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Cosmicgiggles - best wishes for the flooding


ICMag Donor
Good to hear that our beloved Moderator Cosmic Giggle is OK - although it sounds real rough around that Asheville area - hoping that she has essential services back ASAP -
Gypsy that’s not a text from cosmic that was a text from my cousin sorry for the confusion it’s really really really really bad down there


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Man that made my emotions crash hearing that wasn’t Giggles who made the text. Mayor missing in action, or hiding/ran away? AVL weather is clear and sunny today.

Sorry about the politics but this shit is all intertwined. 700 TN national guard from Knoxville took their tanks and Bradley’s and instead of helping at home are going to the Middle East to fight Iran. The report above says a bunch of illegals were dumped into Asheville just before the storm hit. They have allowed a lot of military age people in and distributed them amongst us. Who are they? BTW, that hezbolla dude they killed by bombing on top of bombing to dig down to his hideout was supposed to be a direct descendant of their profit muhammed, or so the shite believe. They want revenge, and it was American bombs, planes, and permission that did this. Then there is Russia warning in no uncertain terms not to help the ukies missile their territory any more. The ukies already struck two of their early warning radars, making the possibility of a mistake higher . They have made clear they will attack across the ocean.

Chaos is what these desperate people currently facing an election they wish wouldn’t happen are striving for. One might consider stocking up with stuff including candles batteries and water. And dope of course.

Just for good measure the Izzy’s blew up a port in Yemen and now they are shooting missiles at Syrian ports. Piss off the entire Arab world, because America will defend their actions.

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Well-known member
latest i have heard is that it might be 5 days to a week before most of Asheville gets power back, but that is not counting cell phone service, and roads ? forget it for quite a while, i'm afraid. it is looking grim for our friends across Sams Gap... there are areas that S&R folks can't even get to and look for folks to help...:cry:

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