^ A bit extreme but point taken... although coyotes are only the top predator because man in his infinite wisdom decided to eradicate wolves leaving the cunning song dog to fill the void.
Where I'm at coyotes and coydogs (coyote/domestic dog hybrids) are an invasive species and are treated with an unrivaled disdain. In fact yotes had never been seen east of the Mississippi prior to the early 1900s, corresponding with the demise of the eastern timber wolf.
At any rate most of the "problem" coyotes we have in the east are yearling's searching for their own territory preying on easy meals (pets, livestock ect) This learned behavior cannot be unlearned and these dogs must unfortunately be delt with accordingly...
Where I'm at coyotes and coydogs (coyote/domestic dog hybrids) are an invasive species and are treated with an unrivaled disdain. In fact yotes had never been seen east of the Mississippi prior to the early 1900s, corresponding with the demise of the eastern timber wolf.
At any rate most of the "problem" coyotes we have in the east are yearling's searching for their own territory preying on easy meals (pets, livestock ect) This learned behavior cannot be unlearned and these dogs must unfortunately be delt with accordingly...