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Colorado MMJ License ?'s


Weed, Higher Education And Renewable Energy: Ritter Talks 2010

Ritter did not escape without being grilled about a hot-button, medical marijuana. Ritter said the drug is beneficial, but some regulation is needed. The governor said that when the law passed, the government didn’t establish a framework and now medical marijuana regulation is soft. Ritter said medical marijuana needs to be dealt with in way that will get the law back to the way voter initially intended for it to be. There are two fundamental parts, Ritter said, that need to be addressed. First, access to a medical marijuana prescription card is fairly easy, and Ritter said the problem lies in the physician/patient relationships. A person should not be able to visit a doctor, chat for twenty minutes and then get a card, Ritter argued.
“The focus should be on physicians providing cards to patients who don’t need it,” Ritter said. “[There are] a group of physicians not being careful.”
The other facet, Ritter continued, is regulating the marijuana provided to those with cards. Caregivers must either have a limited number of patients or a limited amount of product in the dispensaries, Ritter said.

looks like they're going after doctors next year...


Long haired country boy
Finally! I got my state issued card almost 13 weeks after I sent it in...
When I turned it in at the CDHPE they told me 6 weeks. They really need to get some more help down there. I kept telling friends all I wanted for X-mas was my mmj card it was issued the 24th of dec..


I’m still waiting on my card from the state, sent in my paperwork end of September so about the same time as you, Funkfingers. My check got cashed Nov 9, and I’m still waiting. I know I’m good because its been over 35 days but I would really would rather have the new card in hand. I don’t understand if you change your address the state says you have to notify them within 10 days but they can take over 13 weeks to get back to me. They really need to use all our $90 registry fees and hire some more help.


Coming from the midwest, reading these threads is seriously like bizarro world.

I'm jealous of you, CO. Keep up the good work and set a great example!


Where’s My Card?

The Medical Marijuana Registry is experiencing a major growth in volume of applications and related requests. As a result of this growth in volume and the constraints of limited resources, we have had to prioritize our efforts in order to maintain basic services within statutorily mandated actions.

Estimated Time frames

All time frames are measured from the date of receipt in the registry.


Within three to four weeks

New/renewal cards

Within twelve to fourteen weeks


Within twelve to fourteen weeks

These time frames are estimates and subject to change based on volume.

What do I do until my card arrives?

Colorado Constitution, Article XVIII, Section 14, paragraph 3 (d) states:

Except for patients applying pursuant to subsection (6) of this section, where the state health agency, within thirty-five days of receipt of an application, fails to issue a registry identification card or fails to issue verbal or written notice of denial of such application, the patient’s application for such card will be deemed to have been approved. Receipt shall be deemed to have occurred upon delivery to the state health agency, or deposit in the United States mails.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no application shall be deemed received prior to June 1, 1999. A patient who is questioned by any state or local law enforcement official about his or her medical use of marijuana shall provide a copy of the application submitted to the state health agency, including the written documentation and proof of the date of mailing or other transmission of the written documentation for delivery to the state health agency, which shall be accorded the same legal effect as a registry card, until such time as the patient receives notice that the application has been denied.

Updated: 11/20/2009
So, if they can reject them within 35 days why can't they just approve them on that day too? Does it have to go down the line to 3 more people to go from approval to pink card or what? I can't remember the last time a new patient showed me a pink card. All I see nowadays is paperwork.


I found and then lost a document that described CDPHE's workflow for processing these and it was a bit convoluted. Probably more than 3 people participate in finishing the process. iirc they do them in large batches, from start to finish. The 35-day thing lets them triage the rejections for ineligible conditions or bad notarizations or wrong color ink and they queue up the rest. Basically a "not rejected" application has to go through about 5 sub-processes to get it all done and mail out the card.

edit: Found it, no idea where I got this


-Packet: App, MD, ID, $
-Triage: Reject, New, Renewal, Change
-Money deposited
-Data entry/update
-Exceptions handling
-Card Issued

Why this takes 3-4 months is beyond me. Refusal to staff the department correctly or invest any money in automation improvements would be my guess. They think the state is going to somehow make 90% of the patients go away and it will be like the old days.


I had to send mine in 4 times. First time they said the clinic cut off the last digit on my ID expiration. Then 2nd time it was sent back with a re-do form with nothing written on it. Sent it back, figured out they don't accept temporary checks, then sent it one more time with a money order, a good 4-5 months later and then finally got it within another two months.


So can any of you recommend Drs/Offices that do 25+ plants?

I have a few people who want to get cards & my doctor has moved out of state. So I have no idea where to tell them to go.

They have no medical records, but qualifying conditions.

Please tell me about your Dr & experience even if you didnt get 25+ plants

Thanks guys!
I've heard that most docs aren't really doing that anymore. Anything over 6 plants per patient is a grey area anyway even if you can still get a higher plant count recommendation.