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Coughing too hard gave me a hernia!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I have a CT scan tomorrow for my hernia...its high..like my colon. Really hard, area next to my belly button. Definitely having surgery if I can. Supposed to drink a jug of barium tonight and one in morning. Mine wasn't from smoking but chewing my toenails...I ripped something in my ab muscles, then this hard spot only thing is it doesn't stick out and there's no pain in my groin. Hey I'll take your Sourbubble Skip. :)


Active member
I had three hernias. One in the belly button and one on each side of the groin. Had surgery 15 Months ago and I feel way better. I waited about a year and a half before I got patched up.


Active member
Sorry to hear so many suffer from the same thing!

It seems those heading for surgery have it much worse than I.

Presently it's a bit more than an inch wide, hard and red (they say if it looks purple it's time for an emergency room visit!).

It hurts some when I cough or sneeze (never hurt before, was never red before).

My plan is to continue losing weight (since I stopped smoking I don't get the munchies anymore, and I'm already dropping pounds).

Then I'm going to get back into yoga.

I know this won't "fix" it, but it might make it easier to live with.

Can anyone tell me what procedures are done as an outpatient and whether you need anesthesia or an epidural or what.

Thanks again for all the feedback on this issue, and good luck to those heading for the surgeon's knife.


Well-known member
Sorry for your woes, nothing like having your guts trying to escape. I had laparoscopic surgery for an abdominal hernia. A couple of small incisions and they put in mesh to hold things in. It was outpatient surgery but they did put me under. Was wheeled out of the hospital but got up and walked to get into the car. Was not supposed to be very mobile for a couple of days and had restrictions on lifting and doing strenuous activities for a couple of months. Not sure about the procedure for a belly button one, may be similar.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
For those with back problems, coughing can also extrude a herniated disk. I sometimes put on a back support belt before smoking.

edit; A person can detach a retina from coughing also.


Active member
watch out for sneezing too, pretty sure there's statistics on ppl eg. throwing their back out by sneezing. ty for sharing.

recommend yi jin jing if yoga is too intimidating.. westerners don't often conceptualise of health maintenance.. atm i haven't been able to sit on my ass for a year.. bursitis from too long cross-legged sessions.. i have to stand or lie or something. and i can only lie on one side.. which is complexing my shoulder, and god knows what else... the shoulder is working on my neck and my sore neck affects my ears... all this because i sat down too long...

i have to smoke outside and i usually take my hits standing on one leg, improves balance and strength. "use it or lose it."


Active member
For those with back problems, coughing can also extrude a herniated disk. I sometimes put on a back support belt before smoking.

edit; A person can detach a retina from coughing also.

OWE!!! Enough of this ...I pity those with Hernias and back backs(me) but to suggest you get pain both ends front.. back..sides ...is to much ..to the doc I say,
an old man told me once ..you should never spend enough on health care for those you love ....or YOURSELF is so true ..get it fixed, before something else goes?

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