the visible tube so its hard to se.

Keep it green


Active member
Wow, looking good, and simple man. Tagging along for sure. I have a similar setup goin, and I think you'll get 10oz for sure! Best of luck my friend!:tiphat:


nice looking setup bro! As someone else mentioned in another thread...something must be in the air. I am planning/setting up my "tree" vert and making the switch soon. Excited!


Clean bro!! I'm glad to see that you and Cyat are killing it using Heath's autocad design! How stable is your ph using the maxi? Are those uniseals securing the PVC to bucket?



Clean bro!! I'm glad to see that you and Cyat are killing it using Heath's autocad design! How stable is your ph using the maxi? Are those uniseals securing the PVC to bucket?


I'm not seein much pH shift at all. 6 plants in a 45 gallon system cycling completely once every 2 minutes I guess is a stable formula, at least with plants this size. I start at 5.5 and within 7-14 days it might drift to 5.6-5.7.

Yeah they are uniseals. No problems but I probably won't use them again. I siliconed all of them in when assembling just to be sure, and haven't had any leaks.

thanks for lookin, they are exploding more all the time as the roots fill the bucket...
Keep it Green


I remember when Cyat started out he was having problems with leaks on his buckets. I heard uniseals make things so much easier. How come you wouldn't use them again? Are you using a chiller or any airstones in the res?



Uniseals work great, when the hole is perfect. I bought a quality holesaw of the proper size, and finished all my holes in reverse(the way you should do it with plastic), and I still ended up with one bucket that had an unsatisfactory hole. I knew it was going to leak, so I set up a test and sure enough it did, drip drop at a time. That's why I siliconed everything to save myself any worrying.

As to why I don't really like them, I found it to be a major pain getting the 1 1/2" pvc seated into the damn things when assembling the setup. I kept worrying I was going to wrench too hard on one of my pvc joints and cause a leak. So far so good, my only leak has been from the splashing of extreme flow causing a nonseated lidpot to drip around it's edge. seated it properly and no prob.

I am not using a chiller, or any airstones or air pumps. All my DO is created by the blast of water shooting into the bottom of each netpot.



Day 5

Day 5

Ok here we are at day 5. Very vigorous growth! I'm so glad I came back to (R)DWC!



Clearly there will be alot of pruning to do at the backsides of all these girls. I'm going to start thinning things out over the next few days.

Any questions, ask.

Keep it Green


Long haired country boy
Lookin top notch bro..girls look healthy and happy.. How you gonna support them?? tomato cages, stakes?


stellar looking plants green toe ! bout to start another Under current run myself and hope the 4sd look as green as yours............Happy trails

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