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Costco carport greenhouse 2011


My goal this year is; cost= $50 per pound.

I have a $1000 budget for dirt & supplies, & hope to get around 20#

9x100gl smart pots @ 2.2lbs per plant = 20#

So I'm shooting for 1 kilo per plant

A mans got to have goals!

P.S. Oohh how I remember $85 ki's, but now I'm really dating my self!

Those sound like some great goals man! I can't wait to see this grow kick off. :dance013:
Well my White-Widow turned out not be one. It started flowering Monday under 19/5 hours of light. I think i will put it in a 10 gallon tote and start it out in the GH after the 1st of May.

I may have solved my camera's problem??? I think all 3 sets of rechargeable batteries have quit charging much. It makes the camera do some funky things for a few then shut-off.

I am done with reinforcing this frame and will start on the plastic and shade cloth as soon as we get some days that are not so windy. I borrowed your rope support idea and expanded on it some. Also raised it up on 2.5' lengths of 3/4" PVC pipe and surrounded 3 walls of the GH with the wire mesh. I got lucky and found some at a local scrap yard for 38 cents a pound. I also found some great pieces to start collecting in hopes of building a permanent GH out of. Will post back when i get new batteries and some pics.:bump:


Organic compost

Organic compost

I was able to pick up a load of fresh organic compost.

Getting it loaded was the easy part, now I have to get it out of the truck.

Molly checking it closely.

Pic's of mixing & filling the smart pots coming soon.



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900 gallons!

900 gallons!

Got the 9 x 100gl smart pots filled with soil

1cuft = 7.5gl

My soil mix is:
Happy Frog 2cuft bag = 15gl x 2 = 30gl
Ocean Forest1.5cuft bag =10glx2= 20gl
Organic compost w/gyp = 15gl
Fresh worm castings = 15gl
Perlite = 15gl
Soil mix total 95gl

6 cups dolomite
6 cups Rainbow mix grow 5-5-2 organic dry fertilizer w/mycorrhizae

Put 5gl buckets, 3 each of compost, worm castings, & perlite on a tarp. Add 2ea bags of HF & OF & mix.



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Looks great jj, it's a lot of work mixing that much soil but at least it was close to the pots for you. I had to fill the pots on a piece of plywood and drag the thing with a riding lawn mower, the mower didn't have enough traction to pull the pots so I had to put pieces of pvc pipes under the wood and move a few feet then gather the pipes and go again, Egyptian pyramid building style. :dance013:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
oh man jj, seeing all those empty pots is like watching the horses waiting to go through the gate. cant wait to see how this season turns out.



looking great jj, im at the same spot as you check out my thread in outdoor growing brother

cant wait to see this progress


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Freakin sweet jj,thanks for giving your mix In conversion format it really helps us newb folk with mixing bulk.

I'll be watching this one.
Looking Great DoubleJJ.
I don't envy you moving all that soil but your results should be beyond belief.
I got my camera going and loaded some pics on my folder. I hope to start my own thread soon. Don't know about time right now though. I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma in my right lung last week...I have no idea what they will be doing with/to me over the next few weeks.
I am fighting with one plant that wants to flower already...any suggestions what to do? A couple of others might be starting to as well??? I haven't changed my lighting from 19/5 since i started them. Any ideas on how to put them out in the GH and keep them veging? I was shooting for next week on that but temps are delaying me.
hey double j i ordered a 6mill 24x100 ft roll off home depot.com the rolls called clear polyethylene plastic sheeting but it doesnt look as clear as yours it looks more white did i get the wrong stuff? the model number is cf0624c if you could help me out id appreciate it alot thanks​


Well-known member
how much was the carport frame itself jj? my costco seems to be clueless about these..

My local store has them for $199.00. It comes complete with the canopy, and frame.
Like what doublejj mentioned, the frame is a heavier duty frame, i think its 2 inch tube.

I purchased one, the same dimensions, 10 X 20 from Tractor Supply, for $129.00 but its only 1 3/4 tube frame.

Hope this helps...


Heay Doc, sorry to hear about your diagnoses bro, but modern medicine is amazing. My Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, had surgery & lived 27 more years! Good luck bro.

Those plants flowering on 19/5 sound like auto's too me, you might try 24/0 and see what happens.

I've seen these carports at every Costco I've been too, they all have them here in NorCal. Like Endur said the Costco frames are much heaver than the others. It's a complete carport with top, they don't sell the frame only.

Mark, I have used that same plastic from Home Depot, it just does not hold up under the sun. So this year I bought actual greenhouse plastic from Farmtek. Good luck
