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Columbian Mangobichi From Mr. Garcia


charlie garcia

HI amigos

Mangobiche takes longer and behaves like Oldtimer Hazes, thin stretchy line, full of mango flavours. Its a colombian job I just made some selections to avoid intersexuals and so but comes from columbian people, real breeders of this and friends who shared it with me and I respect.

AngolaThai F1 was a mistake by us as should have stayed in private but for different reasons some were put in the market. Excuse me am not trying to justify or protect lines neither mistreat anyone but respect some personal wishes of LMN. Is a cross between best La Mano Negra Alex (rip) Angola selected by Dubi and a Meao Thai dad from my side. Southernmeds got given different seed lots as he does so fine for some medical people and thus our intention wishing lines could help him and to those he thinks may help as well. I know of his kindness and bright soul and is a honour to us he finds these lines turn interesting and useful

With all my respect to Ginga (big kiss she knows) there must be not problems to talk about a smoke report once commented Gordo and in the sense that documents some different genetics from a few spanish guys playing breeding and who tried to do their best. But Ill say again, was a private cross :)

thanx for your comprehension and understanding

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charlie garcia

and some Mangobiche leafes, very low leaf variations


These is one of the fields where some lots of Mangobiche came from

Let me share also this lime green leafed, tall and thin Michoacan with Southernmeds and friends




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charlie garcia

it's not a fault.. i believe true sativas are pretty much a psychedelic tool. being elevated is not what biggest part of a smoker population want, they want relaxation and stress-relieve. so sativas will always be in a small market demand. i think sativas distribution is far more of a friendship sharing rather than market profit :)

Guess is been like that for decades indeed, prohibition played a big roll, but many other factors as well. Now life seems too stressful for most and agree most rather grow something to calm down or to fall sleep. As consequence many of these sativas are kept and worked privatelly. For me still some of them pure or hybrids, work as best stimulant...and not all are that long.

el gordo

Active member
oppppsss! i just wrote a detailed smoke report and disappeared because of a login problem! ouch! i'm sorry! will try to do it again on monday, have a nice weekend sirs!

charlie, very nice pictures as usual, your info on sativas are always very interesting i hope we can enjoy this mango work someday! :tiphat:


New member
Hola charlie, when do you plan on release these super special seeds!

i remember smoking mango biche in my home land venezuela.

best smoke ever, it has this spiritual jurney super happy and beautifull efect!

thanks man! for making this posible!

also smoked some durban poison from nirvana, it was a good happy clear high, but mango biche is something diferent it is far superior sativa high that really opens the mind!

charlie garcia

Hola sc como estamos, espero todo vaya bien por allá

Mangobiche is not an easy plant for most but well done has a great reputation in Colombia you know well. The fact these lines dont interest much to most makes them hard to find its place in rooms so I dont know, made several lots and sent most back to the country so I should need to make a new lot for that. But dont know really, hard to say, sincerelly is hard task for such little expectations but Ill think about it. Cant tell much yet
Ojala supiera! ;)

De La Luz

:wave: Kaiki, You & Dubi are the BEST !!!!!!!!!!

One Love, One Heart !

:thank you:

charlie garcia

These are private lines. ACE has thousands of sativa seeds in stock to sell, plenty of really. Ppl who likes them can get them and thats all available.
Jamaican should be coming soon from CBG collection.
thx and best
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Active member
These are private lines. ACE has thousands of sativa seeds in stock to sell, plenty of really. Ppl who likes them can get them and thats all available.
Jamaican should be coming soon from CBG collection.
thx and best
Any Pics of the Jamaican Blue Mountain while flowering?

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