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Creeper is creeping again.


Well-known member
Why is growing large cannabis plants indoors so hard for some people? The reason is people make it hard on themselves because of the complexity of others opinions. The More complex a person is the more negligent to others they are when they talk about growing cannabis. Its all a bunch of bullshit when people start getting away from the basic 17 essential nutrients a plant needs. As long as the nutrient sequence stays available the plant takes what it needs and anything else is bullshit. Some of you got it but some may not have gotten it yet.


Well-known member
Simplicity is the key using only base nutrients and quality water. The basic 17 essential nutrients that all plants need, including carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, counting what they take from water and air. NOTHING MORE. If you add anything more, you will be complicating the plants chemistry metabolism. These 12 plants grew on a very small amount of nutrients using quality water. ONLY a tiny amount of Cal mag, Micro, and Bloom fertilizer in 3 gallon containers soil-less for all those months.


Well-known member
The samples I just tasted were nasty tasting. It's like smoking green or brown leaf weed with no terpene profile. It kicks in after about 10 minutes with a good clean race-y buzz. Just the way I remember it being in the old days. The plants have turned colors and are almost ready. This is a long-ass grow.






Well-known member
I've grown plants in quite a few mixes over the years looking for the perfect mix. All the Pro-mixes, and many other potting mixes. Using the mixes by themselves, I haven't gotten the same results as using this organic core inserted in the middle of soil-less mixes. The core can be of special design to boost the number of receptors with selected amendments. The more natural receptors in the core the less the need for fertilizers salts. On this grow I just used Foxfarms Happy Frog as a core inserted into Promix hp, but they’re better cores.


Well-known member
You can call it "Broscience", or "Simple Growing" or whatever you like. The main point is a person uses fewer fertilizers with less light wattage to gain the main objective.“MORE WEED”!for less.

That being said, "I ain't no scientist" so there is no way I can scientifically prove anything other than to just show you what I just did with photos on this thread. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did doing it.

Indoor Grow Season is over for me now, I’m closed. Maybe next year ole Creeper will be creeping again. Happy Gardening Friends!!!!


The Tri Guy
Really? That's all we get, one show a year? You're lazier than me 😇.

Waiting patiently for next year's show. Nice grow mate.

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