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Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana!


Now in technicolor
Fantastic news. Good job CO/WA pot smokers. You guys and gals are setting an example for the rest of the country.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If the states set up state ran stores aren't they breaking federal law and commiting a felony? I wonder if the DEA is gonna shut down the state stores. lol

Who does the time for that one? lol...The governor maybe?


Active member
The dea article makes no sense. Congress has declared mj a schedule I drug (no medical value with high potential for abuse) while funding the university of mississippi's pharmacy school to grow it to supply for medical use. It is contradictory to say the least. If they also intend to shut down major suppliers how is 3 vegging plants and 3 flowering plants per 21 plus year old a major supplier? Both arguments are dead on arrival. I just want to be able to go to Colorado with an out of state license and buy what I want while I'm there. Sooner than later.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
in my opinion the feds need to step in and recognize the will of the people, 2 amendments to state constitution in colorado ; and "officials" living some other place want to question the judgement and intentions of legal colorado mmj patients.

good advice from the twirling hippy cheezecake lady, jess leroux:

"Hey Now 64 celebrants! Please do this historic victory a solid by celebrating Colorado's newfound freedom responsibly. 1st of all, technically 64 does not go into effect until December when the Governor signs the election results, so for the next 30 days please be discreet. Please dont carry an ounce in your car or on your person until after Dec 7th. And bear in mind that "the man" will be looking to tally up some automotive statistics for future legislative use in the immediate aftermath of the election, so get your plates, tags and headlights up to code, wear your seatbelt, and drive with caution. Stay out of the car if the celebration includes alcohol, or has you in any way actually impaired. For the love of god do not sit in your driver's seat of your car to smoke up, pulling over and getting out of your vehicle and getting a potential public use ticket is far far less costly than a potential DUI... Voters have made a difference in the future of our state, lets show everybody in the whole world that doing the same for their citizens will be a good thing."


There is a much older broader law in effect (i think everywhere in the USA) that basically says "During the time you are renting a place you have the same rights as if you own it".


From the other side of the ocean, from the once known country of "good life" the once called "bella Italia", now nightmare for anybody living here:

Congratulations californian guys! You really do have balls!:huggg:

We dream of such an event happening here, as you know we are ruled by corruption, vatican, mafia etc....

Enjoy your freedom and remember: the whole world today plause and dream of you!

Good luck with the DEA now...:biggrin: it's your "vatican" (read dark entity disconnected from the people will).

Your fight will benefit the whole world:thank you:


When the DEA is finally shut down, NOBODY hire them for any other jobs!!

If you're conducting an interview with a potential employee, and you see they have "former DEA agent" on their resume, here's what you need to say.

I just noticed on your resume that you're a former Nazi, so at this point the interview is over, and I would like you to get the fuck out of my office immediately.

No jobs for these P.O.S.


Active member
The first pieces of the wall have fallen.....but remember folks unless the feds go with it, state law doesn't mean shit. Fed laws supercede state laws, and you can bet the fed prison system is waiting with open cells to lock us up in!!!! I am so thrilled that citizens have voted and chosen to go with weed....but I am also very frightened at the possibility of people getting fed time, as opposed to state time. I KNOW the FED govt isn't going to change it's stance, so I guess we will have to watch as it plays out!!!! As for prices dropping, we are the growers, and must remind people when they want rock bottom prices, that it is still very illegal as per FED law, and hold prices firm. Growing weed is very easy, growing MEDICAL QUALITY MARIJUANA, is difficult, time consuming, ego busting, expensive, and lonely. It takes a special type of person to do what we do...you gotta have balls, courage, tenacity, fearlessness, loyalty, and heart......we growers are a special breed, and we have been leading this legalize charge, from behind the scenes, with every plant we grow. Our time is at hand.............




Professor Organic Psychology

Here is an excerpt from your story

"We are concerned with people who are using it as a pretext to become large-scale drug dealers.

What everyone has to always remember is that the DEA or any government is not going to let you grow anything, manufacture anything and especially vice related that will make you rich without getting their full share. The government controls who gets rich very carefully. If you are just your average smoker you are protected from arrest. They never cared about those people to begin with, but some cops, especially when there are other circumstances will arrest a person with a smallish amount. Now they cannot rack up a possession charge on one of us when they are trying to find a way to fuck us. In fact if they find some weed they have to give it back.

I would say to be careful if you are smoking or holding weed on Federal Property, like National Parks. Outside of that as long as you are not DWI or blatantly smoking it in public you are probably free from arrest. How many of us actually run into Federal Officers in our day-day lives?

This is about as legal as it can get at this stage of the game. Be happy


Active member
Damm i envy u guys, congrats on a victory u guys are going in the right direction.

The goverment i live under is going the opposite direction and that sucks big time.



this is so amazing, it seems a real well thought out amendment. all aspects are taken into account, but it still maintains a certain common sense and allows what was never allowed before. 3 flowering plants can give a nice yield and it's much better then nothing. in fact it was clever, they allow you as much as you can yield, but by only allowing 3 flowering plants they make it into a peanut situation which theoretically shouldn't interest the feds as it's not in their jurisdiction. how could they justify taking action against a 3 plant home grower? of course the whole commercial regulatory aspect is another story. i imagine when the first licensed to grow and sell operations go live the feds will attack that aspect as that is in their jurisdiction. specially if banks are used and if any out of state material is used in the production facility, they will come in with the commerce clause. at least thats how they have behaved so far.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
I am keeping a close eye on these states and the Fed's actions to thwart...Expect them to come crashing down on this. Obama would like to see MMJ in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry, not in the hands of the people.


Active member
also, mmj is gonna be separate from legal pot everyone can buy.. least too my knowledge.

Blue Socks

Huligan has it right the Feds are going to go after stores and people moving weight not some random person growing a few for their own use. What these laws really do is free up the common man from being hassled by their local LEO. With one stroke the citizens made it legal to grow weed in their own yards and not have to worry about Sheriff such and such or officer nosey to come kicking in their door in the middle of the night. That's the people you gotta watch out for the local cops, the Feds are not spending their time or resources busting normal people only the big guys.