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Creepy sounds coming from my walls


Active member
So the last three months I've been trying to figure out the sounds coming from my ceiling and walls.
The sounds range from knocking, popping and cracking.
I know it's not the water pipes because I've replaced the pressure regulator last year and that stoped the pipe banging and these sound are not the same as that anyway.

than though maybe its thermal expansion so I matched the indoor temps with outside temps for a few days and no luck with that.

Had someone come and check the roof and foundation for settlement and all was fine.

Next had an exterminator come in and look for signs of rats and other animals. They checked all vents to make sure it was screened off and no other enter/exits holes, cut holes in my walls and placed bait stations by them, and even ran a camera down my drains, waited a month and still nothing.

Now I've been renting this house for 7 years and have never heard these sounds before other than the pipes banging from to high of water pressure and that was easily fixed.

These sounds are not normal and it gets really bad at night I have to run a box fan on high and keep a pillow over my head it's hard to sleep.

If anyone has any suggestions as what it maybe please do tell because I'm about ready to move out this bitch.


Active member
hot water running through pipes will cause them to expand, and when the water stops flowing and cools they will shrink often causing the sounds you describe. What sort of heating do you have, hot water radiators? In my flat the plumbing is in the cavity walls and does make popping creaking sounds when I use the shower.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Maybe don't dismiss to fast that it might indeed are mice and rats. The moment they hear a noise they go quite immediately. But they love to make the (loud) noises you describe at night and also before dawn. Place some mouse/rat poison around the property just to be sure.

Mouse and rats can drive you insane with their nightly noises waking you up in the middle of the night or before dawn.
Do the sounds suddenly stop when you move/walk around? If you hear it in the ceiling, could you walk around the attic and see if it stops?


I think in my parents house there are dormice in the roof. Freaked my out sometimes as a little child when i heard that tripping sound in the walls in the night. Now i think they are awesome. When they wake up from wintersleep and notice that the conditions are not good they just sleep another year:biggrin:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Could it be anything on the roof getting blown about by the wind?
The other day we heard a strange noise that sounded (inside) like it was coming from the walls or next door, but it was the old TV aerial up on the chimney - a piece of it had become dislodged and was clanging and resonating down the flue !



Place some mouse/rat poison around the property just to be sure.

DO NOT use poison. You will also harm any animal that could potentially scavenge the carcasses. This could be birds, cats, snakes, and even the bacteria which help decompose the carcass. It's not like poisoning ants or wasps, you should trap or shoot them. You got thumbs and a frontal cortex so this ain't a tough fight, trust me you can do it.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
DO NOT use poison. You will also harm any animal that could potentially scavenge the carcasses. This could be birds, cats, snakes, and even the bacteria which help decompose the carcass. It's not like poisoning ants or wasps, you should trap or shoot them. You got thumbs and a frontal cortex so this ain't a tough fight, trust me you can do it.

You're 100% correct. Trapping them also gives you afterwards the very satisfactory feeling of revenge when they're not dead that you have to smash there little heads in with a rock or a stick or drowning them. I can't have guns in my country but I can imagine it being satisfactory too when you unload a shotgun shell or something on a trapped animal.

Not only me but we all can do this! Thank you!


Well-known member
Gotta be nice.im going through the same thing but I live in the country.almost impossible to kill them all.

But is possible your foundation could be sinking too.need more details where you live to be sure.good luck


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Yeah, that sound is your house sinking onto the earth. Inch by inch, down down down. Like it was built on quicksand.


St. Phatty

Active member
You want to hear creepy sounds ...
put a microphone near the back end of a bird that is making eggs.

The muscles around the cloaca contract near continuously.
Sounds like it's chewing glass or something.


Well-known member
Yeah, that sound is your house sinking onto the earth. Inch by inch, down down down. Like it was built on quicksand.


Lol well,it is possible.new county jail here is only 2 years old and it's definitely sinking.the concrete its already cracking for fact.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
They built the county jail here on a poor low area also. Shoulda ben torn down and rebuilt, but they spent as much trying to fix it. It was new construction. I try to avoid the place myself.


Active member
There are bait stations with poison in them set everywhere, as well as mechanical and glue traps, we haven't been able to find any signs of rats inside, outside or in the attic like droppings, chewing, or bad smells.

I've had a pile of sunflower seeds in my hallway with a camera recodering 24/7 for the last month and haven't caught anything on camera even when I'm gone for days at times.

Well except flashes of some kind of light I think are my neighbors headlight from their car reflecting off the windows.

The sounds can happen at any time. Not just when it's quiet.


Active member
hot water running through pipes will cause them to expand, and when the water stops flowing and cools they will shrink often causing the sounds you describe. What sort of heating do you have, hot water radiators? In my flat the plumbing is in the cavity walls and does make popping creaking sounds when I use the shower.

hot water pipe expansion and contraction in the hole drilled into 2x4s, its the pipe rubbing the wood. we now use plastic bushings in the holes to stop this, but even those make noises. you especially get more noise if they used rolled copper, and it gets worse if they used they M instead of L


Well-known member
interesting, does sound like you've covered the bases on animal pests
thinking it's the rule of the most recent problem being the most likely, the water pipes
the fixes applied may have helped but introduced new issues
if possible a listen to the pipe(s) with your ear or microphone might have some value
if it's in there you should hear it in much louder degree
but does sound strange, animals are the usual culprit