And everyone has a cell phone these days, it seems they gave everyone this tech with the intention of using it as a spy weapon after everyone is fully immersed and reliant on cell technology. A good example is whats currently happening in Egypt. The internet as well as cell phone signals have been shut off in Egypt, making it harder for the people to communicate.
Ya its amazing to actually realize life is coming to an end around the world, freedom was an illusion. It does take some time to fully integrate into our consciousness the real truth about what is happening. The truth is we can no longer rely on anyone or anything but ourselves. We can't rely on so called authority, food sources, water sources, energy sources, new technology, most of people around you, tv, culture, news messages. The state is going go out like a disgusting beast and its going to be nasty. The signs are too clear now, if you want to live free you have to leave the machine.
I have for the most part made up my mind as of recently, that ill be heading for a sustainable community, where I can grow my own food, rely on my self and live the peaceful life, there is no way around it. If you stay you will be forced to live in a way that wont want to. Its really cracking down at this point, you can't do shit anymore, Im fuckin leavin, the U.S. is a fucking shit hole with a bunch of fucking scumbags running the place, time start farming brothers.
It is really sickening to live here, the majority of people are fucking sick, and the sick bastards are gonna go down with the fucking ship.
If you wanna be a winner find the winners, you wanna be a champ live with the champs, seriously tell all dumbasses to fuck off out of your life and go find the best people on the planet to live with and be around, its time folks, its time.
Ya its amazing to actually realize life is coming to an end around the world, freedom was an illusion. It does take some time to fully integrate into our consciousness the real truth about what is happening. The truth is we can no longer rely on anyone or anything but ourselves. We can't rely on so called authority, food sources, water sources, energy sources, new technology, most of people around you, tv, culture, news messages. The state is going go out like a disgusting beast and its going to be nasty. The signs are too clear now, if you want to live free you have to leave the machine.
I have for the most part made up my mind as of recently, that ill be heading for a sustainable community, where I can grow my own food, rely on my self and live the peaceful life, there is no way around it. If you stay you will be forced to live in a way that wont want to. Its really cracking down at this point, you can't do shit anymore, Im fuckin leavin, the U.S. is a fucking shit hole with a bunch of fucking scumbags running the place, time start farming brothers.
It is really sickening to live here, the majority of people are fucking sick, and the sick bastards are gonna go down with the fucking ship.
If you wanna be a winner find the winners, you wanna be a champ live with the champs, seriously tell all dumbasses to fuck off out of your life and go find the best people on the planet to live with and be around, its time folks, its time.