Hope it changes soon for you guys in colorado... must be shit loads of product waiting for that sun to come... the more quality herbs around the better imo....
Bite them back.
Damn,,, Im sorry Man I forgot Yer from Arkansas.
That was bad form to expect some one with 3 teeth in their head to be able to actually bite a skeeter back.
I am insensitive at times. I AM Working on it though. Lord I apologize, and God Bless The Pyghmy's down in,,,,,
Yeah it's easier for me to just walk around with a can of hair spray and a lighter. Kill em by the thousands around sunrise and sunset. They love that fire til the last second...
Bat houses are good to. the bats are having a banner year for sure. with them Mtns so close Ya gotta have some. maybe build them some bat box's.
Or maybe You don't like bat's either.lol
I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere in reference to total natural pest control, in My studying to live a Self sustaining Lifestyle.
I have not weighed any negative affects for the bats,,, If any.
Went through all 16 pages. Looks good in there brother. That gg4 blew the hell up. I also like the super sour fire og. I'll be peeping for updates. Peace and puffs