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Come on in to Tiger's Den - Sweet13 by TRC


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Weekly update - no pics right now though, camera is on loan.

Well, talk about luck - the ballast I got to replace the one that went out? It went down too. How freaking irritating is that shit?! :badday:

I flushed the Sweet 13s as planned, and sure enough, they've gone into those lower leaves before they could get fed today. But, growth has been good. They've gained about another 1.5 inches. They got fed today, so should be good to go.

The canaries are flowering along, and I'm getting a better picture of how much pollen that hermie put out. Doesn't seem too bad, except of course for the plants that were in the same pot as the hermie. Only a coupla budsites on the other plants seem to have gotten hit. Oh well, like I said, not too worried about it. Besides, I got my revenge - I'm enjoying Hermie Brownies as we speak :D

Biped - Yeah, I am going to increase the wattage in the veg area, but probably not until I get the permanent room set up. I could probably only squeeze one more shop rack in there right now, and it wouldn't do too terribly much besides get in my way. I'd like to go with a 400 or 600 watt MH in there, but I'd have to run a completely new ventilation system to control the heat. So, I'm thinking I'll hold off until I do the new room. Although, I have about 100 fourescent ballasts with tubes available from work, so reworking it may not be completely out of the question :D Gotta love freebies :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...

Everyone is showing signs of an overfert, so everyone is recieving a flushing tonight. Nothing severely wrong, just appears nitrogen has built up in the soil, and has reached a point where it may be causing some calcium lockout, so we're going to flush and see if that doesn't fix the problem. If it doesn't, it's off to the hydro store for some Cal Mag, and probably a PK booster as well (depends on how much Mrs. Nite let's me spend :D)

Overall though, things are going great. The 2 most mature canaries have stopped stretching, and started to crystal up nicely, as you'll see in the pic I grabbed. One appears to be within 2-3 weeks of harvest, so it's time to break out the pocket scope. Of course, being bagseed, there's not telling for sure, and it may have another month and a half. Time will tell - my Motto is 'No plant before its time :D The trichs will tell me when to harvest.

As Bipedal suggested, I have acquired about 20 flourescent ballasts and bulbs, with up to 40 more coming tomorrow. We'll be increasing the wattage in the veg closet to at least 400, but, heat management willing, we'll go up to 800. I'll detail the construction of the rack (and how I obtained all of these ballasts FREE) in a seperate thread in GD&E, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested. Also, within the next two weeks, look for the construction thread that will document the build out of the permanent room, which will have two seperate 2kw flowering chambers, a much larger veg room, plumbing, and 12 foot ceilings - time to get serious :D

On with the pics!

Here's the Sweet 13s - you can see where I mentioned above that they dug into thier lower leaves and I haven't removed them yet. Yeah, makes for bad pictures, but, as you can see, things are going great!

Here's an overview of the flower room with the canaries, which are still sharing one light, unfortunately.

And here's the fun shot, getting up close and personal with the most mature canary as she frosts up! :woohoo:

That's it for now, until next time...



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Yeah I can see a little N curl..doesn't look too tooo bad..
Everything still looks OK from here..but I like to flush um out a little too every now and then when things get weird..
they always seem to like it too.. :canabis:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, they've got the Ram's horn going, and I noticed a bit of picture perfect (even if I couldn't get a good pic of it :D) calcium defeciency starting, so it was off to the tub for a good flushing :D

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
NiteTiger, I go to the woods for a while and come back to this! lookin good man, glad you're feelin better. also sorry to hear about the ballast problems you've had. may want to have the wiring checked before changing it again. i cant wait to see the split room design and flip flop setup. anyway i'll be checkin in on you gl and peace!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Looking nice even through a little rough time. Those canaries are very frosty for this early of budding period. Those will be interesting to watch! They may be white when there done!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Dopest! long time no see mano! Hidin' out in the woods huh? Hope everything is okay. Yeah, some progress has been made, huh? :D

dc105 Yep, they've seen a bit of a rough patch, but then again, that's what they're there for - better them than the Sweet 13 :smile:

And now for my weekly update, day late though it may be :D

The Sweet 13 are responding great. preflowers are showing, and some odor has started. Forgive the crappy quality pics, and the still unremoved dead leaves :bat:

And here's a shot of the two oldest canaries, and the obligatory close up

Until next time, :wave:
Last edited:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
:woohoo: Back under 2kw of light! Finally got the time to get in there and see what was what. Turns out, I had one ballast with a bad transformer (ouch, $$$) and one with a bad capacitor. Stole the good cap outta the bad transformer ballast, and quicker than you can say Frankenstein, I've got two working ballasts again. Like Meatloaf said - Two outta three ain't bad :D

The Sweet 13's are ready to clone, and I swung by Wally World to pick up the makings of a bubble cloner, so we'll be topping for cones here in the next coupla days, definately by the weekend.

Oh, and just a side note - If you find yourself in the tool department, and see a nice set of nut drivers, and have ANY ideas about repairing your Sunlight Supply ballasts yourself - BUY THEM! Freaking things have more nuts than an OCD squirrel. And I am now sporting two massive blood blisters on each pinkie as testament to why you use the proper tools for the job :bat:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heya Dopest! Glad ya stopped by! Swung by the other place you mentioned in your PM, but it looks as tho all the good stuff is restricted. Gonna have some spend some time over there and throw up some pics to get the access? Looks like some good folks.

Sorry for the lack of updates ppl, been extremely busy. Here's a quick rundown of where we are today:

The top half of the eldest canary has been harvested, and it is excellent smoke. I'd estimate she put out about a half oz dry, not too shabby given that they were just thrown into a bucket of dirt and left alone under 12/12 :) And the smoke is very surprising. Very very skunky smell so much so that Mrs. Nite has forbidden the burping of the jar in the house - "Everytime you open that, the house smells like a family of skunks died, and it takes me hours to get rid of it". Yeah, it's that skunky :cool:

The flavor, however, is very strongly pine. At the harvest smoke test, the phrase most often used was "like I'm sucking a pine forest through a straw". Underneath the pine, there is an thick hash taste, which becomes much more pronounced on the exhale.

The high is great, and very very potent. An obvious Sativa high, it creeps up on you very very slowly, and then WHAM, you watch your thoughts scatter like birds and you realize you're really, really baked :) It settles into your body with a tingle, and you soar along, feeling quite up. After about 3 hours, it'll start to slide down into a narcotic dozy weight that settles on you. A quick bite at this point will leave you clear headed and awake. As a matter of fact, eating at pretty much any point will leave you clear headed - this high hates food, and runs from it like a cheetah. Obviously, the munchy factor is low. Mild cravings is all, and it actually leaves you feeling full.

It's amazing how good brickweed once was :) Nothing quite like a good Mexican Sativa :D

The SWeet 13s are vegging like champs, and should be cloned this evening, if I can make it - I'm beat.

So, in summation, I should be harvesting canaries about weekly for the next 6 weeks, and we're about 2 and a half weeks out till the main attraction - the Sweet 13's will hit flower. And best of all, my dry spell is over :D About the time I stop harvesting canaries, the Sweet 13s will be ready :D

Until next time :wave:

PS Updates may be slow until the Sweet 13s get to flower, then I'll go back to weekly. And yes, I will put up some harvest shots soon.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Do not clone while high! That's the lesson for today :badday:

Anyway, long story short, clones cut and going, but, alas, stoner moment - unlabeled. :wallbash: :pointlaug



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Everything is still coming right along..I like good ol brick-weed every now and then too..Right on, enjoy that canary.. :wave:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Coming along nicely indeed Packn2puff. Still whipping myself over the stoner move of not labeling the clones, but, meh, doesn't really cause a huge problem, just a little more time to thin out the veg room is all.

At least the good genes have finally started thier journey to the flower room :woohoo:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Canary #2 came down today, here's some pics - we'll update the Sweet13s later, after lights on.



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Had to go out of town for a coupla weeks, and the plants did not take it so well. I've got a tray full of dead clones, the Sweet13 moms aren't lookin' so hot, showing extensive self-feeding and drought stress.

The good news tho - still alive, and looks like they're ready for a haircut after some TLC.

Will update when I take new clones - I'll even label them this time LOL


Active member
i grew out 2 swt13's a month ago n' got males....still got 8 though:)......love those old TRC crosses...got a finished bluetooth i just posted in flwrpx...plus a few more packs of LS goodies.....these are the ones i dont give away easily.....great plant NT.......nf


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Had to lay low for a bit, but I'm still around, thought I should drop in so my friends here don't start wondering what happened :D

Where we're at:

1 canary left in flower room, about 2 weeks left on her. SWT13s are recovering, although still experiencing some severe stresses from being rootbound and a crazy personal schedule. Not in a position right now to be able to do anything with them, so we're just kinda limping along, keeping them alive for a future date when I can proceed to flowering.

More details and pics later, although I can't give an estimate on when.

Things kinda nuts around here right now, but I'm soldiering on.


hey hey Nitetiger. sorry i havent checked in earlier mang!!! sorta hectic schedule myself matey. so i feel your pain there, sorry to hear about your losses on return from your trip...these things cant be helped eh?

so youve upped your lightiong? 2k did i read corect? awesome if i did lol

well hope your stressed girls come out all good. im sure you will offer only the best TLC mate

untill next time...take care. *subscribed now*

keep em green


Hi there NiteTiger,

cool thread you have going here. always nice to see plants do thier thing all the way from seed to harvest.

nice to see you were lucky with the "canaries". i hope you make time to get a new bunch of clones in the flowring room. we all want to see the Sweet 13's do their thing. hope time allows soon.

peace out