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confused spring outdoor


any new pics?

I think this is five our six of the plants. There are still three or four plants out there. Going to leave them for a while before even checking on them to harvest. Sprite can is for reference.




Johnny: Thanks!

MrMcBean: I'm just going to leave it at, thank god I didn't take out the last few seedlings I had started indoors (FMS 4 packs of ICE and AK48). I came home and trashed them. Needle in a haystack for them. I'm going to settle down for a bit and concentrate on school.
hey sorry to hear about the unfortunate weather and early harvesting.. but those nugs look like they'll be pretty tasty.. sorry to here about the close run with leo.. i've had my close calls as well.. hope to see ur last plants after harvest...stay safe..


I can say that I am really really really really really happy right now. Just finished trimming up the plants that I had to leave out there during the constant rain for a week. I was worried about powder mildew so I harvested four or five of the plants, and I left the plants that weren't showing any signs of mildewing. In my mind I pictured going out and seeing all the buds covered in mold, but..... there wasn't a problem at all.

Everything smells awesome, I went strictly organic (mostly guano teas) and hauled that stuff out there every time.

I saved all the trim from 11 plants and will be trying bubble bags for the first time. One plant is still out there flowering (CJxnycd).

Thanks for all the help ICmag!

First half in a paper bag. Harvested at day 52. Drying for 6 days. Going into jars tomorrow.


Second half of the harvest. I need to get a better camera or figure out how to use marcos. Harvested at 60 days. Rained for the whole last week. Good flush I guess.



Nice dude.
I loved that tied down plant. A real champion.

You got some awesome nature around there as well.


Nice dude.
I loved that tied down plant. A real champion.

You got some awesome nature around there as well.

The tied down plant belongs to another poster, dabbler, who just posted some big images in this thread, thank you though. Dabbler did your plant ever finish?

And yes the nature around here is beautiful.


I hope you left enough of the plants out there for a reveg.

Good show. Love a spring harvest

Thanks for the kind words randude. I think you are a pretty interesting person, and I wish you the best of luck (your thread is a good read).

I am about to jar up the second half of the harvest. The first half filled up 6 bell jars. Second half will fill up a little more but about the same. I am happy with quality and smell.

Here is a shot of the bubble hash I made from about 3 oz's of trim and popcorn buds. It is my first ever run of bubble and once it drys it will be my first time ever smoking bubble hash.

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Everything besides the 20 micron is mixed together on the left, the 20 micron is the lighter color (right). Anyone know why I didn't get a ton of 73 but I got a ton of 20? I used a 5 bag generic set, hand mixed with a spoon first run/mixer the second run.



This should just about wrap up this grow unless there are any questions. Feel free to PM me about day length or spring stuff.

I ended up filling a 12 pack of pint jars. I got a little more than 4 g of hash from that trim. Sorry for the poor photo skills. I didn't separate strains; you wouldn't have either if harvesting during our weather. I can tell the Chem Haze D from the Blueberry and have no Idea what is the purple #1 or cjxnycd. I know there is still one cjxnycd flowering. The big buddah haze is in summer mode and pretty huge. So that should account for all 17 or so plants I had out there.

First half of the harvest is on the left; second half right; hash in the middle. All of it smells dank - needs to cure for a few weeks before I start toking it up. ICmag and the 'Bay deserve a ton of credit. Summer crop is going to be low key. I will probably get an itch to start a thread, but real life beckons.


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