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Cosmicgiggles - best wishes for the flooding

Genghis Kush.

Active member
Dude … is that necessary?
it’s the real
pretty effed up to use CGs situation as a chance to show your devotion to your cult leader


Well-known member
With widespread damage to roads, runways, ports, distribution facilities, communications down etc it shouldn’t be a surprise that there is some delay getting an appropriate response organised and into the area.

All the best @CosmicGiggle , I hope you and your family have made it through unscathed.
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Well-known member
Completely uncalled for...theres 2 americans with resources and manpower trying to do good where others fail....and you fkwits talk jews, and some fkn meme shitpost pic dragging me in


Well-known member
Yes I believe it is why is the news not reporting? Where is the aid for these folks? Let's Go Bidan .some aid arriving to day all private
disaster relief has already been approved, but the federal govt is a big-ass critter and not as spry to react as we would all like for it to be. they were caught off balance by this just like everyone else was. take the dimwits that thought "shoot, we can ride it out, no sweat..." and ended up dead in Tampa area.

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