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Costco Carport Greenhouse 2010


I have to ask, as a total noob, what are the odds of a new grower being able to get monster trees like you did in this grow?
Since Colorado Medical rules limit me to 6 plants, 3 mature/flowering and 3 (i guess they mean) in Veg., I am extremely limited in how much i can grow indoors. And since i am treating glaucoma it is only effective to use extract/tincture to maintain levels which actually equates to a LOT of weed needed. It seems that the kind of grow you did here is the only way to get enough to treat me off of just 3 plants...I am thinking of pushing and growing 4 in case one is lost since you lost 2 even with years of experience. I am in a banana belt part of Colorado but face 2 to 3 hard (even hail) storms through August every year and maybe a couple more with high winds during the summer months, is there any way to modify your car-port design to increase survivability through those storms? What other things should a completely new grower know about trying to grow 3 plants the way you did?
What you did with that grow is TOTALLY beyond anything that i thought could be grown. You are now one that i will consider MASTER of your art.
I have 4 clones (2 grape ape, 1 Hawaiian, and 1 unknown sativa mix) that were started a couple of weeks ago...your grow makes me think i should re-think how to go and keep them in veg. till May for moving out-side...??? What advice would you give to some-one just starting out and thinking of trying to make trees after seeing your grow? Thank-you for some BIG inspiration.


Hey Vette doc, I would be happy to help you in any way.

Sure, you can grow big plants. The only real 'secret' is time. Those plants were started in Jan.
I will be taking clones this weekend for this years grow. I'm going with more but smaller plants this year. Those last year got away from me, they were hard to maintain.

If you have the room & really need MONSTERS, I would keep your plants alive until June & put them out BIG. That will guarantee HUGE plants.

I will be using 'Solexx' fabric for the roof this year. Should hold-up better with the wind. Cost about $350 to cover the carport, but should last 6-8 years.

Big plants do have more exposure to pests, over their lifetimes. My best advice on bugs is, don't take them lightly. Don't wait until you see a problem, many times that's too late. I am now spraying from cradle-to-grave with Azatrol.

Good luck bro, go get'em

Hey DoubleJJ,

I have been out scrounging trying to see if i can build something similar to your green house and alreadt running into problems with figguring out which cloth you are using.
I went to local Home Depot and was told they no longer carry the shade cloth, but their web site brought me to this; http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc...splay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 is that the same stuff you used? While searching the web i also found this; http://wholesalescreensandglass.com/Phifer_Suntex_Solar_Screen.html
But i can't figgure out which would be better to use from there, do i use the 80 for more screen from prying eyes or should i use the 90? Isn't there a less expensive way to sheild from onlookers?

I have been SERIOUSLY thinking that maybe just 3 side walls around the drive-way in my back yard and put the plants in 45 gallon tubs that i can roll around on furiture moving carts would allow me to lock them up in my garage at night. Do you think this might also allow me to control when they flower? The garage isn't completely light tight but close. It would be nice to have them done by early to mid September to avoid any suprises from the weather. My only problem with this is that the garage door on that side is only 7'8" tall when open. Can you LST a tree??? This question is compounded in uncertainty by moving in and out of garage every day. But this idea reduces any need for security at night. I built the garage extra strong to prevent break-ins and there are no windows in it. Any advice on this bright idea...or is it a bust?
My plants are kickin aqlong and almost 2' tall already. Had to top them and force branching or they would out-grow my cabinet by May.


This is the stuff i use, I have seen the same rolls at Lowes & OSH.
EDIT:link removed

Big plants would be hard to move around much, if you keep them smaller, it should work.

Good luck

Thank-you DoubleJJ.

That was exactly it. Home Depot model# 72020R or Internet # 202043545 at $28 a roll, i got 3 rolls. I hope that is enough to complete my build.:thank you:

Is there any way to sew this stuff to make good solid seems? Or do you think that would just be a waste of time and energy?
I noticed a couple of pics that you had a fan in. Was that also a needed item? Or do the side breath enough to keep the air cooler and fresh in 100 degree summer days?


4" Horse blanket pins

4" Horse blanket pins

Your welcome bro, I use horse blanket pins from the Original horse tack co.

They are giant 4" safety pins used on saddle blankets .50 each. Bought a couple dozen & just safety pin everything together. This way you have easy access if you ever need it, just un-pin it.
Works great.

Good luck


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