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is it so crazy to hope?

I guess you cant think of one good thing he has done right? and when I said, he is much better than any of the wingnuts that's running against him, I did not mean Ron Paul. WHY??? because RP has no chance even winning his party's nomination, much less the general...Why does the man even bother pandering to a party that obviously cant stand him? Why does he not just run as an independent so maybe other people (like me and others who will never vote republican) might consider him?

This ass backwards way of thinking boggles my mind.

Why does he run republican and not independent?

I'm sure there are numerous reasons but one comes to mind immediately. Turn to CNN and watch the debate. Do you see any independents on the stage?
well my point is the GOP and the powers that be dont want that dude ..... and i dont want anything to do with the GOP whats so mind boggling about it?
it AMAZES me that he would continually run for the nomination of a party that will not have him and folks like you two keep dreaming he will get elected????


We have a seriously flawed two party system and most people know it. As does Ron Paul. To be heard and get his message out in todays world he knows he needs to be a part of one of those two parties. Not to mention he is a true republican unlike the other three stooges.

If he was running as a libertarian he wouldn't even get a chance to be heard let alone sitting up on the stage on national TV. As it sits now he's going to be going into the convention with enough delegates to get stage time which is a big deal.

I think the majority of Ron Paul followers know his chances are slim but they would be even slimmer if he didn't play the game and follow one of the major parties. To dismiss him and his message because he's a republican is foolish. I would say this type of thinking is one of the major reasons why this country is in the dumps.


well my point is the GOP and the powers that be dont want that dude ..... and i dont want anything to do with the GOP whats so mind boggling about it?

WTF anyone the "powers that be" don't want in power should be #1 on everyones list.

If you can name 5 major differences between republicans and democrats i will apologise and never give ya shit again. And i mean major differences, not gay rights, abortion, or any othe petty shit that means jack shit in the long run.

Just 5... bet ya cant do it, but i hope ya suprise me.
WTF anyone the "powers that be" don't want in power should be #1 on everyones list.

If you can name 5 major differences between republicans and democrats i will apologise and never give ya shit again. And i mean major differences, not gay rights, abortion, or any othe petty shit that means jack shit in the long run.

Just 5... bet ya cant do it, but i hope ya suprise me.

its funny that you RP people keep making my point....so GOP & DEMS one and the same, yet your boy insist on running on the GOP ticket, which for the 50th time DOESNT EVEN WANT HIM! his supporters would vote for him no matter party affiliation and he just might pick up other voters with no party affiliation....but somehow him running as a republican makes sense??????
it does not matter any way i would give you 10000 to 1 odds he will win the nom. and 10000000 to 1 odds of winning the general so its all a waste of time talking about it right?


You stated and i quote "i would never vote for the GOP"

Name the last time an independent won as stated by someone else? Never is the answer, ron paul could be running as a democrat and i would still vote for him knowhatimsayin?

Still waiting on the 5 differences.

Edit... we have a ron paul thread (the political thread ;)) so im gunna drop this discussion out of respect to the ops thread. I do not expect a response.


No disrespect to meant but cmon over if you wanna talk about President Paul


Active member
No disrespect to meant but cmon over if you wanna talk about President Paul

Why would you call Ron Paul president Paul. That position is earned, and not given out for fun. As far as I can tell, he is not and has not been president ever. All you Ron Paul fans are funny, sometimes choosing to ignore simple facts.

Guest 226076

maybe mitt will choose paul as vice pres,that would get him some votes..lol,happy trails...........................
Why would you call Ron Paul president Paul. That position is earned, and not given out for fun. As far as I can tell, he is not and has not been president ever. All you Ron Paul fans are funny, sometimes choosing to ignore simple facts.

your right it's not given out for fun it's given out for fun it's secretly planned years ahead.


Why would you call Ron Paul president Paul. That position is earned, and not given out for fun. As far as I can tell, he is not and has not been president ever. All you Ron Paul fans are funny, sometimes choosing to ignore simple facts.

you poor ignorant american...last I read was, the usa, the only country to use electronic ballots.

First off i'm a green party supporter of Eizebeth May from canada and never a gop follower when it comes to american politics, but because of Dr.Paul I now have hope

I fuckin sure hope for the sake of the world Paul get elected threw true DEMOCRACY!!


Also here on the other part of the planet we hope for Ron Paul election - it would be a real change after years of bandits... but we all know that US and the world is ruled by big lobbyes not by governments elected by people - that's just a magic show!:thank you:


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
its funny that you RP people keep making my point....so GOP & DEMS one and the same, yet your boy insist on running on the GOP ticket, which for the 50th time DOESNT EVEN WANT HIM! his supporters would vote for him no matter party affiliation and he just might pick up other voters with no party affiliation....but somehow him running as a republican makes sense??????

Hes been a republican congressman for decades.

Independents can't even get.matching funding, nevermind win an election.

Only voting for an independent is as dumb as only voting for an r or d.

The willfully ignorant destroy this country.
I like Paul because of his position on foreign policy. I think there are more important issues than to pick the guy who may rid us of prohibition. Putting all or most of the weight on whether a candidate is for or against legalization is bad for responsible weed users and hurts the cause. The more emphasis we place on weed, the more resistance we will meet. Although I feel strongly about legalization, it's important to consider that politicians no longer (if they ever did) vote for something because it is right. They vote yes because it helps their political careers first. If O legalized it, how many people would lose their jobs and income? The police, the courts, the judges, lawyers, security etc. would be reduced. This in turn, increases unemployment and will piss a lot of powerful people off because their reduced income. Perhaps a plan presented to O that includes ways to avoid a rise in unemployment should be included in any bill. What happens to all the growers and the great weed we now get? We know about big pharma, what about all the paper companies who would be devastated if paper was produced again from hemp? Just some thoughts, some of which may have merit.

It will never go from where we are today to legalization, It would be nice for starters if the feds would recognize state law first. They do not. I feel that we were much closer to legalization in the the 70's than today despite medical mmj. We are getting further and further away from legalization. Look at Montana. I felt much less scared of cops in the 70's than today.


yeah lets please keep the Ron Paul discussions in the thread we have going on the subject. this topic is pretty much over anyway, till the next time he does an internet question and answer session.