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come rant in here


Active member
Fuck at least you you didnt destroy someone's windshield or cause a car crash/injuries. A 300 gal water tank bouncin towards a car? That could have gone wayyy worse.


Active member
reminds me of the time a mate and offsider were bringing home a big freezer we just bought to keep cray bait in and 6 44 gal drums that were just galvanised, drink driving as we did all the time them days, they were in a valley, long winding roads down and up and stopped for a piss stop , was n/time and glanced around back after falling out of the truck and the whole lot was fuk'n gone , bloody drunks, tail gate had unlatched while they sang and drank piss.only about 800 bucks worth.

Gross... they drank $800 worth of piss? Must've been Kardashian piss.


yes, the fosters is then collected at urinals, bottled and exported to England


New member
...i'm so sick of hearing all this fake news russian collusion bullshit, what a complete waste of taxpayer time and money!

when are these assholes gonna stop being dumpacraps and repugnicans and start being Americans again?

peace, bozo
Nothing fake about the russian involvement. It happened No BS...Collusion to be continued..


Nothing fake about the russian involvement. It happened No BS...Collusion to be continued..

Nobody can tell us what the Russians did to the election.

What did they do? Hack analog voting machines that are not even connected to the internet? Oh, that's right, the "Macedonian content farmers". Hillary rigged the Democratic primary against Bernie. She gets what she deserves.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Active member
No offense but let's keep politics out of here. I just want to hear people bitch about the bear that dug up their plants or something.


I just want to hear people bitch about the bear that dug up their plants or something.


Damn pot-head bears.....

no laughing matter BT, those bear rippers are moving out of their traditional dens in sanfran and in to nor cal and beyond

Please BE WARNED! Over the last month I have become a victim of a clever scam whilst out at the grow store.
Here's how the scam works:

Two very good-looking silver bear daddies come over to your car as you are packing your Advance Nutrients™ into the boot. They both start cleaning your windscreen, their bellies almost falling out of their skimpy T- shirts. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead they ask you for a lift to the dispensary. You agree and they both get in the back seat.
On the way there, they start undressing, until both are completely naked. Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over your lap, kissing you,eating cheese burgers , touching you intimately and thrusting herself against you, while the other one steals your wallet!
I had my wallet stolen on September 4th, 9th,10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th and 29th. Also on October 1st, 4th, 6th, 9th and 10th and twice yesterday.So please warn all the older men you know to be on the lookout for this scam.
The best times seem to be just before lunch and about 4:20 in the afternoon.


Active member
Red thats a bummer- knock em out.

Heres my rant for the day:

Went to set up drip irr in the dep, 1/4" connectors i bought nowhere to be found. Went to modify the tarp, ran out of adhesive. Went to fertigate the dep, hose end sprayer keeps clogging on AEA nastiness so just irrigated with shitty water.

So now i gotta go to town for adhesive and connectors.

On the bright side the full season looks good with fresh growth, and maybe ill buy a new pair of boots in town.

Edit: man theres a lot on the bright side. I need some persoective sometimes


Active member
Went to buy 150 sticks of 2" pvc schedule 40 at the yard and the guy loads my truck and brings the forks down too hard and bends my pipe rack ,and drops maybe 50 sticks all over the yard.. at this point something tells me it was going to be a long day.
Then when we get almost home, on the ridge road my driver slams on the brakes to not hit a lizard... All 150 sticks go sliding forward, smash into the hood and spill everywhere , all over the road...
This takes 1 hr to reorganize ..

Then not even a quarter mile later he is going too fast and hits a bump, hits the brakes and deja vu , total shitshow again..
However this time the land owner pulls up behind us, with the ol' lady and kids while we have over 100 sticks scattered all over the road ...
I wanted to scream at this point, but what good does that do?
F*ck these pipes, the driver and this whole project , arghhh!!!


Active member
I truly... honestly... heart-felt-sincerely... don't intend to laugh at your misfortune, JOJO but........

LOL... damn... what a shitty day you had!!

...and I'll add... WTF? Tie that shit down!! :D


Active member
lmao i started cracking up when i got to 'lizard'. Must have been an iguana? did he really brake for one of those small guys?

i have an update to my rant. it gets better lmao... those connectors i bought that i couldnt find.. i got to the irr store and started lookin for em, and guess what.. i realized i didnt buy them in the first place. and i didnt fuckin buy them because i dont need them!! hahahaha. last time i was there i had figured out i could use in-line drippers (which i already had) instead of connectors. apparently i forgot this. does this happen to other people or am i just an astronaut