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Cops Demand Ransom for Cannabis, Grower Pays


i think the whole idea that he paid the ransom was foolish on the growers part. why not just grow more? and even if it was a patient then he/she would just have to pay for a minimal amount until their own plants flowered out

am i missing something? i mean hell if im gonna be foolish, i would rather be foolish in the manor of growing more plants than actually going to anyone to get my plants back.


"..I am not pro-LEO, I am just saying how they will spin it and it will be viewed in the eyes of the law.."

Of course they will spin it, and if you dont think judges and the system that keeps them in a job isn't sympathetic to leo then, i disagree.

This culture and its LEA's almost always entice crime. One could argue if the undercover cop selling dope or "prostitute" selling pussy was not on the street enticing the crime, the crime would have never been commited.
To prove that someone was predesposed to commiting a crime is like mind-reading(minority report), but thats what they do, dont they. When was the last time you heard a case overturned or won based on "entrapment"???
Shit, lea's gun down people in cold blood, and usually get a little slap on the fanny.
How many teens are looking to hook up with older men online? I dont think many or any. But 'to catch a preditor' reals in all the retards by enticing a crime that would probably never have been committed.
Andrew Napalatano writes about this, creating crime to prosecute criminals in "Constitutional Chaos".
Police can not commit a crime in pursuit of an arrest!
Since when? They do it all the time. Cops can use drugs, sell drugs, transport drugs and anything else they need to do in order to pursue an arrest. The thing is... it's not considered a crime because THEY ARE COPS.

StellarP said:
Ever ask a cop about the law?
Of course not... why would anyone do that? Cops will just lie to you about the law in an effort to fuck you. You should be asking a LAWYER about the law.

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Active member
that is just straight fucking pathetic.


someone should seriously send these guys a batch of spiked brownies.



Active member
Since when? They do it all the time. Cops can use drugs, sell drugs, transport drugs and anything else they need to do in order to pursue an arrest. The thing is... it's not considered a crime because THEY ARE COPS.

Of course not... why would anyone do that? Cops will just lie to you about the law in an effort to fuck you. You should be asking a LAWYER about the law.

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never ever ever trust a cop. for the most part they dont even know what the fuck they are talking abuot.

this is not just happening with cannabis, but also with the Second Amendment which im also a part of.

basically cops in CA are running around arresting people with "illegal" rifles that are actually legal. the cops themselves dont even know the fuckin laws pertaining rifles in CA, so they arrest and ask questions later.

Luckily the 2a community has some good lawyers that will take your case for free if it has anything to do with fighting ignorant and oppresive cops.

It would be nice if there was an international group of Pro cannabis lawyers who would take the cases of people who get harrassed by LEO over herbs.


Ganja Outlaw-
I am not saying it does not happen, BUT LEOs are not supposed to be allowed to commit any crimes in the course of their work. Undercovers are not supposed to use drugs, but lets be honest, if its necessary to maintain cover then they'll do it

Thanks for furthering my points, I like your style and your realistic views of LEAs. We, as law-breakers (such bullshit), have to see things from this view in order to truly protect ourselves. We could cry about how things are supposed to be interpreted and whats fair till we're blue in the face and we would get no where. Know your rights and know how the assholes enforce them. The latter is much more important in our society. But as far as proving predisposition being mind reading, thats a bit off. Predisposition is proven based on evidence such as previous conduct, etc. I agree that sometimes that predisposition is "proven" very scantily, but its not generally a mind reading thing. A law professor explained it very easily by saying that the police can set up a booth with a sign that says "Come Buy Heroine" and every time a person approaches the booth and attempts to purchase heroine they can be arrested. By approaching the booth on their own accord, they have shown predisposition. The police cannot, however, chase down RANDOM people on the street and say "Wanna buy some drugs from me?" BUT in some cases in the U.S. they have actually even allowed police to solicit similarly to crack dealers on the corner to random people. In these cases, its been upheld that a person must decline. So basically, now the system has become so lopsided in favor of LEOs that it is now up to the suspect (and we are all suspects in this case) to prove a lack of predisposition. The fact is, things are jacked up in our legal system and entrapment is a pipe dream for defendants.


operative word is "profit"

operative word is "profit"

I think the operative word in this article is "oxycontin".

Florida may want to address their pharmaceutical heroine addiction.
AGREED! And spreading tons of the poison to many near states.

Just too much money to be made by big pharma that actually holds most the power and pulls almost all the strings in US.
Just love that free market system!

Thanks Florida for being the state where the "war on drugs" was born, it's another great and noble war waged:rolleyes:


Active member
Just love that free market system!
This is EXACTLY the tact we need to take to keep Big Pharma from monopolizing cannabis medicine. Let's demand that the Free Market determine who supplies cannabis to patients.

See this is why it needs to be LEGALIZED before Big Pharma takes total control. If ANYONE can grow it, then Big Pharma can't setup their monopoly.

I'm predicting BIG MONEY from BIG PHARMA to fight against California's legalization drive. You're going to see tons of scary commercials telling you how the world is going to end if marijuana is legalized. I guarantee it!


Hey, I also want to thank you, Skip, for constantly providing us with the latest in MJ news. This sure beats the hell out of reading Yahoo! News all damn day... Keep up the good work, Skip! Alot of us really enjoy the articles you pull and your insights on them.


Yes thank you to Skip. :)

This guy=retarded

Together they make lazy and retarded, sounds like another episode of Cops. :joint:


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
hahahah my boys plants outside dissapeared and there was similar letter stating they would give back if we called number lol fuckin pigs u gotta be a real small fry to call that number


New member
Doing a sting on a guy growing 6 plants is shooting a duck with a tank. Go after a real criminal, every year cold cases stack up in ever police station. Murders, rape and theft to name a few. Dude take the plants, give the guy a warning and move the f**k on, really.


They probably took him to the ground in order to cuff him. LEOs are mostly just power junkies who became that way by being picked on in high school. We're well past the days of LEOs who chose to be that as a true commitment to public service and safety. Those were the days when they pulled you over and told you to get your ass back home and they just dumped out your bag (or kept it, who knows). Now everything requires two officers and a baton to "subdue a drug offender." It's disturbing.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Fucking piece o shit pigs!! That's one of the more fucked up bust's how you gonna just steal the crop and then pop em my goodness I feel bad for Florida and hope they get the MJ laws right...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They probably took him to the ground in order to cuff him. LEOs are mostly just power junkies who became that way by being picked on in high school. We're well past the days of LEOs who chose to be that as a true commitment to public service and safety. Those were the days when they pulled you over and told you to get your ass back home and they just dumped out your bag (or kept it, who knows). Now everything requires two officers and a baton to "subdue a drug offender." It's disturbing.

Exactly we all hung out in our local park and leo would come around and razz us. They all knew us by name and we knew them. They never took us in they just took our bud and made us grind it into the ground. That just doesn't happen anymore
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