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commercial guerilla growing for a living..?


and last thing never plan a growop just based on "i can harvest 50lb" ive found it rarely works out the way you want it. set a number of plants a lowball estimate (because some shit always comes along and will reduce your harvest) and be happy with that.
Y4P yer a smart dude... always posting truth.

These days when i set up a garden I usually forecast a yeild which is 50% of what i know i should and probably will actually harvest. That way I'm never disappointed.

OP, i suggest trying to pull 10lbs before you try 50. and stay in school when ya do it. i did.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I'm sorry but I have to disagree, any idiot cannot accomplish a plan like that.. takes a number of skills as well as mindset and determination to get a job done like that. any idiot can grow a couple low quality plants in the woods. also I feel I wasn't as specific referring to clientele...It wouldn't be too hard you are right good product sells itself, also I know about 5 or 6 good friends that have been known to get 1p maybe 2p on hand, if not their guy can be introduced to me.. I really don't know. I've just been saying to myself while doing school work what the hell am I doing? why am I going to school for something that I have no idea how it will help me after I graduate (besides from looking better than other applicants for a job...) I wouldn't move to a med-state because their market is just flooded in most..
that right there is what will be ur down fall..when ur buddys introduce their buddys..bc they will tell their buddys and so on and the word spreads.. been there done that will never take anyones buds for commerical interest in my product..i stick strictly to blood family so i know if they get busted somewhere down the road that i dont have to worry about getting snitched out..i did a 10yr sentence just for the same reason u stated..either way gl dude all the best!!


Active member
there is a big future now for od guerilla growers.


as soon as the traditional hash and bud growing global regions wake up to this the $opportunities will "poof" and be gone.


$$ ALONE $$
I was fortunate to know someone who makes honeycomb and shatter from trim.
Although I did great this year as a Guerilla Grower, I did even better with all the shatter and honeycomb I got in the end. Its like icing on the cake.
Very tasty and potent. The thing is, is that people have to go out and buy a vape pen to smoke it pure. Otherwise they can just crumble or make a string of it and put it in a joint or blunt.
I prefer to take honeycomb crumble and put it in a fat joint. Though I love my SnoopDogg G-Pen.


Active member
alcohol extracts are super easy. we're doing lwiso (long wash iso). using high quality dark buds ground up in coffee grinders to make reconstituted hash. getting rave revues from experienced hash smokers (some from lebanon).

full melt alcohol extracted wax took a little longer on our learning curve. bought full melt portable vapes for the few street dealers we use.

what used to be thrown away (#'s and more #'s) is turning out extremely high quality product. $50/gram for full melt wax = over $20,000/lb. aprox. 10#'s trash is now worth beaucoup $.

vape concentrates are the future of cannabis industry.

outdoors wins the yield contest. takes enormous yields to produce extracts.

outdoors now has a very significant edge over indoors. 'bout time! :)


Well-known member
alcohol extracts are super easy. we're doing lwiso (long wash iso). using high quality dark buds ground up in coffee grinders to make reconstituted hash. getting rave revues from experienced hash smokers (some from lebanon).

full melt alcohol extracted wax took a little longer on our learning curve. bought full melt portable vapes for the few street dealers we use.

what used to be thrown away (#'s and more #'s) is turning out extremely high quality product. $50/gram for full melt wax = over $20,000/lb. aprox. 10#'s trash is now worth beaucoup $.

vape concentrates are the future of cannabis industry.

outdoors wins the yield contest. takes enormous yields to produce extracts.

outdoors now has a very significant edge over indoors. 'bout time! :)

I used to 100% agree but I'm not so sure anymore. I spent many hours over on gray wolfs site trying to educate my self on concentrates. By the way Gray Wolf is one hell of a brother.

If you do the math for what good wax goes for vs good bud there's not enough difference per gram to make up for the delta in the weight it takes to make the wax. Most peeps are using trim to make their wax not bud.

Then there's the equipment cost. A terpinatetor is not a small investment plus have all the other equipment need to run it. $10-15K investment.

I'm pretty open minded I do get the fact that a guerrilla wouldn't have to necessarily run top notch bud he could run super yielders over top shelf. I have also seen a shift to vape oil by my younger friends and I live in a non-med state.

I cant wrap my head around the business model for this stuff. I have to grow the weed I have to harvest, trim and dry. Then I have to invest a minimum of $15K worth of equipment. Then I have to put even more labor into making the concentrates.

Again I would love someone to explain it to me but it doesn't seem to add up. The only way it makes sense is if you give up growing and spend your time buying trim at very good price.

I would be so interested if someone could enlighten me?

Team Microbe

Active member
I used to 100% agree but I'm not so sure anymore. I spent many hours over on gray wolfs site trying to educate my self on concentrates. By the way Gray Wolf is one hell of a brother.

If you do the math for what good wax goes for vs good bud there's not enough difference per gram to make up for the delta in the weight it takes to make the wax. Most peeps are using trim to make their wax not bud.

Then there's the equipment cost. A terpinatetor is not a small investment plus have all the other equipment need to run it. $10-15K investment.

I'm pretty open minded I do get the fact that a guerrilla wouldn't have to necessarily run top notch bud he could run super yielders over top shelf. I have also seen a shift to vape oil by my younger friends and I live in a non-med state.

I cant wrap my head around the business model for this stuff. I have to grow the weed I have to harvest, trim and dry. Then I have to invest a minimum of $15K worth of equipment. Then I have to put even more labor into making the concentrates.

Again I would love someone to explain it to me but it doesn't seem to add up. The only way it makes sense is if you give up growing and spend your time buying trim at very good price.

I would be so interested if someone could enlighten me?

I wonder if it'd be worth it just to make ice water hash instead, it's much less of an investment and still a superior product


Well-known member
Hey brother I have done my share of water extraction in my younger years. One year I had a very weak strain maybe 4- 5lbs of it I knew the only way to make this worth while is to make some hash.

I spent hours and hours bent over with a drill and paint wand in a 5 gal bucket. Shit almost crippled me hahah. My back was toast for weeks. Keep in mind each batch has to be ran 2 or 3 times to maximize returns which is not the case for other extraction methods.

I guess my point is even with the best extraction method I think you are around 15% return. So lets say 31 grams ( thats how I weigh up a oz) at 15% is 4.65 grams of hash.

So lets say you are wholesale at $140/oz or $4.51/gram for mid level bud. If I want to break even, which I don't because of all the supplies and labor, I have to get rid of the hash at $30/gram. To make it really worth it I need $35/gram.

The math doesn't add up unless I have my percentage wrong on return of water extraction?


Active member
we are brand spanking new at this. just posting where we are at in the process.

outdoor grown bud is hard to sell. it looks darker and usually doesn't have the bud structure 'custy's' want either. hard nug bud structure usually rots before harvest here. custys want "the loud" but can't get a decent buzz off the 'gmo-dro' (maybe i'm kidding, maybe i'm not, def lots of additives that might not be healthy ; paclo?).

%yields might not matter. weight matters. iirc graywolf uses everthing including leaf to make extracts. no need to trim. all non-prime high end bud goes into extracts; untrimmed. girdle the stems or just let 'em die naturally. get beautiful fragrant sun cured product with most water weight already removed prior to harvest. strip each dried/sun cured branch directly into 5 gallon buckets and then dumped into 55 gl. trash bags. super easy harvest efficacy. water weight gone for transportation ease back to the truck. get home and start extracting.

1# of bud material converted to wax fits into a 4"x 4" zip baggie. doesn't stink. no smell at all to my nose. sweet. :)

we can run guerilla grows just for wax. we're getting multiple #'s per female straight from seed. super easy now to grow lots of small gardens just about anywhere we can safely get into and get the product out of.

on our first runs the 99% iso yielded almost no oil. all wax. at cold temps the wax is actually crystal cannabis. scrapes super easy. not so with oily extracts. the cannabis crystals form up into wax when at room temp. 10% yields on average including trim leaf part of bud.

^ fan dries in 12 hours. pyrex baking dish scrapes in 1-2 minutes. alcohol is polar solvent. no need to heat purge from what i'm seeing so far. no gree chlorophyl 'cause material is sun cured prior to harvest!

^ look, we're brand new at this. i'm probably goofing something up. i'm not going anywhere (i hope). any mistakes are unintentional and this is a learning process. i'll correct when needed and appreciate all conducive feedback.

waxed parchment paper for baking seems to be the easy user friendly container (packetts) so far. 4" squares are cheap and easily available at e-sites like amazon.

vapes are very much the new trend. omicron and perseus make highly rated full melt portable vapes. the omicron is $100/ea. and is pretty awesome in re-chargable long lasting lithium ion batteries, easy to break down for any reason (cleaning), new kiss replaceable carts, etc.

this thing is just rolling along. getting some vape pens to test the full melt wax. on aluminum foil wax full melts like heroin (tar) to oil. super druggy/sexy looking.

ppl are driving down the street vaping. ppl are vaping at work. are they just vaping nicotine? the cannabis concentrates vape fumes don't have the trademark stench of bud smoke aromas. super stealthy, super discreet. rave reviews. i don't like ppl getting fucked up and driving is the biggest drawback so far.

concentrates make outdoor grown product lucrative. just have to adjust your thinking.

vaping concentrates is the rage. od has a big advantage 'cause the weight potential is where it's at in concentrates and od has the weight advantage. sun-cured od material is super fragrant and our landrace based strains are very potent. some "custy's" refuse to smoke our reconstituted hash 'cause its so strong. ppl from lebanaon were wide eyed talking about how our product is as good as best red/gold seal lebananese hash. true story. rave reviews in bag appeal and performance from all experienced hash smokers. problem is, new skool around here doesn't understand hash 'cause they have never even seen it. :) hash isn't full melt. hash needs another type of portable vape tool and then they can vape hash anywhere. they need to keep a nicotine vape product container in their cars in case they get stopped. again, i want them to be safe. i don't like sharing the road with ppl too wasted to drive and i don't like the idea of accidents due to driving fucked up. b a d .

the future for us looks to be full melt wax for vape crowd. takes enormous weight to produce wax. outdoors baby. :)


Active member
we've been at this od grow stuff for over 30 years each. long time. don't think you can just get going immediately. many many pitfalls. we are still very very small 'cuse leo is all over od grown with aerial surveillance. then you've got hunters with rifles/shotguns at harvest season. then you've got rippers. then you've got anyone who knows your secrets spreading your name and what you do over 2-3 counties. then you've got the dealers/middlemen trying every flex they can imagine........... onandon. onandon onandon .


Astronaut Status
My 2 cents..........In non-legal states making wax/oil/shatter from outdoor trim is a great way to make money on stuff that would be normally thrown out. Open blasting tubes, with butane bought in bulk is very profitable. Shit even the vape pens can be bought at cheap enough prices to filp for less than retail and still make money.
A case of butane will give me at minimum.....12 grams of finished product(made from "shitty" trim. Even at $30 a gram that's $360, from about a lb. of trim. the butane cost on that one is less than $30 for the whole case. See where I'm going with this one? If someone was to keep going at that rate, a closed loop system is in their near future.

Even high quality outdoor BUDS can be made into wax for a nice increase in profit. This year after harvest, I did a run with outdoor bud. Took 3 oz.'s of primo buds(kosher kush, gorilla glue#4 mix) and blasted them. Got a return of 21 grams of wax. In my area a gram of wax made from bud goes for $50. That's a potential $1050 from 3 oz's. Those 3 ounces would retail $600.($200 an ounce is the going rate for outdoor in my area, that's $3200 a lb.....not bad prices).

The catch with this one is the quantity and quality. Your average outdoor guerilla grower doesn't take care of their plants like they are indoor plants(I do). As we all know the better the starting material, the more return you get, and better quality.

For me in the end, it's worth it, and there is good money to be made. It just takes lot's of work, and a willingness to spend money to make money. If you have pounds of trim, you must have a couple pounds of bud. For less than the cost of a couple ounces, ANYONE can get set-up to make decent wax/oil.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
My 2 cents..........In non-legal states making wax/oil/shatter from outdoor trim is a great way to make money on stuff that would be normally thrown out. Open blasting tubes, with butane bought in bulk is very profitable. Shit even the vape pens can be bought at cheap enough prices to filp for less than retail and still make money.
A case of butane will give me at minimum.....12 grams of finished product(made from "shitty" trim. Even at $30 a gram that's $360, from about a lb. of trim. the butane cost on that one is less than $30 for the whole case. See where I'm going with this one? If someone was to keep going at that rate, a closed loop system is in their near future.

Even high quality outdoor BUDS can be made into wax for a nice increase in profit. This year after harvest, I did a run with outdoor bud. Took 3 oz.'s of primo buds(kosher kush, gorilla glue#4 mix) and blasted them. Got a return of 21 grams of wax. In my area a gram of wax made from bud goes for $50. That's a potential $1050 from 3 oz's. Those 3 ounces would retail $600.($200 an ounce is the going rate for outdoor in my area, that's $3200 a lb.....not bad prices).

The catch with this one is the quantity and quality. Your average outdoor guerilla grower doesn't take care of their plants like they are indoor plants(I do). As we all know the better the starting material, the more return you get, and better quality.

For me in the end, it's worth it, and there is good money to be made. It just takes lot's of work, and a willingness to spend money to make money. If you have pounds of trim, you must have a couple pounds of bud. For less than the cost of a couple ounces, ANYONE can get set-up to make decent wax/oil.

thats what my outdoor bud goes for around here is 200$ and that considered top shelf stuff..damn i been tossing my trim ever year!! i seen on tv that a guy making concertrates in colorado that buys it..i wish i knew him haha..i really need to start saveing that shit and just putting it in a freezer till i learn how to make this hash shit from the trim and make a extra pocket of loot to carry me thur till next year..hmmmmm
"Who says you need to bring all the buds indoors to store them? Use the system I just outlined above and leave the buds in the woods until you need them!"

Good idea to leave the buds, or most of them, out in the woods.
But leaving them hanging in trees covered by a trash bag is just asking for someone to come along and steal all your hard work.

I would say dry them and then cut the buds off the stalks and put in sealable buckets or something, and then stash these in a thicket or if no thicket then cover over with branches.

Don't bury them in the ground, makes them smell weird.

And as for commercial guerilla growing for a living, well it can be done, I mean don't rely on it for your only income, it's more of a supplementary income, an influx of money for a short time that lets you buy things that you otherwise couldn't afford.
Don't go and take out a house mortgage with the idea of paying for it by guerilla growing, it's not a guaranteed income.

Just be aware that lots of things can go wrong, and while after a bit of experience you should be almost guaranteed of getting a harvest, it might not be as big as you hoped.
Insects can wipe you out, leo, rippers, weather etc.

I have been doing it for years, and I'm still learning.
I have always got a harvest except for one year when bushfires roared through and wiped me out completely, all 8 spots.
But while I always got a harvest it was never enough to give me enough weed to sell for the whole year.
Three months maximum and I was sold out.

And don't get ideas you are going to get a pound a plant; not guerilla growing you wont, unless you are in a kind climate.
The reality with guerilla growing is from one to four oz per plants.
Now people will probably come on here and say I can't grow, and that they get 3 pounds per plant guerilla; well it may be possible, but not in my harsh dry climate. Maybe in a climate where the soil in always naturally moist you could do it.

The reality is you will make more money over the year if you worked in a day job than guerilla growing.
I just do it because I'm addicted to it and the way of life suits me.


HAHAHA stop kidding yourself 100 pounds to dry store all in the woods...
Thats the next cheech and chong movie just think about it


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Commercial growing for a living is definitely possible, if you can get by on your bills only and don't have to worry about spending habits. If you can put a lot of time into your grow in the bush then you can really make more growing than working.

I know an old man and his brother get by with about 100 lbs guerilla growing for a living every year and they farm for a living, imagine that? Lol. Each pound wholesale for about $$2,800-$3,000. You know they are doing something right!

You can also invest your earnings into making money. Start your own business. A lot of people around here kick start their career with grow money.


Commercial growing for a living is definitely possible, if you can get by on your bills only and don't have to worry about spending habits. If you can put a lot of time into your grow in the bush then you can really make more growing than working.

I know an old man and his brother get by with about 100 lbs guerilla growing for a living every year and they farm for a living, imagine that? Lol. Each pound wholesale for about $$2,800-$3,000. You know they are doing something right!

You can also invest your earnings into making money. Start your own business. A lot of people around here kick start their career with grow money.
Yeah man your old friends are Cheech and chong hanging the 100 pounds up un trees to dry get real man.:laughing::moon:


if it smells like fish
it has and is being done by lots of folks....yeehaw .. just grow it..trying to dry a lot outside could be real problematic depending... end of season,,, hunting season,cooler temps,rain ,snow ,loss of cover foliage and other shit....not recommended...


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
No the fellars I referred to do not dry they're bud outdoors. They dry it in a couple old school buses and semi trailers to be honest.

Ceausescu, I do not understand what you mean by get real. What state, or "country" are you from and how much knowledge do you have about the underground growing (specifically) guerilla trade business? Have you read up on the amount of production coming from these hills of Eastern Ky? If not I think you should do a little researching. No one knows what goes on deep in the appalachians, unless you have spent time growing up around here, you don't know the extremities in life that pushes people beyond their limits to produce out of fear of just living and getting by in these small towns with no economy.

Why do you think you hear people say if you have no reason to be in East Ky do not go to East Ky in the hills and hollers, you don't wan't to turn down the wrong road because whats out there people are protecting with every breath of their life.

Anyway, contrary to what some may think. It is possible! If your in it for that reason good luck to you and hope you get where you need to be in life and best wishes to all Guerillas this year :tiphat:

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